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7) Chuan Tian; Jing Tan; Xin Wu; Wenjin Ye; Xianglong Liu; Daotang Li; Hong Yang*.Spatiotemporal transition of bacterioplankton diversity in a large shallow hypertrophic freshwater lake, as determined by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis .Journal of Plankton Research , 2009,31(8):885-897。
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9)Xiu-Juan Wu, Jian-Liang Pan, Xiang-Long Liu, Jing Tan, Dao-Tang Li, and Hong Yang*. Sulfate - Reducing Bacteria in Leachate-Polluted Aquifers along the Shore of the East China Sea. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 2009,55(7):818 -828。
10) Guijie LI, Xiaomin HANG, Jing TAN, Min ZHANG, Xianglong LIU, Daotang LI , Hong Yang*. A BSH volumetric activity dependent method for determination of coprecipitated cholesterol and the assimilation/coprecipitation proportion of cholesterol removal by Lactobacillus plantarum. Annals of Microbiology, 59 (3): 469-475, 2009。
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19)TIAN Yang-jie, Hong Yang*, LI Dao-tang, LIN Zhi-xin. Evaluation of the potential for using molecular approaches to deduce redox conditions in groundwater contaminant plumes. Annals of Microbiology, 2005, 55(1): 9-16。
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