

iron duction carto-4-en


博士師從北海道大學生態化學生物學研究室的Hashidoko Yasuyuki教授,主要從事植物致病菌的細胞通訊
、信號轉導及其對寄主植物的識別機制等研究,作為主要研究成員參與了日本學術振興會和日本經濟產業省(METI,Highly Efficient Gene Design for Microbial Production of Innovative Biomaterials)的多項基礎研究課題,多次參加國際學術會議並做口頭演講報告。研究成果以original article形式發表於Applied and Environmental Microbiology、PLoS ONE、Journal of Pesticide Science等SCI收錄的國際學術期刊。


[1] Wang M, Hashimoto M, Hashidoko Y. Carot-4-en-9,10-diol, a conidiation-inducing sesquiterpene diol produced by Trichoderma virens PS1-7 upon exposure to chemical stress from highly active iron chelators. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 79(6): 1906-1914, 2013. (5-Y IF=4.406)
[2] Wang M, Hashimoto M, Hashidoko Y. Repression of tropolone production and induction of pseudo-biofilm in Burkholderia plantarii by carto-4-en-9,10-diol, a cell-to-cell signaling disrupter fromTrichoderma virens. PLoS One, 8(11): e78024, 2013. (5-Y IF=4.244)
[3] Wang M, Takayama T, Kim D, Sakihama Y, Tahara S, Hashidoko Y. Effects of different classes of attractants, cochliophilin A and N-(E)-feruloyl-4-O-methyldopamine, on the response of Aphanomyces cochlioides zoospores in their chemoattraction and activation of motility linked with intracellular cAMP. Journal of Pesticide Science, 38(4): 1-7, 2013.(5-Y IF=0.818)
[4]模擬條件下三唑磷在稻田中的分布、遷移、消解及相關環境因子的影響. 農藥學學報. 2012, 14 (6): 635-640. 馬有寧, 朱國念, 付岩, 吳慧明, 桂文君, 王蒙岑*.
[5]施藥因子對三唑磷在水稻上殘留沉積的影響. 農藥學學報. 2013, 15 (1): 79-84. 付岩, 王蒙岑*, 秦麗, 桂文君, 朱國念.


[1] A rice rhizoplane fungus as a biocontrol agent against rice seedling blight causative Burkholderia plantarii via its bioactive secondary metabolites. The 37th annual conference of Pesticide Science Society of Japan, Okayama, Japan, 2012.03. (Oral Presentation)
[2] Ecochemical investigation of host-recognition mechanism of Aphanomyces cochlioides zoospores. The 37th annual conference of Pesticide Science Society of Japan, Okayama, Japan, 2012.03. (Oral Presentation by Prof. Hashidoko)
[3] Attenuated virulence of rice seedling blight-causative Burkholderia plantarii exposed to a sesquiterpene diol fromTrichoderma virens. The 38th annual conference of Pesticide Science Society of Japan, Tsukuba, Japan, 2013.03. (Oral Presentation)
[4] Suppression of the bacterial rice seedling blight disease. The 1st symposium of Technology Research Association of Highly Efficient Gene Designat Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Sapporo, Japan, 2013.07. (Oral Presentation)
[5] イネ根圈由來のケテコール耐性細菌Burkholderia heleiaによるイネ苗立枯細菌病徴の発現抑制。第39回日本農藥學會年度大會,京都,日本,2014.03.(Oral Presentation by Prof. Hashidoko)


2012至今 美國微生物學會(ASM) 會員
2012至今 日本農藥學會(PSSJ) 會員
2013至今 日本農藝化學會(JSBBA)會員
兼任Microbiology(Society for General Microbiology),Tetrahedron,Journal of Environmental Science,Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry等SCI收錄的國際學術期刊的審稿人。


