王怡雯,浙江大學,求是青年學者,博士生導師 , 求是高等研究院, 副研究員, 碩士生導師。
2011 浙江大學,求是青年學者,博士生導師
2010 浙江大學, 求是高等研究院, 副研究員, 碩士生導師
2008 Research Associate, Dept. of Electronics & Computer Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Kowloon, Hong Kong
2008 PhD, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
2007 Fellow Intern, Siemens Corporation Research, Princeton, NJ, USA
2004 中國科學技術大學,自動化系,碩士
2001 中國科學技術大學,自動化系,學士
Yiwen Wang, Li Zhang, System and Method for Consistent Detection of Mid-Sagittal Planes for Magnetic Resonance Brain Scans, Unite States patent # US7986823 (application serial # 12/116,461), Issued on Jul. 26, 2011, Siemens Corporation Research Disclosure # 2007E10042US, 05/2007
Yiwen Wang, Li Zhang, A Validation Method for Mid-Sagittal Plane Detection in MR Brain Scans, Unite States provisional patent application # 2007P10048US, Siemens Corporation Research Disclosure # 2007E10040US, 05/2007
Yiwen Wang, Adaptive Algorithms for the Point Processes, in Brain-Machine Interface Engineering, J. Sanchez, J. Principe, Edited by John D. Enderle, New York: Morgan and Claypool, 2007, 173-196
Yiwen Wang, Adaptive Algorithms for the Point Processes, in Brain-Machine Interface Engineering, J. Sanchez, J. Principe, Edited by John D. Enderle, New York: Morgan and Claypool, 2007, 173-196
Yiwen Wang and Shalom Darmanjian, Neural Decoding Using Generative BMI Models, in Brain-Machine Interface Engineering, J. Sanchez, J. Principe, Edited by John D. Enderle, New York: Morgan and Claypool, 2007, 141-172
2012 林百欣高科技獎, 榮獲二等獎, 香港林百欣基金會(浙江大學)
2011 求是青年學者,浙江大學
2006.11.18 安徽省科學技術獎(自然科學類)二等獎,叢爽,李國棟,王怡雯,戴誼,混合局部連線遞歸神經網路控制方法的研究,安徽省科技廳
2006.08 IEEE CIS Outstanding Student Paper Travel Grant, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society
2006.6 安徽省科學技術研究成果,成果名稱:遞歸神經網路的動態建模及其套用,成果類別:基礎理論,成果水平:國際先進,完成人:叢爽,李嗣福,李國棟,戴誼,王怡雯。公報登記號:06177 20
05.08 Invited Participant Travel Grant, Center for Theoretical Biological Physics (CTBP) Summer School on Experimental & Computational Neurodynamics, University of California-San Diego
2004.06 安徽省優秀畢業生
2004.06 中國科學技術大學優秀畢業生
2003.07 最佳論文提名獎(最佳論文空缺)中國自動化學會第18屆青年學術年會
2002.10 華為研究生獎學金,中國科學技術大學
2000.10 優秀學生獎學金(一等獎)中國科學技術大學
1999.10 光華教育獎學金 中國科學技術大學
1998.10 優秀學生獎學金(二等獎)中國科學技術大學
2012.06 Invited Educational Course,An Introduction to Invasive Motor Brain Interfaces in Primates, Annual Meeting of Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Beijing, China
2012 Program Committee,International Symposium on Neural Networks
2011 Program Committee,International Symposium on Neural Networks
2010 Program Committee,International Symposium on Neural Networks
2010.09 Invited Session Organizer,Modeling, Estimation and Applications in Neuroscience: Brain Machine Interfaces, IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control, Japan
2009.08Invited Session Organizer & Chair, Brain Machine Interfaces: Computational Modeling and Applications,
the 7th Asian control Conference, Hong Kong
2009.06 Invited Participant ,Telluride Workshop on Neuromorphic Engineering, Telluride, CO, USA
2008.06 Tutorial Talk,Information Theoretic Learning and Kernel Methods, IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Hong Kong (represent for Dr. Jose C. Principe)
2008.06 Session Chair,session “Kernel Methods I”, IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Hong Kong
2005.08 Invited Participant,Center for Theoretical Biological Physics (CTBP) Summer School on Experimental & Computational Neurodynamics, University of California-San Diego
2003.07 組委會成員與聯繫人,中國自動化學會第18屆青年學術年會,安徽,黃山
B. Wu; F. Yang; J. Zhang,Yiwen Wang, X. Zheng, W. Chen, A frequency-temporal-spatial method of motor-related electroencephalography pattern recognition by comprehensive feature optimization,Computers in Biology and Medicine, 42:353-363, 2012 (SCI)
