




1981年12月畢業於西北農學院畜牧獸醫系畜牧專業,獲學士學位。同年考入西北農業大學碩士研究生,於1985年獲動物遺傳育種學碩士學位;1985年9月至1992年8月在河南農業大學畜牧獸醫系任講師。1992年在加拿大麥吉爾大學(McGill University) 和蒙特婁大學( University of Montreal )攻讀博士學位,於1998年獲加拿大生物醫學博士學位。1998年9月至2000年11月在加拿大西安大略大學(University of Western Ontario)癌症研究中心(London Regional Cancer Centre)做博士後研究。2000年12月至2007年11月受聘於加拿大Gemin X Biotechnologies Inc. 任高級研究員,主要從事抗癌藥物的研究和開發。2007年12月至--,受聘為西北農林科技大學動物科技學院教授、博士生導師。





1. 2000-2007年在加拿大GEMIN X Biotechnologies Inc.醫藥公司負責抗癌藥物GX015和GMX1777的研究和開發,兩個候選藥物分別在一期和二期臨床試驗中。

2. 2005年獲美國專利:Diterpenoid compounds, compositions thereof and their use as anti-cancer or anti-fungal agents (專利號:20050070540),主要發明人之一(Beauparlant, Pierre; (Montreal, CA); Attardo, Giorgio; (Vimont, CA) ; Zhang, Zhiying; (Brossard, CA); Stafford; Angela M.; (Castleton, GB) ; Ubillas, Rosa; (Sunnyvale, CA) ; McAlpine, James B.; (Montreal, CA) ; Lavallee, Jean-Francois; (Milles-Iles, CA) ; Fortin, Samuel; (Ste-Luce, CA) ; Tripathy, Sasmita; (Pierrefonds, CA))2005年3月31日。

3. 2004年獲美國專利:Antisense calpain nucleotides and uses thereof (專利號:20040096869),主要發明人之一(Martineau, Daniel; (Saint-Hyacinthe, CA) ; Zhang, Zhiying; (Brossard, CA). 2004年5月20日。

4. 1998-2000年:博士後研究課題:腺病毒(adenovirus)E1A基因抑制癌細胞生長的分子機理研究。

5. 1994-1998年:博士研究課題:鱸魚皮膚腫瘤反轉錄病毒(WDSV)在腫瘤發生和萎縮中機理研究。

6. 1991年,主持世界銀行貸款項目:河南省地方山羊品種資源的研究和套用

7. 1986-1990年,河南省“七.五”攻關項目:魯山“牛腿“山羊新品種選育,項目主要執行人。


[1] Zhang Z, Yu F, Wang J, Wang T, Zhang C, Xie W, Martineau D. 2008. Walleye dermal Sarcoma virus (WDSV): expression of a full-length clone is cytopathic. Virology, (manuscript in preparation)

[2] Marshall FS, Yousef A, Liu W, Zhang Z, and Mymryk J. 2008. Identification and characterization of nuclear localization signals within adenovirus E1A. Virology. (submitted)

[3] Han ZS, Li QW, Zhang Z, Yu YS, Xiao B, Wu SY, Jiang ZL, Zhao HW, Zhao R, Li J. 2008. Adenoviral Vector Mediates High Expression Levels of Human Lactoferrin in the Milk of Rabbits. J Microbiol Biotechnol. Jan; 18(1): 153-159. (IF=2.058)

[4] Han ZS, Li QW, Zhang Z, Xiao B, Gao DW, Wu SY, Li J, Zhao HW, Jiang ZL, Hu JH. 2007. High-level expression of human lactoferrin in the milk of goats by using replication-defective adenoviral vectors. Protein Expr Purif. May;53(1):225-31. (IF=1.867)

[5] Marshall KS, Zhang Z, Curran J, Derbyshire S, Mymryk JS. 2007. An improved genetic system for detection and analysis of protein nuclear import signals. BMC Molecular Biology. Jan 25; 8:6. (IF=3.50)

[6] Avvakumov N, Sahbegovic M, Zhang Z, Shuen M, Mymryk JS. 2002. Analysis of DNA binding by the adenovirus 5 E1A oncoprotein. Journal of General Virology. 2002 Mar; 83(Pt 3):517-24. (IF=3.410)

[7] Zhang, Z. Smith M and Mymryk JS. 2001. Interaction of the E1A oncoprotein with Yak1p, a novel regulator of yeast pseudohyphal differentiation, and related mammalian kinases. Mol. Biol. Cell. 12(3): 699-710. (IF=9.376)

[8] Zhang, Z. Kim E. and Martineau D.. 1999, Functional characterization of a piscine retrovirus promoter. Journal of General Virology. Vol. 80(12), 3065-3072. (IF=3.410)

[9] Zhang, Z. and Martineau D. 1999. Walleye dermal sarcoma virus: orfA N-terminal End inhibits the activity of a reporter gene directed by eukaryotic promoters and has a negative effect on the growth of fish and mammalian cells. Journal of Virology, Vol. 73 (10), 8884-8889. (IF=6.033)

[10] Zhang, Z., and Martineau D. 1996. Phylogenetic analysis of walleye dermal sarcoma virus by comparison of gag, pol and env partial sequences, Virology 225, 406-412. (IF=3.901)

[11] Zhang, Z., and Martineau D. 1996. Single-tube heminested PCR coupled with touchdown PCR for the analysis of the walleye dermal sarcoma virus env gene, Journal of Virological Methods 60:29-37. (IF=1.464)


[12] Zhang, Z. Smith M and Mymryk J. 1999. Adenovirus E1A modulates yeast pseudohyphal growth. (Abstract) presented in Yeast Genomic and Human Diseases in Vancouver, Canada.

[13] Zhang, Z. Smith M and Mymryk J. 1999. Adenovirus E1A modulates yeast pseudohyphal growth. (Abstract) presented in 60th Anniversary of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Western Ontario

[14] Zhang, Z and Martineau D. 1996. Regulation of walleye dermal sarcoma virus transcription. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Retroviruses, May, (abstract)

[15] Zhang, Z., and Martineau D. 1995. A new fish retrovirus (WDSV) associated with skin tumor. 4th colloque de biotechnologie de l'Universite de Montreal (presentation)



