1997.06-2001.06 馬來西亞工藝大學土木工程專業 攻讀學士學位
2001.07-2003.03 馬來西亞工藝大學計算機專業 攻讀碩士學位(在職)
2003.06-2008.07 貝爾法斯特女王大學土木工程專業 攻讀哲學博士學位
2001.07-2002.12 馬來西亞南方大學學院計算機系 講師
2003.01-2003.04 馬來西亞文德學院 講師
2003.05-2008.01 英國貝爾法斯特女王大學 博士研究生
2008.02-2008.08 普利茅斯大學 博士後
2008.09-2009.08 英國貝爾法斯特女王大學 博士後
2009.09-2011.07 大連理工大學 講師
2011.08-2014.07 馬來亞大學 副教授
2013.07-2013.08 英國牛津大學訪問學者(在職)
2014.08- 至今 天津大學 教授
海洋可再生能源 -潮汐能、潮流能、波浪能、鹽差能、溫差能。主要進行全面的潮流能發電包括了-水輪機流體力學研究、水輪機尾流、潮流能水輪機所造成的海床沖蝕、水輪機結構、系泊系統、發電機、水輪機震動、環境評估、經濟評估、民眾對海洋能接受度、智慧財產權。
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Review (RSER) 審稿人
Energy 審稿人
Applied Energy 審稿人
Enegy Policy 審稿人
Energies 審稿人
Ocean Engineering 審稿人
Applied Ocean Research 審稿人
1. WH Lam (2013) First Lesson of PhD Research: 60 minute guide, UM Press. (in press)
2. WH Lam (2013) Fundamental of ship’s propeller wash and tidal turbine wake, Springer (in preparation)
1. WH Lam (2008) Simulation of a ship’s propeller jet, Thesis submitted for PhD in Queen’s University Belfast.
2. WH Lam (2002) Project Time Management and Communication System using Java Programming, Thesis submitted as partial requirement for MSc Computer Science in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
3. WH Lam (2001) Plane Frame Analysis using ASP Programming, Thesis submitted as partial requirement for BEng Civil Engineering in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
Journal Paper
a) SCI Journal (First Author or Corresponding Author)
1. WH Lam, C Soon, GA Hamill (2013) A cost-effective method to predict the efflux velocity of a ship propeller jet using OpenFOAM, Ocean Engineering (In revision)
2. Cindy Soon, WH Lam (2014) Ship’s Propeller Jet Induced Seabed Scour in Westports Malaysia, China Ocean Engineering (In revision)
3. WH Lam, Long Chen, Roslan Hashim (2014) Influences of the blade with consideration of blade number, Energy (In revision).
4. Long Chen, WH Lam (2015) A review of survivability and remedial actions of tidal current turbines, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 43, 891–900.
5. WH Lam, Long Chen, Roslan Hashim (2015) Analytical wake model of tidal current turbine, Energy, 79, 512–521.
6. Genia Nagara, WH Lam, Nasha CH Lee (2015) Comparative SWOT Analysis for Water Solutions in Asia and Africa, Water Resource Management, 29, Issue 1, 125-138
7. Chen Long, WH Lam (2014) Slipstream between marine current turbine and seabed, Energy (68) 801-810.
8. WH Lam, CB Roy (2014) Insights into Ocean Health Index for marine renewable energy, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (33) 26-33.
9. WH Lam, L Chen (2014) Equations used to predict the velocity distribution within a wake from horizontal axis tidal current turbine, Ocean Engineering (79) 35-42.
10. XL Lim, WH Lam (2014) Public Acceptance on Marine Renewable Energy in Malaysia, Energy Policy (65) 16-26.
11. L Chen, WH Lam (2014) Methods for Predicting Seabed Scour around Marine Current Turbine, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 29, 683–692.
12. XL Lim, WH Lam (2014) Review on Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Implementation in Malaysia. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 29, 276–285.
13. WH Lam, A Bhatia (2013) Folding tidal turbine- An innovative concept towards the new era of turbines, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 28, 463–473.
14. KW Ng, WH Lam (2013) A Review on Potential Applications of Carbon Nanotubes in Marine Current Turbine, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 28, 331–339.
15. WH Lam, GA Hamill, DJ Robinson (2013) Initial wash profiles from a ship propeller using CFD method, Ocean Engineering 72, 257-266.
16. C Soon, WH Lam (2013) The growth of seaports in Peninsular Malaysia and East Malaysia for 2007- 2011, Ocean & Coastal Management,78, 70-76.
17. AS Sakmania, WH Lam, R Hashim, HY Chong (2013). Site Selection for Tidal Turbine Installation in the Strait of Malacca, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 21 (2013) 590 - 602.
18. HY Chong, WH Lam (2013) Ocean renewable energy in Malaysia: The potential of the Straits of Malacca, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 23 (2013)169 - 178.
19. KW Ng, WH Lam (2013) 2002- 2012, 10 Years of Research Progress in Horizontal- Axis Marine Current Turbine, Energies 2013, 6(3), 1497- 1526.
20. WH Lam, GA Hamill, DJ Robinson (2012) An Effective Method for Comparing the Turbulence Intensity from LDA Measurements and CFD Predictions within a Ship Propeller Jet, Ocean Engineering 25: 105-124.
