


叢書名 :高等學校專業英語教材

作 譯 者:張慶英


千 字 數:524

版 次:01-01

頁 數:256

開 本:16開

I S B N :9787121322815


本書以物流工程與供應鏈管理為主線,以物流術語的基本概念為起點,討論了物流系統的運輸、倉儲、配送、包裝、裝卸搬運、流通加工和信息管理等功能要素的基本內容,分析了第三方物流、第四方物流、國際物流、綠色物流、逆向物流、冷鏈物流等現代物流形式,介紹了電子商務、B2B、ERP系統、MRP系統、RFID、物聯網、物流大數據、物流機器人等系統、方法與發展趨勢等內容。 全書共25單元,每單元有A、B兩篇,其中A篇為精讀課文,B篇為閱讀課文,均來自精心挑選的英文原版資料。每篇課文後都對部分生詞、短語及重點句子進行了中文注釋,並列出若干討論主題。


Unit 1 1

Passage A Introduction to Logistics 1

Passage B Activities of Logistics Engineering 6

Unit 2 10

Passage A The Role of Material Flow Systems 10

Passage B System and Its Analysis 14

Unit 3 19

Passage A Freight Transportation Planning and Logistics (Ⅰ) 19

Passage B Freight Transportation Planning and Logistics (Ⅱ) 22

Unit 4 27

Passage A Transportation 27

Passage B Jeddah Bestrides East West Route 31

Unit 5 35

Passage A Container Transportation 35

Passage B Optimizing Container Transfers at Multimodal Terminals 39

Unit 6 44

Passage A Inventory Management 44

Passage B Approaches to Inventory Management 48

Unit 7 52

Passage A Warehouse Design 52

Passage B Warehousing Management 56

Unit 8 61

Passage A Distribution Management 61

Passage B Planning Physical Distribution 66

Unit 9 72

Passage A Materials Handling 72

Passage B Automated Guided Vehicle 76

Unit 10 81

Passage A Packing, Marking and Shipment 81

Passage B Contract and Confirmation 85

Unit 11 88

Passage A Distribution Processing 88

Passage B Logistics Management 91

Unit 12 96

Passage A Logistics Information System 96

Passage B Big Data in Logistics 99

Unit 13 104

Passage A Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems 104

Passage B Material Resource Planning 109

Unit 14 116

Passage A Electronic Commerce 116

Passage B B2B: The Real World 120

Unit 15 127

Passage A Supply Chain Management 127

Passage B The Evolution of Supply Chain Technologies 132

Unit 16 137

Passage A Top 10 Supply Chain Technology Trends (Ⅰ) 137

Passage B Top 10 Supply Chain Technology Trends (Ⅱ) 140

Unit 17 145

Passage A Third-party Logistics 145

Passage B International Logistics 149

Unit 18 156

Passage A Global Trade Drives 3PL Provider’s Expansion (Ⅰ) 156

Passage B Global Trade Drives 3PL Provider’s Expansion (Ⅱ) 160

Unit 19 164

Passage A What Is 4PL? (Ⅰ) 164

Passage B What Is 4PL? (Ⅱ) 167

Unit 20 172

Passage A Green Logistics 172

Passage B The Green Paradoxes of Logistics in Transport Systems 175

Unit 21 180

Passage A Reverse Logistics 180

Passage B Reverse Logistics in the Urban Environment 183

Unit 22 187

Passage A Cold Chain Logistics 187

Passage B HACCP Based Food Safety System 190

Unit 23 194

Passage A The Internet of Things 194

Passage B Applications of the Internet of Things 200

Unit 24 206

Passage A A Basic System of RFID 206

Passage B Benefits and Applications of RFID 209

Unit 25 213

Passage A Robotics in Logistics 213

Passage B Future Vision of Robotics in Logistics 218

Appendixes 222

附錄A 漢英物流術語解釋 222

附錄B 英漢物流術語解釋 225

附錄C 漢英物流常用辭彙 227

附錄D 英漢物流常用辭彙 231

附錄E 物流常用縮略詞和組合詞 236

References 243


