
楊潔大連理工大學 副教授碩士指導教師

1997.09-2001.07 山西大學 本科
2001.09-2003.07 大連理工大學 碩士
2003.09-2006.06 大連理工大學 博士
2006.06-2007.04 中國計量學院 講師
2007.04-2009.03 大連理工大學 博士後
2009.03-2012.12 大連理工大學 講師
2013.01-至今 大連理工大學 副教授
2009.06-至今 大連理工大學 碩士指導教師






[1]Jie Yang, Wenyu Yang, Wei Wu. A remark on the error-backpropagation learning algorithm for spiking neural networks. Applied Mathematics Letters, 2012, Vol. 25, Issue 8, 1118-1120, SCI

[2]Jie Yang, Wenyu Yang, Wei Wu. A novel spiking perceptron that can solve XOR problem. Neural Network World, 2011, Vol. 21, Issue 6, 45-50, SCI

[3]Jian Wang, Jie Yang, Wei Wu. Convergence of cyclic and almost-cyclic learning with momentum for feedforward neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 2011, Vol. 22, Issue 8, 1297-1306, SCI

[4]Long Li, Jie Yang, Wei Wu. Intuitionistic fuzzy hopfield neural network and its stability. Neural Network World, 2011, Vol. 21, Issue 5, 461-472, SCI

[5]Wenyu Yang, Jie Yang, Wei Wu. A modified spiking neuron that involves derivative of the state function at firing time. Neural Processing Letters, 2012, Vol. 36, 135-144, SCI

[6]Wei Wu, Long Li, Jie Yang, Yan Liu. A modified gradient-based neuro-fuzzy learning algorithm and its convergence. Information Sciences, 2010, Vol. 180, 1630-1642, SCI

[7]Chao Zhang, Jie Yang, Wei Wu. Binary higher-order neural networks for realizing boolean functions. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 2011, Vol. 22, Issue 5, 701-713, SCI

[8]Long Li, Jie Yang, Wei Wu. Finite convergence of a fuzzy rule for a fuzzy perceptron. Neural Network World, 2008, Vol. 18, Issue 6, 459-467, SCI

[9]Yan Liu, Jie Yang, Long Li , Wei Wu. Negative effects of sufficiently small initial weights on back-propagation neural networks. Journal of Zhejiang University-Science C-Computers & Electronics, 2012, Vol. 13(8), 585-592, SCI, EI

[10]劉燕, 楊潔, 李龍. 帶遞歸的模糊感知器有限收斂性. 大連理工大學學報, 2011, Vol. 51, Issue 6, 933-936, EI

[11]Jie Yang, Long Li, Yan Liu, Jing Wang, Wei Wu(通訊). Choice of initial bias in max-min fuzzy neural networks. 2010 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Barcelona, Spain, IEEE Press, 1204-1206. EI, ISTP

[12]Jie Yang(通訊), Delong Liu, Long Li, Zhengxue Li. A new learning algorithm for a max-min fuzzy neural networks. The International Conference on Information Technology & Environmental System Sciences, 2008, Jiaozuo, Publishing House of Electronics Industry, Part IV, 590-595. ISTP

[13]Mingchen Yao, Jie Yang, Huisheng Zhang, Wei Wu. An attribute value reduction algorithm based on set operations. International IEEE Workshop on Database Technology and Applications, 2009, Wuhan, 181-183, EI

[14]Wenyu Yang, Jie Yang, Wei Wu. A modified one-layer spiking neural network involves derivative of the state function at firing time. International Symposium on Neural Networks, 2012, Part I, LNCS 7367, 149–158, EI

[15]Long Li, Jie Yang, Wei Wu, Tianshuang Wu. An intuitional fuzzy associative memory and its learning rule. Proceedings of 2009 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing, Nanchang, China, 2009, Edited by Tsau Yong Li, et al., IEEE Press, 350-353, ISTP

[16]Jie Yang, Wei Wu. Is bias dispensable for fuzzy neural networks? Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2007, Vol. 158, Issue 24, 2757-2762. SCI, EI.

[17]Jie Yang, Wei Wu, Zhiqiong Shao. A new training algorithm for a fuzzy perceptron and its convergence. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005, Vol. 3496, 609-614. (SCI )

[18]Jie Yang. Replacing the Operator ∧ and ∨ with Continue Functions in a Fuzzy Relational Neural Network. 高等學校計算數學學報, 2005, Vol. 27, 378-382.

[19]Atlas. Khan, Jie Yang, Wei Wu. Double parallel feedforward neural network based on extreme learning machine with L1/2regularizer. Neurocomputing, 2014, Vol. 128, 113–118, SCI.

[20]Jie Yang, Pingping Zhang, Yan Liu.Robustness of classification ability of spiking neural networks. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2015, Vol. 82, Nos. 1-2, 723-730, SCI.





3、汪驥,楊潔(數學學院負責人),劉玉君、韋智元、葉靜、包葉冬,中央高校基本科研業務費(大連理工大學數學+X項目),船體複雜曲面板電磁力輔助線加熱耦合成形機理和數學模型研究,No. DUT10JS08,2010年1月至2011年12月,總經費10萬元。


1、神經網路學習算法收斂性研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目,No. 10871220,2009-01-01至2011-12-31。

2、前饋神經網路學習算法的設計與分析,國家自然科學基金面上項目,No. 11171367,2012-01-01至2015-12-31。

3、大連理工大學數學基地,國家自然科學基金,No. J1103110,2012-01至2015-12。

4、高維數據的低維非線性逼近中的非凸最佳化模型的有效解法和軟體,國家自然科學基金重大研究計畫, No.91230103,2013-01-01至2015-12-31。


