

出版社: 天津大學出版社; 第1版 (1996年11月1日)
叢書名: 21世紀實用教材·中等專業學校英語系列教程
平裝: 283頁
正文語種: 英語, 簡體中文
開本: 32
ISBN: 9787561808177
條形碼: 9787561808177
尺寸: 20.8 x 14.6 x 1.4 cm
重量: 281 g




Unit 1 Text A English Worldwide
Text B Leaming a Language
Unit 2 Text A Mind Your Manners
Text B Mother Knows Best
Unit 3 Text A Sleeping Beauty (1)
Text B The Crane Girl (1)
Unit 4 Text A Sleeping Beauty (2)
Text B The Crane Girl (2)
Unit 5 Text A Olympic Games
Text B Hero of the Marathon
Unit 6 Text A Mothers
Text B The Day I Met My Mother
Unit 7 Text A An Enlish Christmas
Text B How New York Became America's Largest City
Revision I
Unit 8 Text A Sailing Round the World
Text B The Old Man and the Sea
Unit 9 Text A How to Live to Be 100
Text B Living a Long Life
Unit 10 Text A Modem Surgery
Text B A Letter from a Young Doctor
Unit 11 Text A Animals on the Job
Text B An Ox and a Young Horse
Unit 12 Text A Using Land Wisely
Text B What Plants Need to Grow Well
Unit 13 Text A How I Discovered Words
Text B The Deaf composer
Unit 14 Text A The Secrets of Good Health
Text B Smoking
Unit-15 Text A Best Teacher I Ever Had
Text B Teachers and Actors
Revision Ⅱ
Unit 1 Text A Galileo and Aristotle
Text B Schweitzer
Unit 2 Text A Life in the Universe
Text B Black Holes
Unit 3 Text A Young and in Love
Text B A Kindness Returned
Unit 4 Text A The Other Woman in My Life
Text B Mama and the Roomer
Unit 5 Text A Charles Darwin
Text B The Long Chain of Evolution
Unit 6 Text A Should the navy Draft Dolphins?
Text B A Lesson from Nature
Unit 7 Text A Health Food
Text B Dried Food
Revision I
Unit 8 Text A A Good Heart to Lean on
Text B Becoming a Better Person
Unit 9 Text A A Television Production
Text B How Do the Movie Do It
Unit 10 Text A A Letter from an Editor
Unit 11
Unit 12
Unit 13
Unit 14
Unit 15
Revision Ⅲ


