2011.01至今, 中國農業大學水利與土木工程學院 副教授。
2007.07-2010.12,中國農業大學水利與土木工程學院 講 師。
中國農業工程學會畜牧工程專業委員會 副秘書長。
美國農業與生物工程師學會(ASABE) 會 員。
6.“十一五”科技支撐計畫重點課題“畜禽新型工業化健康養殖工藝技術及關鍵設備研究開發”,參加人, 2006-2008
8.美國環保總署(U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)課題“俄亥俄州蛋雞場空氣污染物排放測試與控制”(Measurement and Control of Air Emission from Laying Houses in Ohio),主要參加人,2005-2006
9.“第14屆中國-丹麥科學和技術合作(2005-2006)”項目“自然通風奶牛舍氨氣排放模擬與預測”(Modeling and Estimation of Ammonia Emission from Natural Ventilated Dairy Cattle Buildings),主要參加人,2005-2006
10.“第13屆中國-丹麥科學和技術合作(2002-2004)”項目“農村環境中空氣污染物的擴散”(Dispersion of Aerial Pollutants in the Rural Environment),主要參加人,2003-2004
1.Chaoyuan Wang, Wei Cao, Baoming Li, Zhengxiang Shi, Ailian Geng. A fuzzy mathematical method to evaluate the sustainability of an evaporative cooling pad system for poultry houses in China. Biosystems Engineering, 2008, 101(3): 370-375. (SCI & EI)
2.Wang C, Li B, Zhang G, Rom H B, Str?m J S. Model estimation and measurement of ammonia emission from naturally ventilated dairy buildings with slatted floor designs. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 2006, 56: 1252-1259.(SCI & EI)
3.Chaoyuan Wang, Baoming Li, Guoqiang Zhang, Wei Cao, Zhengxiang Shi. Development and Sensitivity Analysis of a Dynamic Model for Estimating Ammonia Emissions from Naturally Ventilated Dairy Cattle Buildings. ASABE paper No.1008784, ASABE Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh: ASABE, June 20-23, 2010. (EI)
4.Wang Chaoyuan, Li Baoming, Zhang Guoqiang, Rom B. Hans, Shi Zhengxiang. Comparison between the statistical method and the artificial neural network in estimating ammonia emissions from naturally ventilated dairy cattle buildings. In the Proceedings of the Eighth International Livestock Environmental Symposium, ASABE, Iguassu Falls, Brazil, 1-5, P 49-56, September, 2008 (EI)
5.Songjian Nan, Yongyu Li, Baoming Li, Chaoyuan Wang, Xiaodong Cui, and Wei Cao. Effect of slightly acidic electrolyzed water for inactivating Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Staphylococcus aureus analyzed by transmission electron microscopy. Journal of Food Protection, 2010, 73(12): 2211-2216 (SCI)
6.Zhaobing Gu, Hongwei Xin, Chaoyuan Wang, Zhengxiang Shi, Zuohua Liu, Feiyun Yang, Baozhong Lin, Chao Wang, Baoming Li. Effects of neoprene mat on diarrhea, mortality and foreleg abrasion of pre-weaning piglets. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 2010, 95: 16-22 (SCI & EI)
7.Zhenzhen Pang, Baoming Li, Hongwei Xin, Xiaoyan Yuan, Chaoyuan Wang. Characterisation of an experimental water-cooled cover for sows. Biosystems Engineering, 2010, 105(4): 439-447 (SCI & EI)
8.Ye Z, C.K. Saha, B. Li, G, Tong, C. Wang, S. Zhu, G. Zhang. Effect of environmental deflector and curtain on air exchange rate in slurry pit in a model pig house. Biosystems Engineering, 2009, 104: 522-533. (SCI & EI)
9.Cao Wei, Zhu Zhiwei, Shi Zhengxiang, Wang Chaoyuan, Li Baoming. Efficiency of slightly acidic electrolyzed water for inactivation of Salmonella enteritidis and its contaminated shell eggs. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2009, 130: 88-93 (SCI & EI)
10.Ye, Z, G, Zhang, I.-H. Seo, P. Kai, C.K. Saha, C. Wang, B. Li. Airflow characteristics at the surface of manure in a storage pit affected by ventilation rate, floor slat opening, and headspace height. Biosystems Engineering, 2009, 104: 97-105.(SCI & EI)
11.Qijun Ma, Baoming Li, Chaoyuan Wang, Yingying Ji, Shuhua Wang, Wei Cao. Efficiency of electrolyzed oxidizing water for inactivation of Salmonella spp. and inoculated shell eggs. International Journal of Food Engineering, 2009, 5(3): 1-11. (SCI & EI)
12.Shi Z, Li B, Zhang X, Wang C, Zhou D, Zhang G. Using floor cooling as an approach to improving the thermal environment in the sleeping area in an open pig house. Biosystems Engineering, 2006, 93(3): 359-364. (SCI & EI)
13.Songjian Nan, Chaoyuan Wang, Wei Cao, Baoming Li. Disinfection effect and application of slightly acidic electrolyzed water in a dairy cattle farm. ASABE paper No.1008926, ASABE Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh: ASABE, June 20-23, 2010. (EI)
14.Tim T, C Wang, A Heber, J Ni, L Zhao, S Hanni. Effects of electrostatic space charge system on particulate matter emission from high-rise layer barn. ASABE paper No.085143, ASABE Annual Meeting, Providence, Rhode Island: ASABE, June 29- July 2, 2008. (EI)
15.朱志偉,李保明,李永玉,尚宇超,王朝元,曹薇. 中性電解水對雞蛋表面的清洗滅菌效果. 農業工程學報,2010,26(3):358-362.
16.南松劍,王朝元,曹薇,馬啟軍; 王樹華,李保明,侯占清. 微酸性電生功能水在奶牛場的消毒效果研究 . 中國奶牛,2009,(10):34-37
17.李保明,王朝元. 規模化養雞環境控制技術的主要成就與發展趨勢. 中國家禽,2008,30(17):1-5.
18.李文良,施正香,王朝元. 密閉式平養雞舍縱向通風的數值模擬. 中國農業大學學報,2007,12(6) :80 – 84
19.施正香,許雲麗,李保明,王朝元. 我國奶牛養殖小區生產工藝與工程配套技術體系研究. 農業工程學報,2006,22(S2):50-55.
20.孫希民,董泰麗,施正香,王朝元. 畜牧工程技術在民和企業中的運用. 農業工程學報,2006,22(S2):146-149.
21.趙芙蓉,王占彬,李保明,王朝元,梁臣. 畜果結合生態養殖模式的研究. 家畜生態學報,2006,27(4):81-85.
22.曹薇,施正香,朱志偉,王朝元,張鑰,李保明. 電解功能水在養殖業的套用展望. 農業工程學報,2006,22(S2):150-154.
李保明,曹薇,陳剛,崔曉冬,王朝元. 畜禽場消毒用電解水生成器. 專利號:2008 002 0080717.1,2008年5月21日授權.