天鵬傳媒已成功策劃並執行了2010年第六屆國際動漫節分會場活動、引進了英國原版的《3D真人阿拉丁歷險記》的慈善演出。2011年,《學警狙擊》系列電視劇《潛行狙擊》再創收視佳績,基於對laughing哥市場“錢”景的胸有成竹和對廣大影迷朋友的驚喜饋贈,浙江天鵬傳媒有限公司與TVB聯手打造時裝懸疑警匪電影 ——《潛行狙擊》,力邀謝天華、吳鎮宇、黃日華、惠英紅、廖啟智、杜汶澤、黃宗澤、嚴寬等演技派明星加盟,橫掃2012年新春檔,再掀Laughing哥全球狂潮! 現已完成以下影視作品:與好萊塢團隊合作拍攝的電影《女人如花》、由波蘭著名定格動畫大師馬丁·克萊普導演、好萊塢著名女星海瑟·格納漢姆與中國著名鋼琴家郎朗主演的《夢幻飛琴》、與著名製作人徐立功合作的《飲食男女2》、被國家廣電總局列為重大主鏇律項目和紀念辛亥革命的重點影片的《競雄女俠·秋瑾》,以及重現經典傳奇的電視劇《又見白娘子》。天鵬傳媒藝術總監國際著名導演比利·奧古斯特大師(曾同時獲得奧斯卡、坎城金棕櫚獎和金球獎,被丹麥和瑞典國王授予騎士勳章,並獲得法國文學藝文騎士勳章)即將監製和導演電影《一統江山》和《營救飛虎隊》。此外還有《打噴嚏的小熊貓》、《上海灘十三太保》、《秘密花園》、《愛爾蘭咖啡》、《第一保鏢》、《葉問終極版》等多部影視作品正在投入拍攝中。
為完善影視產業鏈,除影視劇投資製作外,積極拓展相關聯產業內容,現已和美國20世紀福克斯電影公司、法國FTV、紐西蘭維塔工作客、澳大利亞狂野糖果公司、英國Break Thru Films公司、波蘭No Label and Alvernia Studios、挪威StormStudios、印度Accell Animation、美國BaseFX、中央電視台電影頻道、香港美亞娛樂資訊集團有限公司、香港國藝控股集團有限公司、台灣三立電視台、台灣中視、中國電影集團、華夏電影發行公司、北方電影集團、北京博納電影發行有限公司、浙江廣播電視集團、浙江日報報業控股集團和杭州廣播電視集團建立了良好緊密的合作關係。
Zhejiang Roc Pictures Co. Ltd. is a cultural and creative industry company which focuses on film and television and their derivative businesses. It registered in the third artistic collection of villages in Hangzhou XIXI Wetland. Now Zhejiang Roc Pictures Industrial Park, Zhejiang Paradise Bird Company, Zhejiang Roc Pictures Creative Center, Zhejiang Roc Pictures Film Fund, Zhejiang Roc Pictures CG technology base, Zhejiang Roc Pictures International Distribution Co. Ltd., Zhejiang Roc Pictures cultural brokerage Co. Ltd., Zhejiang Roc Pictures famous studios and other institutions are included.
Zhejiang Roc Pictures Co. Ltd. has high starting point, high investment, to invest the big screen and focus on high-end cultural projects, to bring about the media, fashion, advertising, publishing, education, exhibition, tourism and other industries simultaneously. It brings leading domestic and international elements of entrepreneurship and innovations resources together to build the most influential cultural and creative industries cluster of high-end resources with regional characteristics of the platforms and hatch platforms, including film and television industry to create effects, including the creation of a global production base for a variety of cultural works.
Zhejiang Roc Pictures has successfully planned and executed the opening ceremony of the 2010 Sixth CICAF in Yuhang Session. It also introduced the British original of “3D real Aladdin’s Adventures” which is a charity show. In the year 2011, “Lives of Omission” the TV series of the series of “Emergency Unit” got a great program result. Based on the confidence on the market of Laughing GOR and the surprise for fans of “Lives of Omission”, Zhejiang Roc Pictures combined w TVB to build the fashion mystery film—“Lives of Omission”. Michael Tse, Francis NG, Felix Wong YatWa, Kara Hui, Chi, Liu Kai, Chapman To, Bosco Wong, Yan Kuan were invited into this film. It will bring a feast in the new year of 2012 and set off a global frenzy of Laughing Gor again! Now Zhejiang Roc Pictures has down these projects stated below: Women as Flowers coproduced with group from Hollywood, The Flying Machine directed by Martin Clapp a master from Poland, acted by Heather Graham—famous film star in Hollywood and Lang Lang—the world renowned pianist, Eat Drink Man Woman Ⅱcooperated with Kong Hsu—a famous producer, Qiu Jin—which has been listed as a major theme of the project and focus on the film commemorating the 1911 Revolution by SARFT, and White Lady Once More a legendary television series reproduced. Besides, One for All, The Sneezing Baby Panda, Rescue Flying Tigers, The Thirteen Wide Boys, Secret Garden, Irish Coffee, First Bodyguard, The final Ye Wen and other films and televisions are being put into shooting.
To improve the film industry chain, in addition to investment in film and television drama productions, and actively expand the contents of the associated industries, is now the United States 20 th Century Fox Film Corporation, France FTV, working off Vita New Zealand, Australian Wild Candy, British Break Thru Films Company, No Label and Alvernia Studios, Poland, Norway Storm Studios, India Accell Animation, U.S Base FX, CCTV Mvie Channel, Hong Kong Mei Ah Entertainment Group Limited, Hong Kong China Group Holdings Group Co. Ltd., Taiwan Sanli Television, Taiwan’s China Television, China Film Group, Huaxia Film Distribution Company, Beijing Bona Film Distribution Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Radio and Television Group, Holding Group and Zhejiang Daily, Hangzhou Radio and TV Group has established a good close working relationship.
Zhejiang Roc Pictures annually invests 3 to 5 big-screen high quality Films, 3 to 5 television series and strive to rapid advance every work which have the core of international cooperation, exchange, trading, production, exhibition, film and television works, anime innovative research, production, distribution, marketing. In-depth develop related industrial chain derivatives industry, including film and television industry, professional training, artists, celebrities and the economy which are equal to one, based in Hangzhou, the world record to become influential in the international Force Media Group company.
天鵬傳媒的企業口號: 志在天地 心存高遠
天鵬傳媒的企業定位: 國際化 高端化 精品化 獨特化 市場化 專業化
天鵬傳媒的企業精神: 立志如山德為先 行道如水勤于思
四、 秋瑾後裔團圓新聞發布會