朗文當代英語辭典英語版 1995年最新版

朗文當代英語辭典英語版 1995年最新版是一本書籍。美國英語口語則為 on second thought(用名詞單數),二者皆譯為“經考慮後改變主意”,“used to say that you have changed your mind about something:I'll have a coffee please.Oh no,on second thought,make it a beer. ”(請給我一杯咖啡。噢,對不起,還是來一杯啤酒吧。 )


美國英語口語則為 on second thought(用名詞單數),二者皆譯為“經考慮後改變主意”,“used to say that you have changed your mind about something:I'll have a coffee please.Oh no,on second thought,make it a beer. ”(請給我一杯咖啡。噢,對不起,還是來一杯啤酒吧。 ) (六)對同義詞和反義詞的細微歧義和用法用例句加以說明,簡明扼要、恰到好處。例如,有關點、滅火的同義詞和反義詞:light,set fire to,catch fire,put out,go out,extinguish.說明為:If you want something to burn you usually light it:She lit a cigarette./the stove/a match.(她點燃了一支香菸/爐子/一根火柴。) You can also set fire to things,especially things that are not supposed to beburnt(點燃不應燒毀之物):Crowds rioted through the street,breaking windows and setting fire to cars.(人群在街頭遊行鬧事,毀玻窗,燒汽車)。When something begins to burn,especially by accident,itcatchesfire(特指偶然引起的燃燒):The blaze started when some oily tags caught fire.(一些油浸的破布偶然燃燒起來,這就引起了一場大火。)To stop a fire you put it out,or else it may go out on its own(Not go off)(put out ,v.t.“熄滅”;go out ,v.i.“自動熄滅”)。On official notices and instructions you may see extinguish(正式布告和守則上可能使用extinguish 一詞):Will passengers please extinguish all cigarettes.(請乘客都把香菸滅掉。) (七)附有24整頁彩色插圖,既賞心悅目,又使讀者一目了然,大有助於釋義。例如有關 house各部分的彩色插圖(第410頁)。圖上說明還加上英、美英語中某些部分名稱的不同:電視天線:TV aerial(英),TV antenna(美);庭院: garden(英),yard(美);私人車道:drive(英)driveway(美);人行道:pavement(英),sidewalk(美);路緣:kerb(英),curb(美)――拼寫不同,讀音相同;尖樁籬柵:fence(英),picket fence(美);垃圾箱:dustbin(英),garbage can(美);聯立房屋:terraced houses(英),row houses(美);二聯式公寓:semi-detached(英),duplex(美);公寓大樓:block of flats(英),apartment building(美)。 這部新版《郎文當代英語詞典》還有其它特色,茲不一一列舉。我相信讀者必將視它為良師益友和一位百問不厭的有趣的伴侶。


李賦寧 中國外語教學研究會副會長 北京大學教授 博士生導師