Q. Zhang, S. Zhang, Y. Hao, H. Zhang, J. Zhu, T. Zhao, J. Zhang,Yiwen Wang,X. Zheng, W. Chen, Development of an invasive brain- machine interface with a monkey model, Chinese Science Bulletin, 57(16):2036-2045, 2012 (SCI)
Yiwen Wang, B. Shi, Improved Binocular Vergence Control via a Neural Network Trained to Maximize an Internally Derived Reward,IEEE trans. on Autonomous Mental Development,3(3): 247-256, 2011 ;(SCI, IF2.310)
S. Zhang, Y. Liao, X. Zheng, W. Chen andYiwen Wang, Decoding the non-stationary neural activity in motor cortex for brain machine interfaces,International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, 21(2) :158-164, 2011 (SCI)
Yiwen Wang, J. Sanchez, J. Principe, Instantaneous Estimation of Motor Cortical Neural Encoding for online Brain-Machine Interfaces,Journal of Neural Engineering, 7(5), 2010;(SCI, IF3.739)
Yiwen Wang, B. Shi, Autonomous Development of Vergence Control Driven by Disparity Energy Neuron Populations,Neural Computation, 22(3):730-751, 2010. (SCI, IF:2.378; EI)
Yiwen Wang, A. Paiva, J. Principe, J. Sanchez, Sequential Monte Carlo Point Process Estimation of Kinematics from Neural Spiking Activity for Brain Machine Interfaces,Neural Computation, 2009, 21(10): 2894-2930. (SCI, IF:2.378; EI)
Yiwen Wang, J. Principe, J. Sanchez, Ascertaining neuron importance for kinematics decoding by information theoretical analysis in motor brain-machine interfaces,Neural Networks, 2009, vol. 22(5-6):781-790. (SCI, IF:2. 656; EI)
W. Liu, Il Park,Yiwen Wang, J. Principe, Extended Kernel Recursive Least Squares Algorithm,IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 57, no. 10: 3801-3814, 2009. (SCI, IF:2. 335; EI)
叢爽、王怡雯,隨機神經網路發展現狀綜述 ,《控制理論與套用》,2004, 21(6): 975-980, 985 (EI,國內一級期刊)
王怡雯、叢爽,用隨機神經網路最佳化求解改進算法的研究,《計算機工程與設計》,2004, 25 (9): 1454-1456
王怡雯、叢爽,RNN與Hopfield兩網路中的最佳化解法的對比研究,《計算機仿真》,2004, 24(11): 161-163, 175
王怡雯、叢爽,用隨機神經網路求解最佳化問題C-TSP,《吉林大學學報(信息版)》,2004, 22 (4): 359-363 (EI_inspect)
叢爽、鄭毅松、王怡雯,ART-2神經網路的改進及建模實現,《計算機工程與套用》, 第38卷第14期,2002年8月, 第25-27頁 (國核心心期刊)
Y. Liao,Yiwen Wang, Xiaoxiang Zheng, J. Principe, Mutual Information Analysis on Non-Stationary Neuron Importance for Brain Machine Interfaces, 34 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2748-2751, 2012
D. Wang; Y. Hao, X. Zhu, T. Zhao,Yiwen Wang, Y. Chen, W. Chen, X. Zheng, FPGA Implementation of Hardware Processing Modules As Coprocessors in Brain-Machine Interfaces,33 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 4613-4616, 2011
K. Xu, Y. Wang, S. Zhang, T. Zhao,Yiwen Wang, W. Chen, X. Zheng, Comparisons between Linear and Nonlinear Methods for Decoding Motor Cortical Activities of Monkey,33 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society,4207-4210, 2011
B. Wu,Yiwen Wang, W. Chen, X. Zheng, Time-frequency Optimized Spatial Patterns for Movement-related EEG Decoding,IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, Cancun, Mexico, April 27 - May 1, 84-87, 2011
Q. Zhang; S. Zhang; J. Lin; Y. Hao; B. Jiang; X. Yang; Y. Li; N. Zheng;YiwenWang; W. Chen; X. Zheng; Building brain machine interfaces: From rat to monkey,the 8 Asian Control conference,886 – 891, 2011
Yiwen Wang, Tingfan Wu, Garrick Orchard, Piotr Dudek, Michele Rucci, Bertram Shi, Hebbian Learning of Visually Directed Reaching by a Robot Arm,IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, special section paper,2009: 205 - 208
Yiwen Wang, J. Principe, Point Process Modeling on Decoding and Encoding for Brain Machine Interfaces,the 7 Asian Control conference,invited session paper,2009:1000-5(EI)
Yiwen Wang,Justin Sanchez, Jose Principe, Selecting Neural Subsets for Kinematics Decoding by Information Theoretical Analysis in Motor Brain Machine Interfaces,Neural Networks, 2009. IJCNN '09. International Joint Conference on,June,2009: 3275-3280. (CPCI-S,EI)
