
楊國棟,博士,山東農業大學生命科學學院副教授,碩士生導師。泰山學者學術骨幹。 目前承擔了本科生《生命科學導論》、《基礎生物化學》、《生物化學實驗》以及研究生《高級生化實驗技術》等課程的教學工作。 近年來,主要承擔了長江學者與創新團隊發展計畫子課題,並參加了國家高技術研究發展計畫(863計畫)、國家重點基礎研究發展計畫(973計畫)和國家自然科學基金等多項課題。獲得了基因發明專利兩項。在《JournalofGenetics》、《ActaPhysiol.Plant》、《NucleicAcidsRes.》、《MolecularCell》、《中國科學》等國內外著名學術刊物上發表研究論文近20餘篇。

MicroRNA比較基因組學分析;MicroRNA(特別是Intronic MicroRNA)在植物抵禦非生物脅迫(如乾旱、低溫、鹽脅迫等),以及植物生長發育過程的作用。
1. 教育部“長江學者創新團隊發展計畫”《作物高產優質的生理與分子基礎》2007-2009
2. 轉基因生物新品種培育重大專項《抗逆和抗除草劑關鍵基因克隆及功能驗證》參加第一位2009-2012
3. 轉基因生物新品種培育科技重大專項《棉花抗旱、耐鹽和低溫重要新基因的克隆和功能驗證》參加第二位2009-2011
1. Yang, G.D., Yan K., Wu B.J, Wang Y.H., Gao Y.X., and Zheng C.C. (2012) Genome-wide analysis of intronic microRNAs in rice and Arabidopsis. Journal of Genetics , In press. 2.Liu, P.,* Yang, G. D.,*(co-first author), Li, H. Zheng, C.C. and Wu, C.A. (2010) Overexpression of NHX1s in transgenic Arabidopsis enhances photoprotection capacity in high salinity and drought conditions. Acta Physiol Plant, 32, 81–90. springerlink 3.Guo, Y.H, Yu, Y.P, Zheng, C.C, Yang, G.D*. (2010) Screening of proteins interacting with GhZFP1 zinc finger protein from cotton by Yeast Two Hybrid System. Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 26(5): 423-428. 4.Wu, B.J, Yan, B.L, Liu, D.L, Zheng, C.C, Yang, G.D*. (2010) Bioinformatical analysis of salinity-responsive promoters in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Shandong Agricultural University (Natural Science), 41(2):164-168. 5.Yan, K., Liu, P., Wu, C.A., Yang, G.D., Xu, R., Guo, Q.H., Huang, J.G., and Zheng C.C. (2012) Stress-induced alternative splicing provides a novel mechanism for the regulation of microRNA processing in Arabidopsis thaliana. Molecular Cell, 2012 Oct 10. PMID: 23063528 6.Li, Y., Wu, B., Yu, Y., Yang, G., Wu, C. and Zheng, C. (2011) Genome-wide analysis of the RING finger gene family in apple. Mol Genet Genomics, 286, 81-94. PMID: 21630098 7.Xi, D.M., Liu, W.S., Yang, G.D., Wu, C.A. and Zheng, C.C. (2010) Seed-specific overexpression of antioxidant genes in Arabidopsis enhances oxidative stress tolerance during germination and early seedling growth. Plant Biotechnol J, 8, 796-806. PMID: 20691023 8.Huang, J.G., Yang, M., Liu, P., Yang, G.D., Wu, C.A. and Zheng, C.C. (2010) Genome-wide profiling of developmental, hormonal or environmental responsiveness of the nucleocytoplasmic transport receptors in Arabidopsis. Gene, 451, 38-44.PMID: 19944133 9.Yang, Y.T., Yu, Y.L., Yang, G.D., Zhang, J.D. and Zheng, C.C. (2009) Tissue-specific expression of the PNZIP promoter is mediated by combinatorial interaction of different cis-elements and a novel transcriptional factor. Nucleic Acids Res., 37, 2630-2644. PMID: 19270069 10.Zhang, J., Lu, L., Ji, L., Yang, G. and Zheng, C. (2009) Functional characterization of a tobacco matrix attachment region-mediated enhancement of transgene expression. Transgenic Res, 18, 377-385. PMID: 19043795 11.Huang, J.G., Yang, M., Liu, P., Yang, G.D., Wu, C.A. and Zheng, C.C. (2009) GhDREB1 enhances abiotic stress tolerance, delays GA-mediated development and represses cytokinin signalling in transgenic Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Environ, 32, 1132-1145. PMID: 19422608 12.Wang, D., Guo, Y., Wu, C., Yang, G., Li, Y. and Zheng, C. (2008) Genome-wide analysis of CCCH zinc finger family in Arabidopsis and rice. BMC Genomics, 9, 44. PMID: 18221561 13.Li, H.Y., Yang, G.D., Shu, H.R., Yang, Y.T., Ye, B.X., Nishida, I. and Zheng, C.C. (2006) Colonization by the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus versiforme induces a defense response against the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita in the grapevine (Vitis amurensis Rupr.), which includes transcriptional activation of the class III chitinase gene VCH3. Plant Cell Physiol, 47, 154-163. PMID: 16326755 14.Liu N, Yang Y T, Liu H H, Yang G D, Zhang N H, Zheng C C (2004). NTZIP antisense plants show reduced chlorophyll levels. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 42(4): 321-327. 15.Wu C A, Yang G D , Meng Q W, Zheng C C (2004), The cotton GhNHX1 gene encoding a novel putative tonoplast Na(+)/H(+) antiporter plays an important role in salt stress. Plant and Cell Physiology, 45(5):600-607. 16.Xue H, Yang Y T , Wu C A, Yang G D , Zhang M M, Zheng C C (2005). TM2, a novel strong matrix attachment region isolated from tobacco, increases transgene expression in transgenic rice calli and plants. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 110(4): 620-627. 17.鄭成超, 楊國棟, 王丹 等 (2002). 一種擬南芥ZIP 蛋白全長cDNA 的克隆及表達. Acta Biochimica Et Biophysica Sinica, 34(1): 109-112. 18.楊予濤, 楊國棟, 劉石娟, 郭興啟, 鄭成超 (2003). 一個光合組織特異表達強啟動子的分離及功能分析. Science in China (Series C), 33(4): 298-306. 19.張可偉, 王健美, 楊國棟, 郭興啟, 溫孚江, 崔德才, 鄭成超(2002). 強MAR 的分離及其體內外功能鑑定. 科學通報, 47(20): 1572-1577
1. 植物microRNA專業資料庫:
2. 棉花Na+/H+反向轉運蛋白基因及其套用,專利號:ZL02151530.1
3. 棉花金屬硫蛋白基因GhMT1序列及其克隆與套用,專利號:ZL200510104301.X