21. WH Lam, GA Hamill, DJ Robinson, S Raghunathan, YC Song (2012), Analysis of the 3D Zone of Flow Establishment from a Ship's Propeller, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering,16(4):465-477.
22. WH Lam, GA Hamill, DJ Robinson, S Raghunathan (2012),Semi-empirical Methods for Determining the Efflux Velocity from a Ship's Propeller, Applied Ocean Research, Volume 35, March 2012, Pages 14-24.
23. WH Lam, GA Hamill, DJ Robinson, JF Zhao, M Jia (2012). Time-averaged velocity and turbulence intensity at the initial downstream flow from a six-bladed ship propeller, Ocean Engineering 51 (2012) 85-93.
24. WH Lam, YC Song, S Raghunathan, GA Hamill, DJ Robinson (2011) Investigation of a ship's propeller jet using momentum decay and energy decay, Can. J. Civ. Eng. 38 : 605-615.
25. WH Lam, GA Hamill, YC Song, DJ Robinson, S Raghunathan (2011) Experimental Investigation of the Decay from a Ship's Propeller, China Ocean Eng. 25 : 265-284.
26. WH Lam, GA Hamill, YC Song, DJ Robinson, S Raghunathan (2011) A review of the equations used to predict the velocity distribution within a ship's propeller jet, Ocean Engineering 38: 1-10.
27. WH Lam, GA Hamill, DJ Robinson, S Raghunathan (2010) Observations of the initial 3D flow from a ship's propeller, Ocean Engineering 37: 1380-1388.
b) SCI Journal (Co-author)
1. KC Ng, YL Ng, WH Lam (2013) Particle simulation and flow sequence on drainage of liquid particles, Computer and Mathematics Application, 66, 1437-1451.
2. KC Ng, EYK Ng, WH Lam (2013) Lagrangian simulation of steady and unsteady laminar mixing by plate impeller in a cylindrical vessel, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 52, 10004-10014.
3. YC Song, KH Xue, JF Zhao, WH Lam, CX Cheng, MJ Yang, Y Zhang, DY Wang, WG Liu, Y Liu (2013) In situ observation of hydrate growth habit in porous media using magnetic resonance imaging, Europhysics Letters, 101 (2013) 36004.
4. JF Zhao, K Xu, YC Song, WG Liu, WH Lam, Y Liu, KH Xue, YM Zhu, XC Yu, QP Li (2012) A Review on Research on Replacement of CH4 in Natural Gas Hydrates by Use of CO2, Energies, 5 (2): 399-419.
5. KH Xue, JF Zhao, YC Song, WG Liu, WH Lam, YM Zhu, Y Liu, CX Cheng, D Liu (2012), Direct Observation of THF Hydrate Formation in Porous Microstructure Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Energies, 5(4), 898-910.
6. JF Zhao, YC Song, WH Lam, WG Liu, Y Liu, Y Zhang, DY Wang (2011) Solar radiation transfer and performance analysis of an optimum photovoltaic thermal system, Energy Conversion and Management, 52 : 1343-1353.
7. J Cui, WZ Li, WH Lam (2011) Numerical investigation on drag reduction with superhydrophobic surfaces by lattice-Boltzmann method, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 6 : 3401-3744.
8. WZ Dai, HC Yin, WH Lam (2011) Optimal multi-period operational planning for steam power system in petrochemical enterprise with consideration of environmental costs in China, Can. J. Chem. Eng. 89 : 337-344.
9. M Jia, MZ Xie, H Liu, WH Lam, TY Wang (2011) Numerical simulation of cavitation in the conical- spray nozzle for diesel premixed charge compression ignition engines, Fuel on ELSEVIER 90 : 2652-2661.
10. MJ Yang, YC Song, Y Liu, WH Lam, QP Li (2011) Equilibrium conditions for CO2 hydrate in porous medium, J. Chem. Thermodynamics 43 : 334-338.
11. F Yu, YC Song , WG Liu, YH Li, WH Lam (2011) Analyses of stress strain behavior and constitutive model of artificial methane hydrate, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 77 : 183-188.
12. F Yu, YC Song, YH Li, WG Liu, WH Lam (2011) Analysis of Stress-Strain Behavior and Constitutive Relation of Methane Hydrate-Bearing Sediments with Various Porosity, International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 21 (4): 316-322.
c) Non-SCI Journal
1. C Soon, WH Lam, G. A. Hamill (2013), A Study of Ship s Propeller Jet-Induced Scour, Malaysian Journal of Science 32 (SCS Sp Issue): 207-212.
2. WH Lam, C Soon, YJ Chu, L Chen (2013), Numerical Investigation of a Ship Propeller Jet using Computational Fluid Dynamic(CFD), Malaysian Journal of Science 32 (SCS Sp Issue) : 195-206.
3. CB Roy, KW Ng, WH Lam, R Hashim (2013), Potential Site for Tidal Current Turbine (TCT) in West Coast of Peninsula Malaysia: A Case Study of Pangkor Island, Malaysian Journal of Science 32 (SCS Sp Issue): 317-324.
