
兼任國際能源經濟學會(IAEE)會員,中國優選法統籌法與經濟數學研究會能源經濟與管理研究分會副秘書長、常務理事,中國系統工程學會能源資源系統工程分會常務理事,中國優選法統籌法與經濟數學研究會青年工作委員會常務委員,中國能源研究會能源系統工程專業委員會委員等;SCI期刊Journal of Cleaner Production 等9份國際學術期刊的客座主編、副主編或編委,40餘份國際知名學術期刊審稿人;美國加州大學伯克利分校、勞倫斯伯克利國家實驗室訪問學者、新加坡國立大學訪問學者,東亞東協經濟研究中心(ERIA)項目專家。
[1] Yue-Jun Zhang, Jin-Liang Zhang. Volatility forecasting of crude oil market: A new hybrid method. Journal of Forecasting, 2017. In press. (SSCI, IF=0.747) DOI:10.1002/for.2502
[2] Yue-Jun Zhang, Xiao-Juan Bian, Weiping Tan. The linkages of sectoral carbon dioxide emission caused by household consumption in China: evidence from the Hypothetical Extraction Method. Empirical Economics, 2018, 54(4): 1743-1775. (SSCI, IF=0.645)
[3] Yue-Jun Zhang, Ming-Ying Chen. Evaluating the dynamic performance of energy portfolios: Empirical evidence from the DEA directional distance function. European Journal of Operational Research, 2018, 269(1): 64-78. (SCI, IF=3.297)
[4] Yue-Jun Zhang, Zhao Liu*, Si-Ming Zhou, Chang-Xiong Qin, Huan Zhang. The impact of China’s Central Rise Policy on carbon emissions at the stage of operation in road sector. Economic Modelling. 2018, 71: 159-173. (SSCI, IF=1.481)
[5] Yue-Jun Zhang, Ya-Fang Sun, Jun-Ling Huang. Energy efficiency, carbon emission performance, and technology gaps: Evidence from CDM project investment. Energy Policy, 2018, 115: 119–130. (SCI&SSCI, IF=4.140)
[6] Yue-Jun Zhang, Julien Chevallier, Khaled Guesmi. "De-financialization" of commodities? Evidence from stock, crude oil and natural gas markets. Energy Economics, 2017, 68: 228-239. (SSCI, IF=3.199)
[7] Yue-Jun Zhang, Xiao-Juan Bian, Weiping Tan, Juan Song. The indirect energy consumption and CO emission caused by household consumption in China: an analysis based on the Input-Output method. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 163: 69-83. (SCI, IF=5.715)
[8] Yue-Jun Zhang, Jun-Fang Hao. Carbon emission quota allocation among China's industrial sectors based on the equity and efficiency principles. Annals of Operations Research, 2017, 255(1-2): 117-140. (SCI, IF=1.709)
[9] Yue-Jun Zhang, Hua-Rong Peng. Exploring the direct rebound effect of residential electricity consumption: an empirical study in China. Applied Energy, 2017, 196: 132-141. (SCI&SSCI, IF=7.182)
[10]Jing-Li Fan, Yue-Jun Zhang*, Bing Wang. The impact of urbanization on residential energy consumption in China: an aggregated and disaggregated analysis. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2017, 75: 220-233. (SCI&SSCI, IF=8.050) (*通訊作者)
[11] Yue-Jun Zhang, Hua-Rong Peng, Bin Su. Energy rebound effect in China's Industry: an aggregate and disaggregate analysis. Energy Economics, 2017, 61: 199-208. (SSCI, IF=3.199)
[12] Yue-Jun Zhang, Yu-Lu Peng, Chao-Qun Ma, Bo Shen. Can environmental innovation facilitate carbon emissions reduction? Evidence from China. Energy Policy, 2017, 100: 18-28. (SCI&SSCI, IF=4.140)
[13] Yue-Jun Zhang, Zhao Liu*, Chang-Xiong Qin, Tai-De Tan. The direct and indirect COrebound effect for private cars in China. Energy Policy, 2017, 100: 149-161. (SCI&SSCI, IF=4.140)
[14] Yue-Jun Zhang, Yan-Lin Jin, Julien Chevallier, Bo Shen. The effect of corruption on carbon dioxide emissions in APEC countries: a panel quantile regression analysis. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2016, 112: 220-227. (SSCI, IF=2.625)
[15] Yue-Jun Zhang, Jun-Fang Hao, Juan Song. The CO emission efficiency, reduction potential and spatial clustering in China's industry: evidence from the regional level. Applied Energy, 2016, 174: 213-223. (SCI&SSCI, IF=7.182)
[16] Yue-Jun Zhang, Ting Yao. Interpreting the movement of oil prices: driven by fundamentals or bubbles?. Economic Modelling, 2016, 55: 226-240. (SSCI, IF=1.481)
[17] Yue-Jun Zhang, Ya-Fang Sun. The dynamic volatility spillover between European carbon trading market and fossil energy market. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 112(4): 2654–2663. (SCI, IF=5.715)
[18] Yue-Jun Zhang, Jun-Fang Hao. The evaluation of environmental capacity: evidence in Hunan province of China. Ecological Indicators, 2016, 60:514–523. (SCI, IF=3.898)
