Product Brief:
Nonmelting colorful sands flooring, adapt epoxy with gemel reagent a sand ,so it has advantage of high strength, strike resistance, functionality and decorate in the whole. it is a perfect environmental floor material. Solid procession and the usage wont create organic melting agent vaporize to cause of poisonous side effect.
要求耐磨損、耐強衝擊、裝飾效果好,具備一定防滑功能的地坪,特別適用於機場、大型商場、展覽廳、捷運、電子通訊、醫療衛生、高級娛樂場、商用大樓、食品生產、辦公室及學校實驗室等重視外觀清潔,耐久性好的地方。Application Scope:
The flooring which shall be endurable ,strike resistant, decorative and some anti-slip. be applicable to the places that require nice appearance and stable usage, such as an airport, large market, gallery, subway, electronics communication, medical treatment hygiene, the high class amusement ,business building, the food factory, office building and the school laboratory etc.
Product Features:
·The flooring color can be dispensed on different color of sand and the various amount of colorful sand, the color is fleshy and chubbiness, result of decorate is very good.
·Excellent cleanly, seamless ,beautiful and nature.
·Excellent endurance, acid-proof, alkali resistance and can avoid the creation of the mildewed and germ.
·Strong high quality feeling, thick and thin sand composition can produce different pictures.

Construction Techniques:
·Ground treatment: polish, clean the dust, level off.
·Spread the epoxy paint to cover the primer.
·Spread the epoxy color sand.
·Level off and polish.
·Coat the transparent and safeguard varnish paint..