通訊地址: 廣州市天河區科華街511號中國科學院廣州地球化學研究所
1964年6月生,漢族,籍貫江西豐城。 中國科學院廣州地球化學研究所研究員。1984年畢業於南京大學地質學系地球化學專業,1987年在中國科學院地球化學研究所獲碩士學位,2000年在中國科學院廣州地球化學研究所獲博士學位。1987年至今,一直在中國科學院廣州地球化學研究所工作。從事烴源岩生烴與評價、油氣成藏與後期改造過程的地球化學研究。具體研究內容:(1) 套用限定體系的實驗裝置研究烴源岩(乾酪根)生烴機理與影響因素;(2)分子成熟度指標的影響因素與低熟油形成機理研究;(3)套用含油氣儲集岩連續抽提實驗、油氣包裹體分子地球化學和單體烴碳同位素地球化學分析方法,研究油氣藏成藏史;(4) 通過礦物和焦瀝青對原油裂解影響的實驗研究,探討原油穩定性和確定烴源岩生油下限和生氣下限;(5) 通過礦物對氣態烴氧化作用的模擬實驗,研究油氣藏硫酸鹽熱化學還原反應(Thermochemical sulfate reduction – TSR)和Fe3+對油氣組分的氧化作用,揭示氧化反應過程中氣態烴化學組成和碳同位素組成的變化,為天然氣藏的氣源對比研究和高含量H2S油氣藏的預測提供理論依據。在國內外學術刊物上發表論文40餘篇。
1 Changchun Pan, Ansong Geng, Ningning Zhong, Jingzhong Liu, Kerogen pyrolysis in the presence and absence of water and minerals: Steranes and triterpenoids. Fuel, in press.
2 Changchun Pan, Dayong Liu, Molecular correlation of free oil, adsorbed oil and inclusion oil of reservoir rocks in the Tazhong Uplift of the Tarim Basin, China. Organic Geochemistry
3 Changchun Pan, Ansong Geng, Ningning Zhong, Jingzhong Liu, Linping Yu, Kerogen pyrolysis in the presence and absence of water and minerals: amounts and compositions of bitumen and liquid hydrocarbons. Fuel
4 Changchun Pan, Dehua Peng, Min Zhang, Linping Yu, Guoying Sheng, Jiamo Fu, Distribution and Isomerization of C31-C35 Homohopanes and C29 Steranes in Oligocene Saline Lacustrine Sediments from Qaidam Basin, Northwest China. Organic Geochemistry
5 Changchun Pan, Ansong Geng, Ningning Zhong, Jinzhong Liu, Linping Yu, Kerogen pyrolysis in the presence and absence of water and minerals:part 1 gas components. Energy & Fuels
6 Changchun Pan, Yuming Tan, Jianhui Feng, Guangxing Jin, Yunxian Zhang, Guoying Sheng, Jiamo Fu, Mixing and biodegradation of hydrocarbons in the Daerqi oilfield, Baiyinchagan Depression, northern China. Organic Geochemistry
7 Changchun Pan, Linping Yu, Jinzhong Liu and Jiamo Fu,Chemical and carbon isotopic fractionations of gaseous hydrocarbons during abiogenic oxidation Earth and Planetary Science Letters
8 Changchun Pan,Jianhui Feng, Yuming Tian, Linping Yu, Xiaoping Luo, Guoying Sheng and Jiamo Fu, Interaction of oil components and clay minerals in reservoir sandstones. Organic Geochemistry
9 Changchun Pan, Jianqiang Yang, Jiamo Fu, Guoying Sheng, Molecular correlation of free oil and inclusion oil of reservoir rocks in the Junggar Basin,China. Organic Geochemistry
10 Changchun Pan, Ansong Geng, Zewen Liao, Yongqiang Xiong, Jiamo Fu, Guoying Sheng, Geochemical characterization of free versus asphaltene-sorbed hydrocarbons in crude oils: implications for migration-related compositional fractionations. Marine and Petroleum Geology