4. DY Wang, YC Song, Y Liu, Y Zhang, T Qi, ML Zhao, WH Lam (2011) Influence of Decrease in Water Saturation of Host Rocks with Dehydration Reactions on the Reconstruction of the Thermal Evolution of Igneous-Intrusion-Bearing Basins, Advanced Materials Research, 383-390, 3739-3743.
5. YM Dai and WH Lam (2009) Numerical study of straight-bladed Darrieus-type tidal turbine, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers Energy 162 : 67-76.
6. WH Lam, DJ Robinson, GA Hamill, S Raghunathan (2005), Submerged Propeller Jet, IASME Transactions, 2 (1): 184-189.
Conference Papers
1. L Chen, WH Lam, AH Shamsuddin (2013) Potential scour for marine current turbines based on experience of offshore wind turbine, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 16 (1), 012057.
2. X Lim, WH Lam, AH Shamsuddin (2013) Carbon credit of renewable energy projects in Malaysia, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 16 (1), 012058.
3. WW Jian, Y Zhang, YC Song, F Chang, YC Zhan, Y Liu, WH Lam (2012) Research progress of the basic physical properties of CO2 brine in the sequestration of CO2, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 155 LNEE, pp. 739-745.
4. WZ Dai, L Mu, HC Yin, WH Lam (2010). Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Optimization of Utility Systems in the Chemical Processes, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Macau, 7-10 Dec 2010, pp. 1999-2003.
5. WH Lam, YC Song, Y Liu (2010), Numerical Simulation of the wake from a Tidal Darriues Turbine, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Renewable Energy Technologies, 6-7 July 2010, Putrajaya, Malaysia (paper number ICARET2010-013).
6. YM Dai, N Gardiner, WH Lam (2010), CFD Modelling Strategy of a Straight-Bladed Vertical Axis Marine Current Turbine, The 20th International Offshore (Ocean) and Polar Engineering Conference & Exhibition (ISOPE2010), Beijing, June 20−26, 2010.
7. Y Liu, YC Song, WH Lam, M Nishio, Q Li, X Yu (2010) Study on the Relative Permeability with Change of Methane Hydrate Saturation in Glass Beads Pack, The 20th International Offshore (Ocean) and Polar Engineering Conference & Exhibition (ISOPE2010), Beijing, June 20−26, 2010.
8. WH Lam, GA Hamill, DJ Robinson, S Raghunathan, C Kee (2010) Axial Velocity Distribution at the Efflux of a Stationary Unconfined Ship's Propeller Jet, Proceeding of 29th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2010), 6- 11 June 2010, Shanghai, pp. 837-843.
9. WH Lam and YM Dai (2008), Computational Study of a Straight-bladed Vertical Axis Marine Current Turbine, Proceeding of International Conference on Environment 2008 (ICENV 2008), 15-17 December, Penang, Malaysia.
10. WH Lam, DJ Robinson, GA Hamill, S Raghunathan (2008), Investigations of the Velocity Profile and Turbulence Intensity within a Ship's Propeller Jet, Proceeding of International Conference on Environment 2008 (ICENV 2008), 15-17 December, Penang, Malaysia.
11. YM Dai, WH Lam and N Gardiner (2008), Numerical Simulations of a Cross Flow Darrieus-type Vertical Axis Marine Current Turbine, Proceedings of the International Conference on Marine Renewable Energy, pp1-7, 19-20 Nov 2008, RINA, London, UK.
12. YM Dai and WH Lam (2008), CFD Study of a Straight- bladed Vertical Axis Marine Current Turbine, Presented at the BHA Annual Conference on Hydropower; 17th & 18th September 2008, Bristol.
13. WH Lam, DJ Robinson, GA Hamill, S Raghunathan, C Kee (2006), Simulation of a Ship's Propeller Jet, Proceedings of The Sixteenth 2006 International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE 2006, San Francisco, pp 457-462.
14. C Kee, GA Hamill, WH Lam, PW Wilson (2006), Investigation of the Velocity Distribution within a Ship's Propeller Wash, Proceedings of The Sixteenth 2006 International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE 2006, San Francisco, pp 451-456.
1. WH Lam et al. Vertical-axis folding tidal turbine, applicant: Dalian University of Technology, number of application 201010235920.3, date of application 23 July 2010. Chinese Patent (Invention).
2. WH Lam et al. Counter-rotating horizontal-axis folding tidal turbine, applicant: Dalian University of Technology, number of application 201010247741.1, date of application 31 July 2010. Chinese Patent (Invention).
3. WH Lam et al. Tri-rotor extensible folding tidal turbine, applicant: Dalian University of Technology, number of application 201010253682.9, date of application 11 August 2010. Chinese Patent (Invention).
4. WH Lam et al. Foldable vertical-axis tidal turbine, applicant: Dalian University of Technology, number of application 201020510172.0, date of application 31 August 2010. Chinese Patent (utility innovation).
5. WH Lam et al. Foldable horizontal-axis tidal turbine, applicant: Dalian University of Technology, number of application 201020510177.3, date of application 31 August 2010. Chinese Patent (utility innovation).