

張逸民,男,1954年5月生,哈爾濱船舶工程學院(哈爾濱工程大學)學士,上海交通大學碩士,加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞大學博士(金融學與政策)。2004年起在中歐國際工商學院任教,經濟學家。 擔任《運輸經濟學與政策期刊》的編委,研究成果發表於《公共經濟學期刊》、《商業與經濟統計學期刊》、《經濟與統計評論》、《運輸經濟學與政策期刊》、《城市經濟學期刊》、《太平洋地區金融市場和政策評論》等期刊上。是2008年及2010年度中歐國際工商學院優秀教師獎獲獎者。 其研究領域主要為人民幣匯率以及運營、融資與工業經濟學,教學領域為公司財務和國際金融。


學士 Mathematics and Mechanical Engineering (1980)


碩士 Management Science and Compuer Science (1983)


博士 Finance and Policy (1989)














1990. "Airport Pricing: Congestion Tolls, Lumpy Investment and Cost Recovery",Journal of Public Economics43: 353-374.(With T.H. Oum)

1991. "A Note on Capacity Utilization and Measurement of Scale Economies",Journal of Business and Economic Statistics9: 119-123.(With T.H. Oum and M.W.Tretheway)

1991. "Utilization of Quasi-fixed Inputs and Estimation of Cost Functions: An Application to Airline Costs",Journal of Transport Economics and Policy(May): 121-134.(With T.H. Oum)

1992. "The Structural Implications of Technological Change in the Manufacturing Sector",Journal of Productivity Analysis3: 381-399.(With M.D. Levi)

1993. "InterfirmRivalry and Firm-specific Demand in the Deregulated Airline Markets",Journal of Transport Economics and Policy(May): 171-192.(With T.H. Oum and A. Zhang)

1994. "The Productivity Effects of the Liberalization of Japanese Telecommunication Policy",Journal of Productivity Analysis5: 63-79.(With H.Oniki, T.H. Oum and R. Stevenson)

1995. "Competition andAllocativeEfficiency: The Case of theU.S.Telephone Industry",Review of Economics and Statistics77:82-96.(With T.H. Oum)

1995. "Airline Network Rivalry",Canadian Journal of Economics28:836-857.(With T.H. Oum and A. Zhang)

1996. "The Velocity Puzzle Revisited: The Effects of the Housing and Stock Markets",Journal of Economics and Business48:23-32.(With M.D. Levi andI.Venezia)

1996. “A Note on Optimal Airport Pricing in a Hub-and-Spoke System”,Transportation Research, B30:11-18.(With T.H. Oum and A. Zhang)

1996. “Stability ofCournot-Nash Equilibrium: The Multiproduct Case”,Journal of Mathematical Economics26: 441-462.(With A. Zhang)

1997. “A Note on Scale Economies in Transport”,Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 31:309-315.(With T.H. Oum)

1997. “Concession Revenue and Optimal Airport Pricing”,Transportation Research, E, 33: 287-296.(With A. Zhang)

1998. “An Analysis of Import Protection as Export Promotion under Economies of Scale”,Japanand the World Economy10: 199-219.(With A. Zhang)

2000."Optimal Demand for Operating Lease of Aircraft",Transportation Research, B34:17-29.(With T.H. Oum and A. Zhang)

2000."Socially Optimal Capacity and Capital Structure in Oligopoly: The Case of the Airline Industry",Journal of Transport Economics and Policy34(Jan): 55-68.(With T.H. Oum and A. Zhang)

2000. "AllocativeEfficiency and Social Value of the Aircraft Leasing Industry",International Journal of Transport Economics27: 131-145.(With T.H. Oum and A. Zhang)

2001.“Airport Charges, Economic Growth, and Cost Recovery”,Transportation Research, E.37: 25-33.(With A. Zhang)

2001.“Airport Charges and Cost Recovery: The Long-Run View”,Journal of Air Transport Management7: 75-78.(With A. Zhang)

2001.“Impact of Ownership and Competition on the Productivity of Chinese Enterprises”,Journal of Comparative Economics29: 327-346.(With A. Zhang and R. Zhao)

2001.“A Model of Scheduling in Airline Networks: How a Hub-and-Spoke System Affects Flight Frequency, Fares and Welfare”,Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 35(2): 195-222. (With Jan K. Brueckner)

2001. “Analytical Models of International Alliances in the Airline Industry”,Transportation Research, B35: 865-886.(WithJ.H.Parkand A. Zhang)

2001.“Recent Studies on Some Key Issues in International Air Transport”,Transport Policy, 8(3):167-169.(With T.H. Oum)

2002.“Profitability andProductivity of Chinese Industrial Firms: Measurement and Ownership Implications”,ChinaEconomic Review13: 65-88.(With A. Zhang and R. Zhao)

2002.“A Model of Air Cargo Liberalization: Passenger vs. All-Cargo Carriers”,Transportation Research, E38: 175-191.(with A. Zhang)

2002."Issues onLiberalization ofAirCargoServices inInternationalAviation,"Journal of Air Transport Management, 8: 275-287. (with A. Zhang)

2003.“Airport Charges and Capacity Expansion: Effects of Concession and Privatization”,Journal of Urban Economics,53: 54-75.(with A. Zhang)

2003.“Risk Under One Country and Two Systems: Evidence from Classes A, B, and H Shares of Chinese Listed Companies,”Review ofPacificBasinFinancial Markets and Policies, 6: 179-197.(with R. Zhao)

2003.“A Study of the R&D Efficiency and Productivity of Chinese Firms,”Journal of Comparative Economics, 31: 444-464.(with A. Zhang and R. Zhao)

2004.“The Valuation Differential between Class A and Class B Shares: Country Risk in the Chinese Stock Market,”Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting,15: 44-59.(with R. Zhao)

2004.“Tobin’s q and Airline Performances,”Public Works Management & Policy,9: 51-65.(with M.Z.F. Li, and T.H. Oum)

2004.“Alternative Forms of Economic Regulation and their Efficiency Implications for Airports,”Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 38: 217-246.(With T.H. Oum and A. Zhang)

2006.“Rivalry between Strategic Alliances,”International Journal of Industrial Organization, 24: 287-301.(with A. Zhang)

2006.“Airport Capacity and Congestion When Carriers Have Market Power,”Journal of Urban Economics, 60: 229-247. (with A. Zhang)

2008.“AirlinesSeat Allocation Competition,”International Transactions in Operational Research, 15:439-459.(With M. Li and A. Zhang)

2010.“Airport Capacity and Congestion Pricing with both Aeronautical and Commercial Operations,”Transportation Research Part B,44: 404-413.(With A. Zhang).

2010.“Network Structure and Capacity Requirement: The Case ofChina,”Transportation Research Part E, 46: 189-197.

2010.“Profitability and Productivity of the Chinese Textile Industry,”China & World Economy, 18(5): 1-21. (With T. Wang)

