歐美恐怖片是“一種氣氛陰森、題材恐怖、通常包含一些暴力事件並立意使觀眾毛骨悚然的影片。” 大多以血腥為主,以令人感到恐懼的元素作為影片主要的組成成分。歐美恐怖片的兩個基本特徵是內容包含令人感到驚嚇或害怕的因素。 營造懸疑、詭異或緊張的氣氛令人毛骨悚然。歐美恐怖片包含許多次類型主題,例如殺人、吸血鬼、喪屍、惡魔、外星人、邪惡的孩童、狼人、食人動物、鬼屋、騷靈現象和幽靈船等主題。常與其它類型電影摻雜,特別是科幻電影。通常關連到較低的成本與開發費用,但具知名度的電影公司及導演偶爾會拍攝這類型的影片。
恐怖電影的歷史與電影本身的歷史一樣古老。歷史上的第一部恐怖電影是由喬治·梅里耶於1890年代晚期所拍攝的怪物默片,他所拍攝的恐怖電影,是一個充滿惡魔,巫術,女巫,搗蛋鬼,瘋狂博士的世界。 在1900年代初期,德國拍攝出大量表現主義的恐怖電影。由斯特拉·瑞耶導演的《布拉格的大學生》(1913),該片被視為精神分裂症恐怖電影的典範。斯特拉·瑞耶參與了最早的重要恐怖影片《泥人》(1914)及《泥人出世記》(1917)的導演工作,並在其中扮演一個由魔法賦予其生命力的雕像的角色。
保羅·威爾斯以1960年代為當代恐怖電影的分界點,在這之前的是共識與制約,在這之後的則是混亂與瓦解。伊薩貝爾·彼耐多以1968年為分界點,區分出傳統意義上的現代恐怖電影,以及後現代意義上的恐怖電影。 這一分界點,一般公認以喬治·羅梅羅《活死人之夜》(1968)的誕生為標記。
Vampires, Les[吸血鬼](1915)
Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens [諾斯費拉圖](1922)
H?xan: Witchcraft Through the Ages[女巫] (1922)
London After Midnight [午夜後倫敦](1927)
Vampyr Der Traum des Allan Grey[吸血鬼] (1932)
Murders in the Rue Morgue[莫爾格街謀殺案] (1932)
Freaks[畸形人] (1932)
Bride of Frankenstein[科學怪人的新娘] (1935)
I Walked with a Zombie[與殭屍同行](1943)
Dead of Night [死亡之夜](1945)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers[天外魔花] (1956)
Night of the Demon[惡靈之夜] (1957)
The Blob[變形怪體](1958)
Horror of Dracula (Dracula)[古堡怪客] (1958)
The Mummy[永眠的詛咒] (1959)
The Hound of the Baskervilles[巴斯克維爾的獵犬] (1959)
House on Haunted Hill[猛鬼屋] (1959)
The Tingler[心驚肉跳](1960)
Village of the Damned[魔童村] (1960)
The Fall of the House of Usher (厄舍古屋的倒塌) (1960)
Psycho[精神病患者] (1960)
Peeping Tom[偷窺狂](1960)
Black Sunday (La Maschera del demonio)[撒旦的面具] (1960)
The Pit and the Pendulum [陷坑與鐘擺](1961)
The Innocents (The Turn of the Screw)[無辜的人] (1961)
Corridors of Blood[血迴廊](1962)
El espejo de la bruja (The Witch's Mirror) [女巫的鏡子](1962)
Carnival of Souls[靈魂狂歡節] (1962)
Blood Feast[血的聖宴](1963)
The Whip and the Body (La frusta e il corpo)[鞭子與身體] (1963)
The Birds [群鳥](1963)
Dementia 13 (The Haunted and the Hunted) [痴呆症](1963)
Black Sabbath (I Tre volti della paura) [黑色安息日](1963)
Two Thousand Maniacs! [兩千狂人](1964)
The Tomb of Ligeia[莉蓋雅的墳墓] (1964)
The Last Man on Earth[地球上的最後一個人] (1964)
Blood and Black Lace (Sei donne per l'assassino) [血與黑蕾絲](1964)
At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul (à Meia-Noite Levarei Sua Alma)[午夜索魂] (1964)
Dracula: Prince of Darkness [黑暗中的魔鬼撒旦](1966)
This Night I Will Possess Your Corpse (恐怖奪屍夜) (1967)
Pedro Páramo [佩德羅·帕拉莫](1967)
Something Weird[異象](1968)
Witchfinder General [驅魔降邪](1968)
The Devil Rides Out ( 魔鬼出擊) (1968)
Rosemary's Baby [魔鬼聖嬰](1968)
Night of the Living Dead[活死人之夜] (1968)
Hasta el viento tiene miedo (Even the Wind has Fear)[直到風被驚嚇] (1968)
La residencia (House That Screamed)[在雷西登西亞] (1969)
El libro de piedra (The Book of Stone)[石頭之書] (1969)
A Clockwork Orange [發條橙](1970)
The Wizard of Gore[血之魔術師] (1970)
The Vampire Lovers[吸血鬼戀人] (1970)
The Dunwich Horror[敦威治恐怖事件] (1970)
The Bird with the Crystal Plumage [摧花手] (1970)
Five Dolls for an August Moon (5 bambole per la luna d'agosto)[辣手嬌娃] (1970)
Count Dracula (Nachts, wenn Dracula erwacht) [德拉庫拉之夜](1970)
Straw Dogs [稻草狗](1971)
Lust for a Vampire[吸血鬼的欲望] (1971)
Vampiros lesbos (女同性戀吸血鬼) (1971)
Twins of Evil[魔鬼雙胞胎] (1971)
The Omega Man [最後一個人](1971)
The Abominable Dr. Phibes[歌劇院殺人王] (1971)
Let's Scare Jessica to Death[嚇人到死] (1971)
Four Flies on Grey Velvet (4 mosche di velluto grigio)[灰天鵝絨上的四隻蒼蠅] (1971)
Cat o' Nine Tails (Il Gatto a nove code)[九尾怪貓] (1971)
A Bay of Blood (Reazione a catena)[血之海灘]
Noche del terror ciego, La[墓地亡靈首部曲:猛鬼傾巢](1972)
The Other [歌劇院殺人王](1972)
