2004.7-2010.2 中國海洋大學副教授;
期間,2006.9-2010.2 先後於韓國,日本東北大學金屬材料研究所,大阪大學從事半導體薄膜、非線性光學晶體材料的研究工作;
2010.2 受聘於東南大學材料學院教授;
2011.1-2011.3 日本國家材料研究所客座研究員;
1、新型深紫外非線性光學晶體CLBO的結構控制及晶體生長和性能研究 國家自然科學基金
2、非線性光學晶體CLBO的微結構控制及對性能的影響研究 教育部博士點科研專項基金
1. zengmei Wang, Rumi Tanahashi, Hideo Kimura, Crystal growth and characterization of electric properties of CLBO crystal, J. Appl. Phys. In revision
2. Z. Wang, D. Rajesh, M. Yoshimura, H. Shimatani, Y. Kitaoka,Y. Mori, and T.Sasaki, Enhancement the CsB3O5(CBO) crystal quality by fast cooling after crystal growth, Journal of Crystal Growth 318 (2011) 625-628
3. Zengmei Wang, Kentaro Kutsukake, Hitoshi Kodama, Noritaka Usami, Kozo Fujiwara, Yoshitaro Nose, Kazuo Nakajima, Influence of growth temperature and cooling rate on the growth of Si epitaxial layer by dropping type liquid phase epitaxy from the pure Si melt, Journal of Crystal Growth, 310(2008)5248-5251
4.Niu Yi, Wang Zeng-Mei*, Liu Ying-Cai, Yin Yan-Sheng, Yuan Duo-Rong, Structure and spectroscopic properties of Tm doped langasite (La3Ga5SiO14) crystal, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 56,5(2007)2968-2973
5. Zengmei.Wang, Duorong Yuan, Yansheng Yin, Ge Su, Crystal Growth and Spectroscopic Properties of Ho: La3Ga5SiO14 Single Crystals, Optical Materials. 29 ,6(2007) 663-666
6. Zengmei.Wang, Yansheng Yin, Duorong Yuan, Optical transitions of La3Ga5SiO14 crystals doped Ho ions, Journal of Alloy and Compound 436(2007) 364-368
7. Zengmei.Wang, Yansheng Yin, Duorong Yuan, Optical spectroscopy properties of Tm ion in La3Ga5SiO14 single crystal, Phys. Stat. sol. (a) 204(2007) 602-607
8.Zengmei.Wang, Duorong.Yuan, Yansheng Yin, Xin Wang, Optical and dielectric properties of Sr3NbGa3Si2O14 crystals, Journal of Alloy and Compound 425(2006) 264-267
9. Zeng M. Wang, Ying C. Liu, Yan. Sh. Yin, Duo R. Yuan, Spectroscopic properties of Er3+ ions in La3Ga5SiO14 crystals, Crystal Research and Technology 41, 11(2006)1142-1147
10. Zengmei.Wang, Yansheng Yin, Duorong Yuan, Crystal growth and optical properties of Tm:La3Ga5SiO14 single crystals, Appl. Phys. A 85(2006)437-440
11. Wang, Zeng-Mei; Yuan, Duo-Rong; et al., Systematic study on structure and optical properties of A3BGa3Si2O14 Series of crystals, Piezoelectrics and Acoustooptics, v 27, n 3, June, 2005, p 280-282
12. Zengmei.Wang, Duorong.Yuan, et al. Growth and dielectric properties of Ca3NbGa3Si2O14 crystals. Journal of Alloy and Compounds 370(2004)291-295
13.Zengmei.Wang, Duorong.Yuan, et al. Growth and optical activity of Ca3NbGa3Si2O14 single crystal. Appl. Phys. A 78(2004)561-563
14.Zengmei.Wang, Duorong.Yuan, et al. Study on the growth and characterization of Sr3TaGa3Si2O14 single crystals, Journal of Alloy and Compounds. 373(2004)287-290
15. Zengmei.Wang, Duorong.Yuan, et al. Crystal growth and optical properties of Dy: La3Ga5SiO14 single crystals, Journal of Crystal Growth 263(2004)246-250
16. Zengmei.Wang, Duorong.Yuan, et al. Study on the growth and optical activity of Sr3NbGa3Si2O14 single crystals, Materials Science and Engineering:B 107(2004)194-197
17.Zengmei.Wang, Duorong.Yuan, et al. Growth and optical activities of Sr3TaGa3Si2O14 single crystals. Journal of Crystal Growth 263(2004)389-393
18.Zengmei.Wang, Duorong.Yuan, et al., Preparation and Properties of a Novel Piezoelectric Single Crystal Material: Sr3TaGa3Si2O14. Material Research Bulletin, 39(2004)987-992
19.Z. Wang, D. Yuan, et al., Crystal growth and thermal and optical properties of La3Ga5SiO14 single crystals. Appl. Phys. A 77, (2003) 683-685.
20. Zengmei.Wang, Duorong.Yuan, et al., Crystal growth and characterization of La3Ga5SiO14 single crystals. Optical Materials 23(2003)471-474
21. Z.M. Wang, D.R. Yuan, et al., Studies on the growth and defects of La3Ga5SiO14 (LGS) crystals. Cryst. Res. Technol. Vol.38,No.11 (2003) 974-978
22. Zengmei.Wang, Xiufeng.Cheng, et al., Crystal growth and properties of Ca3NbGa3Si2O14 single crystals. Journal of Crystal Growth 249(2003)240-244
23. Zengmei.Wang, Duorong.Yuan, et al. The growth and properties of Ca3TaGa3Si2O14 single crystals. Journal of Crystal Growth. 253(2003)378-382
24. Zengmei Wang, Duorong Yuan, et al. Growth of a new ordered langasite structure compound Ca3TaGa3Si2O14 single crystal. Journal of Crystal Growth. 253(2003)398-403
25. Zengmei.Wang, Duorong.Yuan, et al. Growth and characterization of Sr3NbGa3Si2O14 single crystals. Journal of Crystal Growth. 252(2003)236-240
26. Zengmei.Wang, Duorong.Yuan, et al. Growth, thermal and optical properties of Sr3NbGa3Si2O14 single crystals. Journal of Crystal Growth. 258(2003)349-352
27. Zengmei.Wang, Duorong.Yuan, et al., Growth and optical properties of Eu3+-doped La3Ga5SiO14 single crystal. Journal of Crystal Growth. 255(2003)348-352
28. Zengmei.Wang, Duorong.Yuan, et al. Crystal growth and spectroscopic properties of Er: La3Ga5SiO14 single crystals. Journal of Crystal Growth. 257(2003)141-145
29. Wang, Zeng-Mei; Yu, Wen-Tao; et al.: Crystal structure of Calcium tantalum gallium Silicate Oxide, Ca3TaGa3Si2O14 (CTGS). Zeitschrift für Kristallographie �New Crystal Structures NCS 218(2003)389-390
30. Zengmei Wang, Duorong Yuan, et al. Study on the growth and characterization of new piezoelectric crystal La3Ga5SiO14 (LGS), Piezoelectrics and Acoustooptics, n 6, 2003, p 490-493 (in Chinese)
一、醫務工作者 二、青海賓館經理 三、主任醫師 四、山西畫家 -
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