



出版社: 高等教育出版社; 第1版 (2009年4月1日)

外文書名: English Readings in Education

平裝: 214頁

正文語種: 簡體中文

開本: 16

ISBN: 9787040267013

條形碼: 9787040267013

尺寸: 25.8 x 17.8 x 1 cm

重量: 381 g






第一部分 教育領域實用英語

Unit ONE

Dialogue and Stories of Family and School Education/9

Lesson 1 Teen Education/10

Lesson 2 Put the Heat on Campus Cheats/1 3

Lesson 3 A Day in the Life ofan American Student/16

Lesson 4 The DifferenceATeacher Can Make/18

Unit Two

Speeches on Education to Open a Conference or to Advocate Ideas/21

Lesson 5 Strengthening and Enhancing the Research and Development of Higher Education/22

Lesson 6 A Speech at an Education Improvement Conference/26

Lesson 7 Making Britain the Best Place in the World for Children to Grow Up/32

Unit Three

Letters Written to Build Up Cooperative Relationship and for International Conferences/39

Lesson 8 Ordinary Letters/40

Lesson 9

International Conference Information and Formal Letters/51

Unit Four

Introduction of Universities in China and Other Countries/57

Lesson 10 Peking University/58

Lesson 11 Tsinghua University/62

Lesson 12 Stanford University School of Education/63

Lesson 13 Northwestern University,School of Education and Social Policy/67

Lesson 14 Harvard Graduate School of Education/70

Lesson 15 University of London Institute of Education/73

第二部分 國內外教育發展理論與實踐

Unit Five

Findings and Surveys of Education in China/77

Lesson 16 Abstracts ofArticles from Journals in China/78

Lesson 17 The Present State of Education/80

Lesson 18 A Survey of the Development of Basic Education/86

Lesson 19 Higher Education in China/93

Unit six

Educational Theories and Policies in Other Countries/98

Lesson 20 Action Research/99

Lesson 21 Lifelong Learning/106

Lesson 22 Key Elements of a Successful School-Based Management Strategy/118

Lesson 23 Working Together for Inclusion?/136

第三部分 關於教育問題的報告和論文

Unit Seven

Research Repots and Papers on Education/147

Lesson 24 Headteacher Professional Development and Training in England/148

Lesson 25 One Way Ticket:A Seven-Year Reform Journey of a Middle School Teacher/162

Lesson 26 College Preparation Programs for Low-Income Urban Minority Youth/190