The Last House on the Left [殺人不分左右](1972)
Tales from the Crypt [懾魄驚魂](1972)
Don't Torture a Duckling (Non si sevizia un paperino)[別動酷刑] (1972)
Death Line (Raw Meat)[死線] (1972)
Ben [本](1972)
An Evening of Edgar Allan Poe[紅死病] (1972)
Attack of the Blind Dead(1973)
Theater of Blood (血染莎劇場) (1973)
The Wicker Man[異教徒] (1973)
The Exorcist [驅魔人](1973)
The Creeping Flesh [靈光](1973)
The Crazies[殺出狂人鎮] (1973)
Sisters[奇胎怪案] (1973)
Don't Look Now [威尼斯疑魂](1973)
El buque maldito(1974)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre[ 德州電鋸殺人狂] (1974)
The Pig Fucking Movie (Vase de noces)[一個人和他的豬] (1974)
Let Sleeping Corpses Lie - Living Dead at Manchester Morgue (Non si
deve profanare il sonno dei morti) [讓屍體沉睡](1974)
It's Alive [它是活屍](1974)
Deranged[錯亂] (1974)
Black Christmas[女生驚魂記] (1974)
L'anticristo (The Antichrist)[基督敵對者] (1974)
Night of the Seagulls(1975)
Race with the Devil[種族與魔鬼] (1975)
Más negro que la noche (Blacker Than the Night) [比黑夜更黑](1975)
Jaws[大白鯊] (1975)
Shivers [毛骨悚然](1975)
Deep Red (Profondo rosso)[夜深血紅] (1975)
The Omen[凶兆] (1976)
The House with Laughing Windows (La casa dalle finestre che ridono)[笑窗之屋] (1976)
Quién puede matar a un ni?o? (Who Can Kill a Child?) [誰能殺死孩子?](1976)
Carrie [魔女嘉莉](1976)
Burnt Offerings[燔祭] (1976)
Blood Sucking Freaks (Incredible Torture Show)[吸血怪魔] (1976)
Alice Sweet Alice (Communion)[聖餐]
Suspiria [陰風陣陣](1977)
Rabid [狂犬病](1977)
Eraserhead[橡皮頭] (1977)
Shock Waves[衝擊波] (1977)
Holocaust 2000 (Rain of Fire)[2000年的屠殺] (1977)
Audrey Rose[魔緣] (1977)
Zoltan Hound of Dracula (Dracula's Dog)[德拉庫拉魔犬] (1978)
The Omen 2: Damien[凶兆2] (1978)
The Manitou[曼尼] (1978)
The Fury [憤怒](1978)
Piranha [水虎魚](1978)
It's Alive 2: It Lives Again [它是活屍2:活屍歸來](1978)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers [人體異形](1978)
Dawn of the Dead[活死人黎明] (1978)
I Spit on Your Grave (Day of the Woman) [我唾棄你的墳墓](1978)
Eyes of Laura Mars[神秘眼] (1978)
Halloween [萬聖節](1978)
Alucarda, la hija de las tinieblas (Sisters of Satan) [魔鬼記號](1978)
Salem's Lot[薩利姆的地段] (1979)
Phantasm[幻象] (1979)
Zombie Flesh Eaters (Zombi 2)[生人迴避] (1979)
When a Stranger Calls [驚呼狂叫](1979)
The Brood[靈嬰] (1979)
The Amityville Horror[鬼哭神嚎] (1979)
Prophecy [預言](1979)
Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht (Nosferatu: Phantom of the Night) [諾斯費拉圖:夜晚的幽靈](1979)
Beyond the Darkness (Buio Omega)[除了黑暗] (1979)
Zombie Holocaust (人食人實錄) (1980)
The Shining[閃靈] (1980)
The Fog[夜霧殺機] (1980)
The Changeling[奪魄冤魂] (1980)
Terror Train[死亡列車] (1980)
Inferno[地獄] (1980)
Friday the 13th [黑色星期五](1980)
Fade to Black [褪色的黑](1980)
Mother's Day [母親節](1980)
City of the Living Dead (Paura nella città dei morti viventi)[活死人之城] (1980)
Cannibal Holocaust[人食人實錄] (1980)
Antropophagus[死神] (1980)
Maniac [殺人狂魔](1980)
Prom Night[舞會驚魂] (1980)
Motel Hell [地獄旅館](1980)
The Prowler (1981)
The Omen 3: The Final Conflict [天魔第三集](1981)
The Howling[破膽三次] (1981)
The House by the Cemetery (夜半鬼追人) (1981)
The Hand[大魔手] (1981)
The Funhouse[遊樂園] (1981)
The Entity[鬼戀] (1981)
The Burning[煉獄] (1981)
The Beyond (鬼驅人) (1981)
Friday the 13th 2 [黑色星期五2](1981)
My Bloody Valentine[恐怖情人節] (1981)
Happy Birthday to Me [祝我生日快樂](1981)
Halloween 2 [萬聖節2](1981)
Scanners [奪命凶靈](1981)
Dead and Buried[蓋棺了結] (1981)
Bloody Birthday [血腥生日](1981)
Hell Night[地獄之夜] (1981)
Evil Dead [鬼玩人](1981)
An American Werewolf in London[美國狼人在倫敦] (1981)
The Thing [突變第三型](1982)
Tenebrae (Tenebre)[黑暗] (1982)
Swamp Thing[沼澤怪物] (1982)
Superstition [魔刀](1982)
