




Unit 1
The Olympic Games
Two Kinds of Football
The Physical Miseducation of a Former Fat Boy
Unit 2
A Trip to Huangshan
America's NationalParks (Part Ⅰ)
America's NationalParks (Part Ⅱ)
Unit 3
Pollution Control
Environmental Pollution
A Planet in Danger
Unit 4
How Can You Improve Your Memory?
Unit 5
Stunts in the Cinema
Soap Opera
Unit 6
Coping with Old Age
The Virtue Called Devotion
Life Doesn't End at Fifty
Unit 7
Three American Writers
I Write, Therefore I am
How to Find Time to Read
Unit 8
Stage Fright
Stress and Health
The Fat Environment
Unit 9
Animal Protection
Intelligence in Animals
Tiny Killers on the March
Unit 10
Changes to Family Life
On Splitting
The Silent Generations
Unit 11
Thanksgiving Day
My Forever Valentine
Easter Sunday Love Feast
Unit 12
Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language
Girls and Boys Come Out to Play
Students Who Push Burgers
Unit 13
Word Study
The Writing of English
Notes on Punctuation
Unit 14
Going Metric
Stages of Culture Shock
Harmony and the Dream
Unit 15
The Generation Gap
The Parent in Us
Let the Kid Be