Yiwen Wang, Bertram Shi, Maximizing Neural Responses Leads to Sensori-Motor Coordination of Binocular Vergence,2009 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Signal and Vision Processing,March, 2009: 14-20 (EI)
J. C. Principe,Yiwen Wang, Justin Sanchez, Point Process Models for Motor BMIs: An Assessment,Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2008. EMBS '08. 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE,Minisymposia paper, May. 2008
Yiwen Wang,J. C. Principe, A Synthetic Averaging Method on Point Process for Motor Brain Machine Interfaces,Machine Learning for Signal Processing, 2008. MLSP 2008. IEEE Workshop on,Oct. 2008: 79 - 84(CPCI-S,EI)
Yiwen Wang, Jose C. Principe, Tracking the Non-Stationary Neuron Tuning by Dual Kalman Filter for Brain Machine Interfaces Decoding,Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2008. EMBS 2008. 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE,Aug. 2008:1720 - 1723(CPCI-S,EI)
Yiwen Wang, Li Zhang, Consistent Detection of Mid-Sagittal Planes for Follow-up MR Brain studies,Proc. SPIE, Medical Imaging 2008: Image Processing, Joseph M. Reinhardt, Josien P. W. Pluim, Editors, Mar. 2008: 691433 (CPCI-S,EI)
Yiwen Wang, A. Paiva, J. Principe, J. Sanchez, A Monte Carlo Sequential Estimation of Point Process Optimum Filtering for Brain Machine Interfaces,Neural Networks, 2007. IJCNN '07. International Joint Conference on,Aug. 2007: 2250-2255(CPCI-S,EI)
Yiwen Wang, J. Sanchez, J. Principe, Information Theoretical Estimators of Tuning Depth and Time Delay for Motor Cortex Neurons, Neural Engineering, 2007. CNE '07. 3rd International IEEE/EMBS Conference on, May 2007: 502-505(CPCI-S,EI)
Yiwen Wang, J. Sanchez, J. Principe, J. Mitzelfelt, A. Gunduz, Analysis of the Correlation between Local Field Potentials and Neuronal Firing Rate in the Motor Cortex,Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2006. EMBS '06. 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEEAug. 2006: 6185 – 6188(CPCI-S,EI)
Yiwen Wang, A. Paiva and J. Principe, A Monte Carlo Sequential Estimation for Point Process Optimum Filtering,Neural Networks, 2006. IJCNN '06. International Joint Conference onJuly 2006: 1846 – 1850(CPCI-S,EI)
Yiwen Wang,S. Kim, J. Principe, Comparison of TDNN Training Algorithms in Brain Machine Interfaces,Neural Networks, 2005. IJCNN '05. Proceedings. 2005 IEEE International Joint Conference,July 2005:2459 - 2462 vol. 4(CPCI-S,EI)
1.Yiwen Wang
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22.Yiwen Wang
23.Yiwen Wang
24.Yiwen Wang
25.Yiwen Wang
26.Yiwen Wang
27.Yiwen Wang
28.Yiwen Wang
29.Yiwen Wang
30.Yiwen Wang
31.Yiwen Wang
32.Yiwen Wang
IEEE Computational Intelligence Society
IEEE Women in Engineering
Institute of Complex Medical Engineering
Institute of Neuromorphic Engineering
International Neural Network Society
Reviewer Activity:
Annuals of Biomedical Engineering
Asia Journal of Control
Neural Networks
Neural Processing Letter
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
Asian Control Conference
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems
IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering
International Symposium on Neural Networks
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
3.IEEE Computational Intelligence Society
4.IEEE Women in Engineering
5.Institute of Complex Medical Engineering
6.Institute of Neuromorphic Engineering
7.International Neural Network Society
8.Reviewer Activity:
9.Annuals of Biomedical Engineering
10.Asia Journal of Control
11.Neural Networks
12.Neural Processing Letter
13.IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
14.Asian Control Conference
15.IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems
16.IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering
17.International Symposium on Neural Networks
18.International Joint Conference on Neural Networks