Slumber Party Massacre [電鋸狂魔](1982)
Poltergeist[鬼驅人] (1982)
New York Ripper (Lo Squartatore di New York)[紐約殺人狂] (1982)
Creepshow [鬼作秀](1982)
Pieces (Mil gritos tiene la noche) [一千兩性夜](1982)
Halloween 3: Season of the Witch [萬聖節3](1982)
Friday the 13th 3 [黑色星期五3](1982)
Basket Case[籃子裡的惡魔](1982)
Alone in the Dark[午夜大殺手] (1982)
The Gore-Gore Girls[ 血塊血塊女](1983)
Xtro[第三類外星人] (1983)
Videodrome[錄影帶謀殺案] (1983)
Twilight Zone: The Movie[陰陽魔界] (1983)
The Keep[魔鬼戰士堡] (1983)
The Hunger[千年血後] (1983)
The House on Sorority Row[姐妹聯誼會驚魂] (1983)
Sleepaway Camp[血腥死亡營] (1983)
Psycho 2 [驚魂記2](1983)
One Dark Night [午夜](1983)
Cujo [狂犬驚魂](1983)
A Blade in the Dark (La Casa con la scala nel buio)[血腥激情夜](1983)
Night of the Comet 【彗星之夜】(1984)
Dreamscape 【魔域煞星】(1984)
Firestarter 【凶火】(1984)
Silent Night, Deadly Night【平安夜,殺人夜】 (1984)
Veneno para las hadas (Poison for the Fairies)[仙女的毒藥] (1984)
The Toxic Avenger[毒魔復仇] (1984)
Friday the 13th 4 The Final Chapter 【黑色星期五:終結篇】(1984)
Gremlins【小魔怪】 (1984)
Razorback 【獵魔】(1984)
Children of the Corn 【鐮刀夢魘又名玉米田的小孩】(1984)
A Nightmare on Elm Street【猛鬼街】
The Stuff[異形大災難] (1985)
The Howling 2: Your Sister Is a Werewolf[破膽三次2] (1985)
Silver Bullet [銀色子彈](1985)
Phenomena [神話](1985)
Re-Animator[活跳屍] (1985)
Demons (Dèmoni)[月夜驚心] (1985)
Fright Night [吸血鬼住在隔壁](1985)
Return of the Living Dead [活死人歸來](1985)
Friday the 13th 5 A New Beginning [黑色星期五5:新的開始](1985)
Cut and Run (Inferno in diretta) [落荒而逃](1985)
Cat's Eye [貓眼看人](1985)
Lifeforce[崩裂的地球] (1985)
Day of the Dead[活死人之日] (1985)
A Nightmare on Elm Street 2[猛鬼街2:猛鬼纏身](1985)
Witchboard[魔鬼碟仙] (1986)
Troll[巨魔] (1986)
Vamp [穿梭猛鬼城](1986)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 [德州電鋸殺人狂 2](1986)
Slaughter High[殺戮高校] (1986)
Psycho 3[驚魂客棧] (1986)
Night of the Creeps[太空殭屍] (1986)
Fortress [血腥堡壘](1986)
House [夜半鬼敲門](1986)
Sorority House Massacre[恐怖遊戲] (1986)
From Beyond[活魔人] (1986)
Poltergeist 2 The Other Side[鬼驅人2] (1986)
Maximum Overdrive[火魔戰車] (1986)
Critters[魔精] (1986)
Friday the 13th 6 Jason Lives[黑色星期五6] (1986)
April Fool's Day [恐怖愚人節](1986)
Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer[連續殺人犯的一生] (1986)
Alien 2[]異形2] (1986)
The Video Dead [死亡電視](1987)
The Stepfather[繼父] (1987)
The Monster Squad [ 降妖別動隊](1987)
The Kindred [試管人魔](1987)
Street Trash[垃圾街] (1987)
Predator [鐵血戰士](1987)
Opera[恐怖歌劇] (1987)
Near Dark[血屍夜] (1987)
Hellraiser [養鬼吃人](1987)
Silent Night, Deadly Night 2[平安夜,殺人夜2] (1987)
Prince of Darkness [沉睡百萬年](1987)
House 2: The Second Story[夜半鬼敲門2:第二個故事] (1987)
Demons 2 (Demoni 2) [月夜驚心2](1987)
Creepshow 2 [鬼作秀2](1987)
Lost Boys [粗野少年族](1987)
Nekromantik [困惑的浪漫](1987)
Prom Night 2: Hello Mary Lou[舞會驚魂2:你好瑪麗露] (1987)
Evil Dead 2 Dead by Dawn[鬼玩人2] (1987)
Blood Diner[血餐] (1987)
Bad Taste [壞品位](1987)
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 Dream Warriors[]猛鬼街3:鬼替身(1987)
Angustia (Anguish)[痛苦] (1987)
Dolls [魔偶](1987)
Zombie Flesh Eaters 3 (Zombie 4: After Death) (Oltre la morte)[生人迴避4:惡戰鬼族](1988)
Zombie Flesh Eaters 2 (Zombi 3) [生人迴避3](1988)
Waxwork [蠟像](1988)
Uninvited[不請自來] (1988)
They Live [極度空間](1988)
The Unnamable [天妖](1988)
The Serpent and the Rainbow[蛇與彩虹] (1988)
The Dead Next Door (Mondo Zombie)[生死門] (1988)
The Blob [幽浮魔點](1988)
Sleepaway Camp 2 Unhappy Campers[血腥死亡營2:恐怖野營地] (1988)
Scarecrows[恐怖稻草人] (1988)
Pumpkinhead [南瓜惡靈](1988)
Poltergeist 3 [鬼驅人3](1988)
Pin [牽制](1988)
Phantasm 2[幻象2] (1988)
Hellraiser 2 Hellbound[養鬼吃人2] (1988)
Lone Wolf[單行者] (1988)
