外文書名: Accelerator Physics
叢書名: 研究生前沿教材書系
平裝: 575頁
正文語種: 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 7309052099
條形碼: 9787309052091
尺寸: 22.8 x 15.4 x 3 cm
重量: 762 g
美國印第安納大學教授、美國物理學會集束物理學分會(Divison of Physics of Beams)會員。長期從事加速器物理的教學和研究工作。研究工作包括集束冷卻技術,集束的非線性動力學特徵,同步輻射的自旋動力學,空間電荷對集束性能的影響,加速器設計原理,電子存儲環的設計,集束不穩定的原因,自由電子雷射器,集束的控制原理和技術,加速器的套用。多年來除了給本科生講授加速器物理和輔導加速器實驗之外,主要負責研究生的教學工作。
曾擔任美國粒子加速器學院(The United States Particle Accelerator School)院長,美國物理學會集束分會經濟委員會成員,物理學會提名委出版著作有:Accelerator Physics、Spin Dynamics and Snakes in Synchrotrons,Space Charge Dominated Beams and Applications of High Brightness Beams,Beam Measurement等。
1.(新加坡)世界科技出版公司以出版科技專著聞名於世,同我社已有10多年的友好交往。從20世紀90年代以來,尤其是1995年該公司併購了倫敦帝國學院出版社(Imperial College Press)51%的股份(近年已經完成了100%的股份收購)之後,這兩大出版機構在潘國駒教授的集中指揮下,充分發揮了編輯學術委員會的職能,使得出書範圍不斷拓寬,圖書層次逐漸豐富,因此從中遴選影印圖書的空間更大了,再加上該公司在上海設有辦事機構,相關工作人員工作細緻,服務周到,給兩個單位的合作交流帶來極大的便利。
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Preface to the first edition
1 Introduction
I Historical Developments
I.1 Natural Accelerators
I.2 Electrostatic Accelerators
I.3 Induction Accelerators
I.4 Radio-Frequency (RF) Accelerators
I.5 Colliders and Storage Rings
I.6 Synchrotron Radiation Storage Rings
II Layout and Components of Accelerators
II.1 Acceleration Cavities
II.2 Accelerator Magnets
II.3 Other Important Components
III Accelerator Applications
III.1 High Energy and Nuclear Physics
III.2 Solid-State and Condensed-Matter Physics
III.3 Other Applications
2 Transverse Motion
I Hamiltonian for Particle Motion in Accelerators
I.1 Hamiltonian in Frenet-Serret Coordinate System
I.2 Magnetic Field in Frenet-Serret Coordinate System
I.3 Equation of betatron Motion
I.4 Particle Motion in Dipole and Quadrupole Magnets
II Linear Betatron Motion
II.1 Transfer Matrix and Stability of Betatron Motion
II.2 Courant-Snyder Parametrization
II.3 Floquet Transformation
II.4 Action-Angle Variable and Floquet Transformation
II.5 Courant-Snyder Invariant and Emittance
II.6 Stability of Betatron Motion: A FODO Cell Example
II.7 Symplectic Condition
II.8 Effect of Space-Charge Force on Betatron Motion
III Effect of Linear Magnet Imperfections
III.1 Closed-Orbit Distortion due to Dipole Field Errors
III.2 Extended Matrix Method for the Closed Orbit
III.3 Application of Dipole Field Error
III.4 Quadrupole Field (Gradient) Errors
III.5 Basic Beam Observation of Transverse Motion
III.6 Application of quadrupole field error
III.7 Transverse Spectra
III.8 Beam Injection and Extraction
III.9 Mechanisms of emittance dilution and diffusion Exercise
IV Off-Momentum Orbit
IV.1 Dispersion Function
IV.2 Η-Function, Action, and Integral Representation
IV.3 Momentum Compaction Factor
IV.4 Dispersion Suppression and Dispersion Matching
IV.5 Achromat Transport Systems
IV.6 Transport Notation
IV.7 Experimental Measurements of Dispersion Function
IV.8 Transition Energy Manipulation
A. γT jump schemes
B. Flexible momentum compaction (FMC) lattices
C. Other similar FMC modules
D. FMC in double-bend (DB) lattices
IV.9 Minimum (Η) Modules
V chromatic Aberration
V.1 Chromaticity Measurement and Correction
V.2 Nonlinear Effects of Chromatic Sextupoles
V.3 Chromatic Aberration and Correction
V.4 Lattice Design Strategy
VI Linear Coupling
VI.1 The Linear Coupling Hamiltonian
VI.2 Effects of an isolated Linear Coupling Resonance
VI.3 Experimental Measurement of Linear Coupling
VI.4 Linear Coupling Correction with Skew Quadrupoles
VI.5 Linear Coupling Using Transfer Matrix formalism
VII Nonlinear Resonances
VII.1 Nonlinear Resonances Driven by Sextupoles
VII.2 Higher-Order Resonances
VII.3 Nonlinear Detuning from Sextupoles
VII.4 Betatron Tunes and Nonlinear Resonances
VIII Collective Instabilities and Landau Damping
VIII.1 Impedance
VIII.2 Transverse Wave Modes
VIII.3 Effect of Wakefield on Transverse Wave
VIII.4 Frequency Spread and Landau Damping
IX Synchro-Betatron Hamiltonian
3 Synchrotron Motion
I Longitudinal Equation of Motion
I .1 The Synchrotron Hamiltonian
I .2 The Synchrotron Mapping Equation
I .3 Evolution of Synchrotron Phase-Space Ellipse
I .4 Some Practical Examples
I .5 Summary of Synchrotron Equations of Motion
II Adiabatic Synchrotron Motion
II.1 Fixed Points
II.2 Bucket Area
II.3 Small-Amplitude Oscillations and Bunch Area
II.4 Small-Amplitude Synchrotron Motion at the UFP
