A Britishdocumentarythat follows two young North Korean girls as they prepare for the Mass Games, the world's largest choreographed gymnastics performance
英國拍攝的記錄片,製作隊跟隨兩個年輕北韓女孩,她們正為Mass Games,全球最大規模的韻律體操比賽作準備
《某一國家》,電影,導演Daniel Gordon,主演Song Yun Kim、Hyon Sun Pak,2004年上映。
A Britishdocumentarythat follows two young North Korean girls as they prepare for the Mass Games, the world's largest choreographed gymnastics performance
英國拍攝的記錄片,製作隊跟隨兩個年輕北韓女孩,她們正為Mass Games,全球最大規模的韻律體操比賽作準備