Maniac Cop[鬼面公僕] (1988)
Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers [萬聖節4](1988)
Night of the Demons[猛鬼舔人] (1988)
Friday the 13th 7 The New Blood[黑色星期五7] (1988)
FleshEater [厲鬼穿心](1988)
Return of the Living Dead 2 [活死人歸來2](1988)
Fright Night 2[吸血鬼住在隔壁2] (1988)
Demons 3: The Ogre (La casa dell'orco) [月夜驚心3:凶獸](1988)
Dead Heat[喪屍特警] (1988)
Killer Klowns from Outer Space[外太空殺人小丑] (1988)
Critters 2: The Main Course[魔精2] (1988)
Child's Play[鬼娃回魂] (1988)
Monkey Shines[異魔] (1988)
Brain Damage [壞腦](1988)
A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 The Dream Master[猛鬼街4](1988)
Warlock[沃洛克] (1989)
Sleepaway Camp 3 Teenage Wasteland[血腥死亡營3:貧瘠荒地] (1989)
Shocker [猛鬼電王](1989)
Santa sangre (Holy Blood)[聖血] (1989)
Clownhouse[小丑屋] (1989)
Pet Sematary [寵物墳場](1989)
Parents [食人父母](1989)
Leviathan[烈血海底城] (1989)
Puppet Master [魔偶奇譚](1989)
Halloween 5: Michael Myers' Revenge[萬聖節5] (1989)
La chiesa (The Church)[教堂幽靈] (1989)
Friday the 13th 8 Jason Takes Manhattan [黑色星期五5 8:傑森入侵麥哈頓](1989)
A Nightmare on Elm Street 5 The Dream Child[猛鬼街5:夜夜鬼纏身](1989)
Two Evil Eyes[魔鬼雙瞳](1990)
Troll 2 [釣餌2 ](1990)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3 (德州電鋸殺人狂3) (1990)
The Exorcist 3: Legion [驅魔人3](1990)
Tales from the Darkside [大小精靈](1990)
Frankenstein Unbound[再闖魔域] (1990)
Maniac Cop 2[鬼面公僕2] (1990)
Nightbreed[夜行駭傳] (1990)
It [它](1990)
Psycho 4: The Beginning [驚魂記4](1990)
Hardware[霹靂戰士龍] (1990)
Night of the Living Dead[活死人之夜] (1990)
Graveyard Shift [墳場禁區](1990)
Shakma[狂殺驚魂] (1990)
Frankenhooker[購屍還魂] (1990)
Child's Play 2[鬼娃回魂2] (1990)
Jacob's Ladder [異世浮生](1990)
Misery[危情十日] (1990)
Bride of Re-Animator [再續活跳屍](1990)
Gremlins 2: The New Batch[小精靈續集] (1990)
Brain Dead[是誰讓我腦死了] (1990)
Begotten[受生] (1990)
Metamorphosis: The Alien Factor[蛻變] (1990)
Basket Case 2 [籃子裡的惡魔2](1990)
Arachnophobia[小魔星] (1990)
The People Under the Stairs [階梯下的惡魔](1991)
The Omen 4: The Awakening [凶兆4](1991)
The Borrower [異形怪客](1991)
Subspecies[亞種] (1991)
Sometimes They Come Back[有時他們會回來] (1991)
Scanners 2 The New Order [奪命凶靈2](1991)
Scanners 3 The Takeover[奪命凶靈3:午夜魔瞳] (1991)
Puppet Master 3: Toulon's Revenge [魔偶王總復仇](1991)
Puppet Master 2[魔偶奇譚2] (1991)
Nekromantik 2 [困惑的浪漫2](1991)
Delicatessen[黑店狂想曲] (1991)
Critters 4 [魔精4](1991)
Critters 3 [魔精3](1991)
Child's Play 3 [鬼娃回魂3](1991)
A Nightmare on Elm Street 6 The Final Nightmare [猛鬼街6:終極噩夢](1991)
Krvavý román[恐怖故事](1992)
The Resurrected [ 死而復生](1992)
The Burning Moon[炎月] (1992)
Demonic Toys[惡魔玩具] (1992)
Evil Dead 3 Army of Darkness[鬼玩人3:魔界英豪] (1992)
Children of the Corn 2: The Final Sacrifice [鐮刀夢魘2](1992)
Candyman [糖人](1992)
Dr. Giggles [吉格斯醫生](1992)
Sleepwalkers [行屍走肉](1992)
Pet Sematary 2 [寵物墓地2](1992)
Hellraiser 3 Hell on Earth[養鬼吃人3] (1992)
Dolly Dearest[靈異殺星] (1992)
Bram Stoker's Dracula[驚情四百年] (1992)
Braindead [群屍玩過界](1992)
Alien 3[異形3]](1992)
Warlock 2: The Armageddon[沃洛克2:大決戰] (1993)
The Tommyknockers[綠魔] (1993)
The Good Son[危險小天使] (1993)
The Dark Half [人鬼雙胞胎](1993)
Subspecies 2 Bloodstone[亞種2] (1993)
Puppet Master 4 [魔偶奇譚4](1993)
Friday the 13th 9 Jason Goes to Hell[黑色星期五9] (1993)
Leprechaun[鬼精靈] (1993)
Needful Things[必需品] (1993)
Return of the Living Dead 3 [活死人歸來3](1993)
Maniac Cop 3: Badge of Silence[鬼面公僕3] (1993)
Cronos[魔鬼銀爪] (1993)
Subspecies 3 Bloodlust [亞種3](1994)
Puppet Master 5: The Final Chapter [戲夢人生](1994)
Interview with the Vampire[夜訪吸血鬼] (1994)
Leprechaun 2 [鬼精靈2](1994)
Phantasm 3: Lord of the Dead[鬼追人] (1994)
