2014年9月至今 金融學院副教授
2008年1月至2014年9月 信息學院副教授
(1)曾麗,趙怡,黃煜.一類具有擴散和時滯的離散複合種群模型的Hopf分岔.套用數學學報. 2006,4:747-754.
(2) Li Zeng, Yi Zhao. Characterization of static bifurcations for n dimensional flows in the frequency domain.控制理論與套用(英文版). 2006,3:217-222.
(4) Li Zeng, Yi Zhao. Characterization of static bifurcations for maps in the frequency domain. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. 2007,3:975-983(SCI收錄).
(5) Li Zeng, Yi Zhao, Yu Huang. Period-doubling bifurcation of a discrete metapopulation model with a delay in the dispersion terms. Applied Mathematics Letters.2008,1:47-55(SCI收錄).
(6)宗西舉,趙怡,周毅,曾麗.橢圓-拋物方程描述液體-固體的相互作用.中山大學學報(自然科學版). 2007,3:1-4(+13).(EI收錄)
(7) Wei Sun,Li Zeng, YI Zhao, Yu Huang. Controllability and observability of the swithched systems in Banach space. Dynamics of continuous, Discrete and Impulsive systems, Series B: Applications and Algorithms. 2009,16: 89-106.
(8) Wang Junwei, Zhang Yanbin, Zeng Li. Coupling Design for Synchronization of Fractional-order Dynamical Networks. Proceedings of the 29th Chinese Control Conference. 2010: 434-438.(EI,ISTP收錄)
(9) Wang Junwei, Chen Aimin, Zeng Li. Light-modulated Dynamics in a Novel Mammalian Circadian Oscillator Model. Proceedings of the 29th Chinese Control Conference. 2010: 5142-5146.(EI,ISTP收錄)
(10)Li Zeng, Junwei Wang. Characterization of cusp bifurcation for maps in the frequency domain. IEEE Conference on Electric Information and Control Engineering. 2011:225-228(EI,ISTP收錄).
(11)Li Zeng, Junwei Wang. Bifurcation analysis of Maps with delay in nonlinear term via a frequency-domain approach. IEEE Conference on Power Engineering and Automation. 2011, 3:30-33(EI,ISTP收錄).
(12)Jun-Wei Wang, Qinghua Ma, Li Zeng, Mohammed SalahAbd-Elouahab. Mixed outer synchronization of coupled complex networks with time-varying coupling delay. Chaos. 2011, 21(1).(SCI收錄)
(13)Wang Jun-wei, Ma Qing-Hua, Zeng Li. A novel mixed-synchronization phenomenon in coupled Chua’s circuits via non-fragile linear control. Chin. Phys. B. 2011, 20(8).(SCI收錄)
(14)Junwei Wang, Li Zeng and Qinghua Ma. Inverse synchronization of coupled fractional-order systems through open-plus-closed-loop control. Pramana-Journal of Physics. 2011, 76(3): 385-396.(SCI收錄)
(15)孫樹林,張瑞娟,曾麗.一類具有Crowley-Martin型的恆化器模型的定性分析.生物數學學報. 2011, 26(2): 293-297.
(16)孫樹林,張瑞娟,曾麗.一個四分子飽和可逆生化反應模型的定性分析.高校套用數學學報.2011, 26(4): 407-714.
(17)Junwei Wang, Qinghua Ma, Li Zeng.Observer-based synchronization in fractional-order leader–follower complex networks.Nonlinear Dynamics, 2013, 73: 921-929.
陳和,張守哲,曾麗.人力資本密集型企業研究:企業理論的新視角.經濟科學出版社(北京). 2012.