發音 fǔ xīn zì wèn
釋義 摸著自己的胸口問問自己。表示自我反省。
近義詞 捫心自問 、撫躬自問
示例 倘使我看了《閒話》之後,便~:“要是二百人中有一百九十九人入了女大便怎樣?”(魯迅《華蓋集·這回是多數的把戲》)
用法 作謂語;表示自我反省
他們手裡 撫心自問,"我為什麼會等待"?
They are the ones who ask themselves, "why am I waiting?"
老師 撫心自問想弄明白他是否把那個學生批評錯了。
The teacher searched hellos heart trying to find out if he was wrong to scold the student.
你們可曾經 撫心自問過,你們會付出甚麽代價嗎?
Have you asked of yourselves, what's the price you might pay?
如果你在網上提出申請, 撫心自問,如果貸款人的網站似乎專業和有組織的.
If you're applying online, ask yourself if the lender's website seems professional and well-organized.
畢竟有一天我們會 撫心自問,工夫流失到哪裡去了?
The moment will come when we ask ourselves where the time go?
處於起步階段的約會,女人潮可能要 撫心自問,"為什麼日期"?
At the initial phase of dating, the boomer woman may want to ask herself, "why date?"
不斷 撫心自問,"我口中吃或喝有利於目標我將致力於實現"?
Constantly ask yourself, "is what I'm about to eat or drink conducive to the goals I am committed to achieving?"
我們可能要 撫心自問,什麼是我們的大腦了?
We probably want to ask ourselves, what is our brain made of?
當你發現自己分心的事,是不會直接符合你的目標, 撫心自問,"為什麼"?
When you find yourself distracted by something that is not directly in line with your goals, ask yourself, "why?"
Ask yourself if you're really ready to get divorced and if you can overcome the fear or challenge of single parenting.