Cemetery Man (Dellamorte Dellamore) [魔誡墳場](1994)
Brainscan[六度戰慄] (1994)
Nightwatch (Nattevagten) [看夜更](1994)
Night of the Demons 2 [猛鬼舔人2](1994)
Ghoulies 4 [馬桶妖怪4](1994)
Stargate[星際之門] (1994)
A Nightmare on Elm Street 7 New Nightmare[猛鬼街7] (1994)
Heat [盜火線] (1995)
Xtro: Watch the Skies[截殺外星人] (1995)
The Prophecy [魔翼殺手](1995)
The Langoliers [海市蜃樓](1995)
In the Mouth of Madness[戰慄黑洞] (1995)
Leprechaun 3[鬼精靈3] (1995)
Species[異種] (1995)
Lord of Illusions[夢幻殺人檔案] (1995)
Exquisite Tenderness [外科醫生](1995)
Ice Cream Man [冰淇淋人](1995)
Children of the Corn 3: Urban Harvest[鐮刀夢魘3] (1995)
Castle Freak [衰落的城堡](1995)
Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers [萬聖節6](1995)
Evil Ed[魔鬼艾德] (1995)
Candyman 2: Farewell to the Flesh[糖人2:腥風血雨] (1995)
Thinner [瘦到死](1996)
The Ghost and the Darkness[暗夜獵殺] (1996)
The Frighteners[恐怖幽靈] (1996)
The Dentist[魔鬼牙醫 ] (1996)
Tesis (死亡論文) (1996)
Scream[驚聲尖叫] (1996)
From Dusk Till Dawn [殺出個黎明](1996)
Children of the Corn 4: The Gathering [聚魔地](1996)
Bad Moon[鬼哭神嚎] (1996)
Sometimes They Come Back... Again[第七幻象2-重返陰陽界] (1996)
Hellraiser 4 Bloodline[養鬼吃人4] (1996)
Wishmaster [還願大師](1997)
The Ugly[魔鬼賽門] (1997)
The Night Flier[惡夜飛魔 ] (1997)
Nightwatch[看誰在尖叫] (1997)
Evil Ed[魔鬼艾德](1997)
Premutos: The Fallen Angel (Premutos: Der gefallene Engel)[Premutos:墮落天使] (1997)
Lost Highway [妖夜慌蹤](1997)
Scream 2 [驚聲尖叫2](1997)
Night of the Demons 3 [猛鬼舔人3](1997)
Cube [心慌方](1997)
I Know What You Did Last Summer [我知道你去年夏天干了什麼](1997)
Funny Games[趣味遊戲美國版] (1997)
Leprechaun 4 In Space[鬼精靈4] (1997)
Alien 4: Resurrection[異形4] (1997)
An American Werewolf in Paris[美國狼人在巴黎] (1997)
Vampires [夠僵行動](1998)
Urban Legend[下一個就是你] (1998)
The Prophecy 2 [終極預言2](1998)
The Faculty[終極預言2] (1998)
Subspecies 4 Bloodstorm [亞種4:血風暴](1998)
Deep Rising[極度深寒] (1998)
Halloween 7 H20: 20 Years Later[萬聖節7] (1998)
Disturbing Behavior [恐怖怪譚](1998)
I Still Know What You Did Last Summer [我仍然知道你去年夏天干了什麼](1998)
Child's Play 4: Bride of Chucky[鬼娃新娘] (1998)
Phantasm 4: Oblivion [猛鬼玩人](1998)
The Talented Mr. Ripley
[天才雷普利 ](1999)
Wishmaster 2: Evil Never Dies [惡魔咆哮2](1999)
The Blair Witch Project [女巫布萊爾](1999)
House on Haunted Hill[猛鬼屋] (1999)
Ravenous[戰地惡魔] (1999)
From Dusk Till Dawn 2: Texas Blood Money[殺出個黎明2:嗜血狂魔] (1999)
Candyman 3: Day of the Dead [糖人3](1999)
Los sin nombre (The Nameless)[無名死嬰] (1999)
Frequency [生死調頻/隔世救未來/時空頻率/生死頻率](2000)
The Blair Witch Project 2: Book of Shadows [死亡習作2之陰魂不散](2000)
Terror Tract (驚魂攝魄) (2000)
Possessed[作繭自縛] (2000)
Shadow of the Vampire[吸血鬼魅影] (2000)
Chasing Sleep [追逐睡眠](2000)
Final Destination[死神來了] (2000)
From Dusk Till Dawn 3: The Hangman's Daughter[殺出個黎明3:魔界妖姬](2000)
Bruiser[無面人] (2000)
Scream 3 [驚聲尖叫3](2000)
Leprechaun 5: Leprechaun in the Hood[鬼精靈5] (2000)
Ginger Snaps[變種女狼] (2000)
Hellraiser 5 Inferno [養鬼吃人5:地獄](2000)
Anatomy (Anatomie)[實習醫生格蕾] (2000)
Trouble Every Day [日煩夜煩](2001)
The Others[小島驚魂] (2001)
Bones[陰魂咆哮] (2001)
Jeepers Creepers[驚心食人族] (2001)
Friday the 13th 10 Jason X [黑色星期五10](2001)
Frailty[替天行道] (2001)
El Espinazo del diablo (The Devil's Backbone)[鬼童院] (2001)
Session 9[9號謀殺案] (2001)
Cradle of Fear[殺人如麻](2001)
Joy Ride[致命玩笑] (2001)
Suicide Club (Jisatsu saakuru)[自殺俱樂部] (2002)
Red Dragon [紅龍](2002)
May[五月魔女] (2002)
Cube 2: Hypercube[心慌方2:超立方體] (2002)
Leprechaun 6: Back 2 tha Hood [鬼精靈6](2002)
Hellraiser 6 Hellseeker[猛鬼追魂6:死亡代碼] (2002)
Cabin Fever [屍骨無存](2002)
Darkness[黑暗] (2002)
Ghost Ship [幽靈船](2002)
Resident Evil[生化危機] (2002)
