





Unit 1
Part Ⅰ
A. Brokers
B. A Product Manager
Part Ⅱ
A. Relationships with Different Kinds of People
B. Relationships Between the Employees
Part Ⅲ
A. Accountant
B. How to Be a Successful Businessman
Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
Unit 2
Part Ⅰ
A. Contract Law and Warranty
B. Trademark, Patent and Agency Law
Part Ⅱ
A. Oral Contracts
B. How to Write Effective Business Contracts
Part Ⅲ
A. Talking About the Contract
B. Hire a Personal Lawyer
Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
Unit 3
Part Ⅰ
A. Partnership
B. Corporate Chains
Part Ⅱ
A. Join the NW Business Partnership
B. Creating a Winning Business Partnership
Part Ⅲ
A. Health Partnership
B. Joint Venture
Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
Unit 4
Part Ⅰ
A. Corporations
B. The Modern Corporation
Part Ⅱ
A. Types of Business Organizations (Ⅰ)
B. Types of Business Organizations (Ⅱ)
Part Ⅲ
A. Tips to Make an Organization
B. Transnational Corporations
Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
Unit 5
Part Ⅰ
A. Management
B. Business Administration
Part Ⅱ
A. Business Practice
B. Which One Is More Profitable?
Part Ⅲ
A. The Need for a Strategic Plan
B. Workers' Role
Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
Unit 6
Part Ⅰ
A. Information Technology (Ⅰ)
B. Information Technology (Ⅱ)
Part Ⅱ
A. Information Security
B. Different Types of IT Industry Jobs
Part Ⅲ
A. The E-marketing
B. Information Needs
Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
Unit 7
Part Ⅰ
A. Marketing
B. Customer Service
Part Ⅱ
A. Marketing Approaches (Ⅰ)
B. Marketing Approaches (Ⅱ)
Part Ⅲ
A. Elements of the Marketplace
B. Cross-cultural Marketing
Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
Unit 8
Part Ⅰ
A. Supply and Demand
B. Competition
Part Ⅱ
A. Business Competition (Ⅰ)
B. Business Competition (Ⅱ)
Part Ⅲ
A. What Is an Internal Company Analysis?
B. Internal Business Analysis
Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
Test One
Part Ⅰ
Part Ⅱ
Part Ⅲ
Part Ⅳ
Unit 9
Part Ⅰ
A. Other Financial Institutions
B. What Is a Central Bank?
Part Ⅱ
A. Standard Chartered Bank
B. Banking Support for Small Business
Part Ⅲ
A. J.P. Morgan
B. Finalizing a Plan
Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
Unit 10
Part Ⅰ
A. Seven Management Principles of an Industrialist Group
B. Roles of General Managers
Part Ⅱ
A. Business Management
B. Taking Responsibility During the Recession
Part Ⅲ
A. Green Cars
B. Environmental Protection
Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
Unit 11
Part Ⅰ
A. Understanding Cultural Differences
B. Business Culture
Part Ⅱ
A. The Globalization Paradox
B. Japanese Communication Styles
Part Ⅲ
A. Customs, Etiquette and Protocol
B. Global Business and Local Cultures
Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
Unit 12
Part Ⅰ
A. Dell Computer Turns Customer Satisfaction into Profits (Ⅰ)
B. Dell Computer Turns Customer Satisfaction into Profits (Ⅱ)
Part Ⅱ
A. Swatch -- A Successful Story
B. Personal Life Style and the Purchasing Process
Part Ⅲ
A. Ice Cream Profits Melt Away
B. Domestic DVD Makers Urged to Pay Fees
Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
Unit 13
Part Ⅰ
A. Job Hunting
B. Successful Job Interview
Part Ⅱ
A. Writing Your Resume
B. Improving Your Communicating Skills
Part Ⅲ
A. Finding a Job Abroad
B. How Can Graduates Get Jobs
Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
Unit 14
Part Ⅰ
A. Trade Policy
B. Balance of Trade
Part Ⅱ
A. Trade Protectionism in U.S. Takes on New Features
B. Chinese Minister Calls for Fight Against Trade Protectionism
Part Ⅲ
A. Japan Trade Talks Are Under Way
B. Art Paper May Cost More
Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
Unit 15
Part Ⅰ
A. Brakes on Fakes (Ⅰ)
B. Brakes on Fakes (Ⅱ)
Part Ⅱ
A. Pawnshop Trade Boosted
B. Arabian Matchmakers: Flourishing Business
Part Ⅲ
A. World's Top Chefs Cook up Culinary Summit
B. Nuclear Plant Gone to Weeds
Part Ⅳ The World of Humor
Test Two
Part Ⅰ
Part Ⅱ
Part Ⅲ
Part Ⅳ

