學者履歷 :
研究方向 :
科研項目 :
學術論文 :
1.Xiong, T. (2014) Shallow environmentalism: A preliminary eco-critical discourse analysis of secondary school English as a Foreign Language (EFL) texts in China. The Journal of Environmental Education, 45(4), 232-242.
2.Xiong, T. (2014) Review: Legal Communication of Chinese Judiciary: A Discourse-Based View. The International Journal of Language, Speech and the Law 21(1), 169-174.
3.Xiong, T. (2012). Discourse and marketization of higher education in China: The genre of advertisements for academic posts. Discourse and Society 23(3), 318-337.
4.Xiong, T. (2012). Essence or practice? Conflicting cultural values in Chinese EFL textbooks: a discourse approach, Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education 33(4), 499-516.
5.Xiong, T. & Qian, Y. (2012). Ideologies of English in a Chinese high school EFL textbook: A critical discourse analysis, Asia Pacific Journal of Education 32(1), 75-92.
6.Xiong, T. (2012). Review: Writing in the Devil's Tongue: A History of English Composition in China, Language and Intercultural Communication 12(1), 93-95
7.歐陽護華,熊濤.基於批評話語分析的三維批判性閱讀模式.廣東外語外貿大學學報, 2013/01.
8.熊濤,毛浩然.話語分析的三個維度和一個轉向.外國語言文學, 2012/02.
9.熊濤.美國套用語言學協會2011年會簡述.現代外語, 2011/03.
著作 :
Xiong, T. (2013). The cultural politics in Chinese EFL textbooks: A discourse approach. Saarbrücken, Germany: Scholar's Press.