[19] Yue-Jun Zhang, Hua-Rong Peng, Zhao Liu, Weiping Tan. Direct energy rebound effect for road passenger transport in China: A dynamic panel quantile regression approach. Energy Policy, 2015, 87: 303-313. (SCI&SSCI, IF=4.140)
[20] Yue-Jun Zhang, Ao-Dong Wang, Weiping Tan. The impact of China's carbon allowance allocation rules on the product prices and emission reduction behaviors of ETS-covered enterprises. Energy Policy, 2015, 86: 176-185. (SCI&SSCI, IF=4.140)
[21] Jin-Liang Zhang, Yue-Jun Zhang*, Lu Zhang. A novel hybrid method for crude oil price forecasting. Energy Economics, 2015, 49: 649-659. (SSCI, IF=3.199) (*通訊作者)
[22] Yue-Jun Zhang, Lu Zhang. Interpreting the crude oil price movements: evidence from the Markov regime switching model. Applied Energy, 2015, 143: 96-109. (SCI&SSCI, IF=7.182)
[23] Yue-Jun Zhang, Ya-Bin Da. The decomposition of energy-related carbon emission and its decoupling with economic growth in China. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015, 41: 1255-1266. (SCI&SSCI, IF=8.050)
[24] Yue-Jun Zhang, Ao-Dong Wang, Ya-Bin Da. Regional allocation of carbon emission quotas in China: evidence from the Shapley value method. Energy Policy, 2014, 74: 454-464. (SCI&SSCI, IF=4.140)
[25] Gang Wu, Yue-Jun Zhang*. Does China factor matter? An econometric analysis of international crude oil prices. Energy Policy, 2014, 72: 78-86. (SCI&SSCI, IF=4.140) (*通訊作者)
[26] Yue-Jun Zhang. Speculative trading and WTI crude oil futures price movement: an empirical analysis. Applied Energy, 2013, 107: 394-402. (SCI&SSCI, IF=7.182)
[27] Yue-Jun Zhang, Zi-Yi Wang. Investigating the price discovery and risk transfer functions in the crude oil and gasoline futures markets: some empirical evidence. Applied Energy, 2013, 104: 220-228. (SCI&SSCI, IF=7.182)
[28] Tian-Jian Yang, Yue-Jun Zhang*, Jin Huang, Ruo-Hong Peng. Estimating the energy saving potential of telecom operators in China. Energy Policy, 2013, 61: 448-459. (SCI&SSCI, IF=4.140)(*通訊作者)
[29] Yue-Jun Zhang. Interpreting the dynamic nexus between energy consumption and economic growth: empirical evidence from Russia. Energy Policy, 2011, 39(5): 2265-2272. (SCI&SSCI, IF=4.140)
[30] Yue-Jun Zhang. The impact of financial development on carbon emissions: an empirical analysis in China. Energy Policy, 2011, 39(4): 2197-2203. (SCI&SSCI, IF=4.140)
[31] Yue-Jun Zhang, Yi-Ming Wei. The dynamic influence of advanced stock market risk on international crude oil return: an empirical analysis. Quantitative Finance, 2011, 11(7): 967-978. (SCI&SSCI, IF=0.960)
[32] Yue-Jun Zhang, Yi-Ming Wei. The crude oil market and the gold market: evidence for cointegration, causality and price discovery. Resources Policy, 2010, 35(3): 168-177. (SSCI, IF=2.618)
[33] Yue-Jun Zhang, Yi-Ming Wei. An overview of current research on EU ETS: evidence from its operating mechanism and economic effect. Applied Energy, 2010, 87(6): 1804-1814. (SCI&SSCI, IF=7.182)
[34] Yue-Jun Zhang, Ying Fan, Hsien-Tang Tsai, Yi-Ming Wei. Spillover effect of US dollar exchange rate on oil prices. Journal of Policy Modeling, 2008, 30(6): 973-991.(SSCI, IF=0.993)
[35] Ying Fan, Yue-Jun Zhang, Hsien-Tang Tsai, Yi-Ming Wei. Estimating ‘Value at Risk’ of crude oil price and its spillover effect using the GED approach. Energy Economics, 2008, 30(6): 3156-3171.(SSCI, IF=3.199)
1, 張躍軍, 魏一鳴. 石油市場風險管理: 模型與套用. 北京: 科學出版社, 2013.
2, 魏一鳴, 張躍軍. 中國能源經濟數字圖解2012-2013. 北京: 科學出版社, 2013.
1,中國碳排放配額交易對碳減排的影響機制建模及最佳化策略研究. 國家自然科學基金面上項目. 2018-2021.
2, 石油金融與碳金融系統建模. 國家自然科學基金優秀青年項目. 2014-2016.
3, 碳排放配額交易的市場機制與政策研究. 國家自然科學基金面上項目. 2013-2016.
4, 國際石油市場複雜系統投機泡沫機制及其實證研究. 國家自然科學基金青年項目. 2011-2013.
5, 國際石油市場投機泡沫複雜機制及其對油價波動的影響研究. 教育部博士點基金. 2011-2013.
6, 應對氣候變化的碳交易市場機制與模型研究. 教育部人文社會科學研究基金項目. 2010-2012.
7,北京市金融發展對碳排放的複雜影響機制建模及實證研究. 北京市優 秀 人 才培養資助計畫. 2012-2013.
8,世界主要城市煤炭清潔化管理經驗借鑑. 北京節能環保中心. 2011-2012.
1, 2017年,第十三屆湖南省社會科學優秀成果一等獎(排名第一)
2, 2016年,長江學者獎勵計畫青年學者
3, 2016年,湖南省“湖湘青年英才”支持計畫
4, 2015年,湖南省首屆“我最喜愛的青年教師”
5, 2014年,國家高層次人才特殊支持計畫(即“萬人計畫”)青年拔尖人才
6, 2014年,教育部科技進步二等獎(排名第六)
7, 2013年, 國家自然科學基金委優秀青年科學基金項目
8, 2012年,北京市中青年社科理論人才“百人工程”
9, 2011年,北京市優 秀 人才培養資助計畫