Fear Dot Com (FearDotCom)[恐怖網站] (2002)
Dog Soldiers [閃靈戰士](2002)
Ripley's Game [魔鬼雷普利/心計遊戲/天才瑞普利2 ](2002)
Halloween 8: Resurrection [萬聖節8](2002)
Firestarter 2 Rekindled [凶火2](2002)
Bubba Ho-tep [打鬼王](2002)
Signs [麥田符號](2002)
High Tension (Haute tension)[血色月亮] (2003)
Freddy vs. Jason[弗萊迪大戰傑森] (2003)
Gothika [鬼影人](2003)
Dreamcatcher[捕夢網] (2003)
Visitors[鬼府訪客] (2003)
Undead[獵殺活死人] (2003)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre[德州電鋸殺人狂 ] (2003)
Jeepers Creepers 2[驚心食人族2] (2003)
Beyond Re-Animator [永遠的活跳屍](2003)
August Underground's Mordum[八月地下坊] (2003)
Dead End [死路](2003)
Final Destination 2 [死神來了2](2003)
Darkness Falls[暗夜鬼叫聲] (2003)
Identity[致命ID] (2003)
House of 1000 Corpses[千屍屋] (2003)
Anatomy 2 (Anatomie 2)[活人破膽2] (2003)
Butterfly Effect Revelation[蝴蝶效應] (2004)
The Ordeal (十字架) (2004)
The GrudgeThe Forgotten [靈異拼圖](2004)
The Exorcist 4: The Beginning [驅魔人前傳](2004)
Shaun of the Dead [殭屍肖恩](2004)
Infection (Kansen) [感染](2004)
Madhouse[瘋院人魔] (2004)
Saw[電鋸驚魂] (2004)
Dead Birds[死鳥] (2004)
Resident Evil 2: Apocalypse [生化危機2:啟示錄](2004)
Dead Meat [死肉](2004)
Night Watch (Nochnoy dozor)[守夜人] (2004)
Murder Set Pieces[謀殺片斷] (2004)
Dawn of the Dead[活死人黎明] (2004)
Ginger Snaps Back: The Beginning [變種女狼歸來](2004)
Ginger Snaps 2 Unleashed[變種女狼2] (2004)
Face[面子] (2004)
Cube Zero[心慌方·零] (2004)
Creep[捷運驚魂] (2004)
Child's Play 5: Seed of Chucky[鬼娃新娘之鬼娃也有種] (2004)
Riding the Bullet [騎彈飛行](2004)
Habitaciones para turistas (Rooms for Tourists) [家庭旅館](2004)
Dead Friend (Ryeong) [鬼友](2004)
Bone Sickness[惡之入骨] (2004)
Decoys[誘捕] (2004)
Wolf Creek [狼溪 ](2005)
White Noise[鬼訊號] (2005)
The Skeleton Key[萬能鑰匙] (2005)
The Exorcism of Emily Rose[驅魔] (2005)
The Devil's Rejects [千屍屋2 ](2005)
The Descent[黑暗侵襲] (2005)
The Call of Cthulhu (2005)
The Amityville Horror [鬼哭神嚎](2005)
Saw 2 [電鋸驚魂2](2005)
Santa's Slay [幹掉聖誕老人](2005)
Dark Water [鬼水怪談](2005)
Reeker [霧人] (2005)
Naboer (Next Door) [鄰居](2005)
House of Wax[恐怖蠟像館] (2005)
Hostel [人皮客棧] (2005)
Boy Eats Girl [男孩啃女孩](2005)
Boogeyman [惡靈空間](2005)
Scared (Rap nawng sayawng khwan)[奪命槍火](2005)
Land of the Dead[活死人之地] (2005)
Hellraiser 7 Deader[養鬼吃人7死魂靈] (2005)
Feast [獸餐](2005)
Snuff Movie[謀殺電影院] (2005)
Boo[萬聖夜驚魂] (2005)
Dark Remains[午夜幽魂] (2005)
Return of the Living Dead 4: Necropolis [活死人歸來4:墓地](2005)
Hellraiser 8 Hellworld[養鬼吃人8:地獄世界] (2005)
Return of the Living Dead 5: Rave to the Grave[活死人歸來5:墓穴咆哮] (2005)
An American Haunting[美國怪談] (2005)
Severed: Forest of the Dead[血腥森林] (2005)
Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist[驅魔人前傳](2005)
Butterfly Effect Revelation 2 [蝴蝶效應2](2006)
DabbeWicked Little Things[邪惡幼靈] (2006)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning[德州電鋸殺人狂前傳] (2006)
The Hills Have Eyes [隔山有眼](2006)
The Hamiltons[漢密爾頓一家] (2006)
The Grudge 2[美國版咒怨2 ] (2006)
The Gravedancers [墳墓舞者](2006)
The Devil's Chair[惡魔之椅] (2006)
The Abandoned[墮落] (2006)
Silent Hill [寂靜嶺](2006)
Severance [斷頭氣](2006)
See No Evil[非禮勿視] (2006)
Like Minds[心智相投] (2006)
Saw 3 [電鋸驚魂3](2006)
Hatchet [短斧](2006)
I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer [我一直知道你去年夏天干了什麼](2006)
Day Watch (Dnevnoy dozor) [守日人](2006)
Dark Ride [死亡之旅](2006)
Cold Prey (Fritt vilt) [雪山驚魂](2006)
Cinderella [灰姑娘](2006)
Stay Alive [生存遊戲](2006)
Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead[惡夜活死雞] (2006)
Bug [千瘡百孔](2006)
Rest Stop[旅舍] (2006)
Black Sheep[瘋羊] (2006)
Final Destination 3 [死神來了3](2006)
Black Christmas[黑色聖誕節] (2006)