II.5 Synchrotron Motion for Large-Amplitude Particles
II.6 Experimental Tracking of Synchrotron Motion
III RF Phase and Voltage Modulations
III.1 Normalized Phase-Space Coordinates
III.2 RF Phase Modulation and Parametric Resonances
III.3 Measurements of Synchrotron Phase Modulation
III.4 Effects of Dipole Field Modulation
III.5 RF Voltage Modulation
III.6 Measurement of RF Voltage Modulation
IV Nonadiabatic and Nonlinear Synchrotron Motion
IV.1 Linear Synchrotron Motion Near Transition Energy
IV.2 Nonlinear Synchrotron Motion at γ≈γT
IV.3 Beam Manipulation Near Transition Energy
IV.4 Synchrotron Motion with Nonlinear Phase Slip Factor
IV.5 The QI Dynamical Systems
V Beam Manipulation in Synchrotron Phase Space
V.1 RF Frequency Requirements
V.2 Capture and Acceleration of Proton and Ion Beams
V.3 Bunch Compression and Rotation
V.4 Debunching
V.5 Beam Stacking and Phase Displacement Acceleration
V.6 Double rf Systems
V.7 The Barrier RF Bucket
VI Fundamentals of RF Systems
VI.1 pillbox Cavity
VI.2 Low Frequency Coaxial Cavities
VI.3 Beam Loading
VI.4 Beam Loading Compensation and Robinson Instability
VII Longitudinal Collective Instabilities
VII.1 Longitudinal Spectra
VII.2 Collective Microwave Instability in Coasting Beams
VII.3 Longitudinal Impedance
VII.4 Microwave Single Bunch Instability
VIII Introduction to Linear Accelerators
VIII.1 Historical Milestones
VIII.2 Fundamental Properties of Accelerating Structures
A. Transit time factor
B. shunt impedance
C. The quality factor Q
VIII.3 Particle Acceleration by EM Waves
A. EM waves in a cylindrical wave guide
B. Phase velocity and group velocity
C. TM modes in a cylindrical pillbox cavity
D. A1varez structure
E. Loaded wave guide chain and the space harmonics
F. Standing wave, traveling wave, and coupled cavity linacs
VIII.4 Longitudinal Particle Dynamics in a Linac
VIII.5 Transverse Beam Dynamics in a Linac
4 Physics of Electron Storage Rings
I Fields of a Moving Charged Particle
I.1 Non-relativistic Reduction
I.2 Radiation Field for Particles at Relativistic Velocities
I.3 Frequency and Angular Distribution
I.4 Quantum Fluctuation
II Radiation Damping and Excitation
II.1 Damping of Synchrotron Motion
II.2 Damping of Betatron Motion
II.3 Damping Rate Adjustment
II.4 Radiation Excitation and Equilibrium Energy Spread
II.5 Radial Bunch Width and Distribution Function
II.6 Vertical Beam Width
II.7 Radiation Integrals
II.8 Beam Lifetime
III Emittance in Electron Storage Rings
III.1 Emittance of Synchrotron Radiation Lattices
A. FODO cell lattice
B. Double-bend achromat (Chasman-Green lattice)
C. Minimum (Η)-function lattice
D. Minimizing emittance in a combined function DBA
E. Three-bend achromat
III.2 Insertion Devices
III.3 Beam Physics of High Brightness Storage Rings
5 Special Topics in Beam Physics
I Free Electron Laser (FEL)
I.1 Small Signal Regime
I.2 Interaction of the Radiation Field with the Beam
I.3 Experiments on High Gain FEL Generation
II Beam-Beam Interaction
II. 1 The beam-beam force
II.2 The Coherent Beam-Beam Effects
II.3 Nonlinear Beam-Beam Effects
II.4 Experimental Observations and Numerical Simulations
II.5 Beam-Beam Interaction in Linear Colliders
A Basics of Classical Mechanics
I Hamiltonian Dynamics
I.1 Canonical Transformations
I.2 Fixed Points
I.3 Poisson Bracket
I.4 Liouville Theorem
I.5 Floquet Theorem
II Stochastic Beam Dynamics
II.1 Central Limit Theorem
II.2 Langevin Equation of Motion
II.3 Stochastic Integration Methods
II.4 Fokker-Planck Equation
B Numerical Methods and Physical Constants
I Fourier Transform
1.1 Nyquist Sampling Theorem
1.2 Discrete Fourier Transform
1.3 Digital Filtering
1.4 Some Simple Fourier Transforms
II Model Independent Analysis
II.1 Model Independent Analysis
II.2 Independent Component Analysis
II.3 Accelerator Modeling
III Cauchy Theorem and the Dispersion Relation
III.1 Cauchy Integral Formula
III.2 Dispersion Relation
IV Useful Handy Formulas
IV.1 Generating functions for the Bessel functions
IV.2 The Hankel transform
IV.3 The complex error function
IV.4 A multipole expansion formula
IV.5 Cylindrical Coordinates
IV.6 Gauss' and Stokes' theorems
IV.7 Vector Operation
V Maxwell's equations
V.1 Lorentz Transformation of EM fields
V.2 Cylindrical waveguides
V.3 Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
VI Physical Properties and Constants
Symbols and Notations