Kilometro 31 (KM 31)[鬼蜮失魂地] (2006)
Ils (Them)[他們] (2006)
Dark Corners[黑暗角落] (2006)
Automaton Transfusion[血肉狂魔] (2006)
Slither[撕裂人] (2006)
Pulse[惹鬼迴路] (2006)
Sheitan (Satan) [撒旦](2006)
Premonition [亡命感應/預言/前兆 ](2007)
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street[理髮師陶德](2007)
Wrong Turn 2 Dead End [致命彎道2](2007)
Wind Chill[陰風鬼影 ] (2007)
White Noise 2: The Light [鬼訊號2白光](2007)
Vacancy[針孔旅館] (2007)
The Wizard Of Gore [血之魔術師](2007)
The Suicide Song (Densen uta) (2007)
The Substitute (代課老師不是人) (2007)
The Strangers [陌生人](2007)
The Signal [信號](2007)
The Rage [瘋狂病毒](2007)
The Mist [迷霧](2007)
The Hitcher[魔鬼搭車人] (2007)
The Hills Have Eyes 2[隔山有眼2] (2007)
Seed [惡種](2007)
Planet Terror [恐怖星球](2007)
Rogue[逃亡鱷魚島] (2007)
Saw 4 [電鋸驚魂4](2007)
Inside (à l'intérieur) [身在其中](2007)
Mother of Tears[第三個媽媽] (La Terza madre) (2007)
Hell's Ground (地獄領土) (2007)
Room 205[205房間] (Kollegiet) (2007)
Diary of the Dead[死亡日記] (2007)
Flight of the Living Dead: Outbreak on a Plane[死亡航班] (2007)
Death of a Ghost Hunter[幽靈獵人之死] (2007)
Dead of Winter (冬之死) (2007)
Days of Darkness[黑暗歲月 ] (2007)
Dard Divorce[黑暗離婚](2007)
Cthulhu (2007)
Rec[死亡錄像] (2007)
End of the Line[捷運四重奏] (2007)
Dead Silence[死寂] (2007)
Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer [傑克·布魯克斯之怪獸殺手](2007)
Buried Alive[生人活埋] (2007)
Perfect Creature[完美生物] (2007)
Nympha [異教徒](2007)
Resident Evil 3: Extinction[生化危機3:滅絕] (2007)
Funny Games[趣味遊戲] (2007)
P2 (2007)
Halloween[萬聖節] (2007)
Brotherhood of Blood[嗜血兄弟] (2007)
Botched - Voll verkackt![辦砸了] (2007)
Storm Warning[風暴來臨] (2007)
Borderland[邊陲] (2007)
Hostel 2[人皮客棧2 ] (2007)
Boogeyman 2[惡靈空間2 ] (2007)
Frontiers (血眼) (2007)
Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon [面具之後](2007)
Fast Track: No Limits [極速漂移 ](2008)
Zombie Strippers![殭屍脫[]衣舞娘] (2008)
Vipers [毒蛇 ](2008)
Vacancy 2 The First Cut[針孔旅社2:前傳] (2008)
Trick or Treat [魔界舞男](2008)
Time Of Darkness (Pora mroku)黑暗時刻(波蘭) (2008)
The Vanguard [末日先鋒](2008)
The Red Cell [紅細胞](2008)
The Mutant Chronicles[變異編年史] (2008)
The Objective [血戰沙漠](2008)
The Morgue[停屍間] (2008)
The Midnight Meat Train[午夜食人列車] (2008)
The Andromeda Strain[天外來菌] (2008)
The Legend of Bloody Mary[血腥瑪麗的傳說 ] (2008)
The Haunting of Molly Hartley[如影隨形] (2008)
The Happening [滅頂之災](2008)
The Devil's Curse (惡靈詛咒) (2008)
The Children [孩子](2008)
The Burrowers[神秘的地洞] (2008)
Terror Train (恐怖列車) (2008)
Solstice[極端行為] (2008)
Shark in Venice[威尼斯之鯊] (2008)
Scarce[人肉收割] (2008)
Repo! The Genetic Opera[遺傳學歌劇 ] (2008)
Red Mist[紅色迷霧] (Freakdog) (2008)
Pulse 3[惹鬼迴路3] (2008)
Semum [孤兒院](2008)
Saw 5[電鋸驚魂5] (2008)
Stargate Continuum[星際之門:時空連續] (2008)
Starship Troopers 3: Marauder[星河戰隊3:掠奪者] (2008)
Pulse 2: Afterlife[惹鬼迴路2:輪迴再侵] (2008)
Mirrors [鬼鏡](2008)
Midnight Movie [午夜電影] (2008)
Mum and Dad [恐怖的爸媽] (2008)
Lost Boys 2 The Tribe[捉鬼小精靈2] (2008)
Martyrs[ 殉難者] (2008)
Sauna (Filth)[桑拿] (2008)
Let the Right One In (生人勿進) (2008)
Insanitarium [療養院 ](2008)
Kill Switch[殺戮時刻] (2008)
Help [救命](2008)
Passengers[乘客] (2008)
Reeker 2 No Man's Land: The Rise of Reeker[霧人前傳] (2008)
Last of the Living[最後的生機 ] (2008)
Killer Pad[殺手便箋] (2008)
Eden Lake[伊甸湖] (2008)
Rest Stop 2 Don't Look Back[恐怖休息站2:別回頭] (2008)
Dying Breed[死亡繁殖] (2008)
Dimples[酒窩] (2008)
Dead and Gone[死亡經歷 ] (2008)
Feast 2 Sloppy Seconds[獸餐2 ] (2008)
Dante 01 [但丁一號 ](2008)
House[鬼屋] (2008)
Dark Floors[黑暗樓層] (2008)
Splinter[異形魔種] (2008)
Dark Reel [黑暗捲軸](2008)
Scourge[異蟲咒 ] (2008)
From Within[由內而外] (2008)
Dance of the Dead[死亡之舞] (2008)
Coming Soon (Bproh Graem Naa Win Yaan Aa Kaa)[馬上就來] (2008)
Cold Prey 2[雪山驚魂2] (Fritt vilt 2) (2008)
Chronicles Of An Exorcism[驅魔歷代記] (2008)
Embodiment of Evil (惡魔化身) (2008)
Chemical Wedding[化學婚姻] (2008)
Carver[雕刻師] (2008)
Return to Sleepaway Camp[血腥死亡營] (2008)
Rovdyr[荒野惡林] (2008)
Parasomnia[異常睡眠] (2008)
Johnny Sunshine Maximum Violence[陽光約翰尼] (2008)
Farmhouse[農舍] (2008)
Boston Strangler: The Untold Story[波士頓殺人王] (2008)
Book of Blood[血書] (2008)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde[化身博士] (2008)
Boogeyman 3[惡靈空間3] (2008)
Bad Biology[恐怖相親] (2008)
Babysitter Wanted[誠聘保姆]
Autopsy[屍體解剖] (2008)
Otis[奧提斯] (2008)
Eskalofrío (Shiver)[碎片] (2008)
April Fool's Day [恐怖愚人節 ](2008)
Alone In The Dark 2 [鬼屋魔影2](2008)
Amusement[殘虐你,娛樂我] (2008)
Anaconda 3: The Offspring [狂蟒之災3](2008)
The Alphabet Killer[字母殺手]
The broken[破壞欲]
Intrusos(en Manasés)[上帝遺忘的城市]
Butterfly Effect Revelation 3[蝴蝶效應3](2009)
Four Horsemen of theApocalypse[天啟四騎士](2009)
Growth [生長](2009)
Wrong Turn 3 Left for Dead [致命彎道3 ](2009)
Walled In [致命圍困](2009)
The Unborn[嬰靈惡泣] (2009)
The Tribe[部落] (2009)
The Thaw[解凍] (2009)
The Horsemen[騎士] (2009)
The Hills Run Red[紅色之山] (2009)
The Grudge 3[美版咒怨3 ] (2009)
Lesbian Vampire Killers [女同志吸血鬼殺手](2009)
Laid to Rest [安息](2009)
Slaughter[屠殺] (2009)
Perkins 14[珀金斯14亡魂] (2009)
Saw 6[電鋸驚魂6] (2009)
Kill Theory[殺人理論] (2009)
Skeleton Crew [被詛咒的手](2009)
Dead Snow (死亡之雪) (2009)
Hallettsville [惡靈屋](2009)
Feast 3 The Happy Finish[獸餐3] (2009)
Drag Me to Hell[墮入地獄] (2009)
Messengers 2: The Scarecrow[信使2] (2009)
Jennifer's Body[詹妮弗的肉體] (2009)
Final Destination 4 [死神來了4 ](The Final Destination) (2009)
Doghouse[狗舍] (2009)
Pandorum [深空失憶](2009)
Friday the 13th 12[13號星期五12] (2009)
Carriers [末日病毒](2009)
Orphan [孤兒](2009)
Grace [格蕾絲](2009)
My Bloody Valentine[我的血腥情人節] (2009)
The unborn[嬰靈惡泣]
Against the Dark[對抗黑暗](2009)
Antichrist[反基督者] (2009)
Haunting Of Winchester House [凶宅惡靈](2009)
The Fourth Kind[第四類接觸]
The Descent: Part 2[黑暗侵襲2]
The box[殺人寶盒]
Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant[吸血鬼助手]
Ghosts of Girlfriends Past[前女友的幽靈們]
Halloween II[萬聖節10]
A Perfect Getaway[一次完美的逃亡]
The Haunting in Connecticut[太平間鬧鬼事件]
The Last House on the Left[魔屋]
The uninvited[不請自來]
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans[黑夜傳說前傳:狼族再起]
Ne te retourne pas[不要回頭]
Splice / Hybrid [人獸雜交/顫慄異種/人獸變種 ]
The wolf man[狼人]
A Nightmare on Elm Street[新猛鬼街]
The Graves [格拉芙姐妹]
The Wolf Man[狼人]
Shutter Island[禁閉島]
The Crazies [殺出狂人鎮]
A Nightmare on Elm Street[新猛鬼街]
The Final[終極囚禁]
The Human Centipede[人體蜈蚣]
The New Daughter[新女兒]
Dibbuk Box[惡靈入侵]
Thy Kingdom Come[王國來臨]
I, Lucifer[撒旦外傳]
Psych 9[靈異醫院]
The Wolfman[狼人]
My Soul to Take[猛鬼生日宴]
Splice / Hybrid [人獸雜交]
I Spit on Your Grave[我唾棄你的墳墓翻拍]
Demonic Toys: Personal Demons[惡魔玩具2]
Final Destination 5 [死神來了5]
The Rite[惡魔儀式]
Vanishing on 7th Street [消失在第七街]
Mother's Day [母親節]
Faces in the Crowd [人群中的臉]
Dead of Night [死人之夜]
Quarantine 2: Terminal [隔離區2:終端]
Fright Night [新天師斗殭屍]
Don't Be Afraid of the Dark[別害怕黑暗]
Shark Night 3D[大白鯊3D]
Apollo 18 [阿波羅18號]
The Human Centipede 2[人體蜈蚣2]
The Thing[怪形前傳]
Paranormal Activity 3[靈動:鬼影實錄3]
Red Riding Hood [小紅帽]
Super 8[超級8]
The Roommate[致命室友]
Seconds Apart[分秒間離]
Dream House [夢宅]
Red State[紅色之洲]
Scream of the Banshee[尖叫的女妖]
51 State[51區]
Black Death[黑死病]
Wrong Turn 4[致命彎道4]
ChromeSkull Laid To Rest 2[安息2]
Hellraiser: Revelations [猛鬼追魂]
The Tunnel[靈異隧道實錄]
The Darkest Hour [至暗之時]
The Woman[野蠻女人]