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張凱山,男 ,出生年月: 1974-03 學位: 博士 職稱: 教授。 2009年8月調入四川大學建築與環境學院工作,並聘為教授,博士生導師。兼任美國空氣和固體廢物管理學會成員,美國空氣和固體廢物管理學會北卡羅來納州立大學學生分會主席 (2005-2006),擔任期刊的評審專家,包括 Journal of Environmental Science & Technology ;Journal of Atmospheric Environment ;Journal of Atmospheric Pollution Researc; Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association ;International Journal of Environmental Technology & Management ;Transportation Research Board, Part D ;Conference papers for Transportation Research Board ;Research proposals for the University of California at Davis ;Journal of Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy.主要從事環境科學與工程相關領域的科研與教學工作。主要的研究興趣包括:大氣污染控制;能源和環境系統分析;地理信息系統運用研究;數據統計分析。


張凱山 出生日期:1974年3月 學歷學位:博士,職 稱:教授,職 務:可持續性研究與教育中心主任


1995年獲合肥工業大學環境工程學士,2002年獲美國俄克拉何馬州立大學 (Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK) 環境工程碩士,2006年獲美國北卡羅來納州立大學 (North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC)環境工程博士學位,同時輔修套用統計學。

博士畢業後,先後在美國北卡羅來納州立和加州大學 (University of California at Riverside)從事博士後研究工作。2009年8月調入四川大學建築與環境學院工作,並聘為教授。


學術期刊審稿人,如ES&T, AWMA, Atmospheric Environment等


- 環境系統分析 (Environmental System Analysis)

- 統計學在環境科學與工程中的套用 (Application of Statistics in Environmental Science & Engineering)











2. 能量和環境系統分析:





3. 地理信息系統套用研究

4. 統計數據分析



美國空氣和固體廢物管理學會北卡羅來納州立大學學生分會主席 (2005-2006)


- Journal of Environmental Science & Technology

- Journal of Atmospheric Environment

- Journal of Atmospheric Pollution Research

- Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association

- International Journal of Environmental Technology & Management

- Transportation Research Board, Part D

- Conference papers for Transportation Research Board

- Research proposals for the University of California at Davis

- Journal of Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy


1. 環保部環保公益項目-非道路機械尾氣細顆粒物排放清單估算和減排控制途徑研究(主持)

2. 四川省大氣污染研究專項-機動車尾氣排放清單指南和預測模型工具開發研究 (主持)

3. 教育部新世紀人才支持計畫-城市機動車尾氣排放量化分析及減排、減耗、增效研究(主持)

4. 四川大學人才引進基金 (主持)


1. J. Huang, P. Yang, Y. Guo, K. Zhang. Electricity generation during wastewater treatment: An approach using an AFB-MFC for alcohol distillery wastewater; Desalination, 2011, 276:373-378.

2. Zhang, K. Characterization and uncertainty analysis of VOC emissions from industrial wastewater treatment plants; Environ. Prog. & Sustain. Energy, 2010, 29(3), 265-271.

3. Frey, H.C.; Zhang, K.; Rouphail, N. M. Vehicle Emissions Modeling Using On-Road Vehicle Emissions Measurements Systems (PEMS); Environ. Sci. Technol., 2010, 44(9), 3594-3600.

4. Frey, H.C.; Zhang, K.; Rouphail, N. M. Fuel Use and Emissions Comparisons for Alternative Routes, Vehicles, Road Grade and Time Of Day Using In-use Measurements; Environ. Sci. Technol., 2008, 42(7), 2483-2489.

5. Zhang, K.; Frey, H.C. Evaluation of Response Time of A Portable System for In-Use Vehicle Tailpipe Emissions Measurement; Environ. Sci. & Technol., 2008, 42(1), 221-227.

6. Zhang, K.; Frey, H.C. Road Grade Estimation for On-Road Vehicle Emission Modeling using LIDAR data, J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc., 2006, 56(6), 777-788.

7. Kaishan Zhang, Yuan Li, Baofeng Di. Sustainability analysis of Chengdu City for 1999-2007. Proceeding of the IEEE 2012 Spring World Congress on Engineering and Technology, May 27-30, 2012, Xi'an, P. R. China.



Ø 能量和環境系統不確定性和變化性的量化分析研究

Ø 環境系統的整合模擬模型研究 (可持續性研究)

Ø 移動源(機動車輛)尾氣排放測量和尾氣排放模擬模型研究

Ø 環境測量儀器套用研究

Ø 空氣品質模擬模型研究

Ø 照射劑量評價和風險分析

Ø 地理信息系統套用研究

Ø 統計數據分析

(1) 能量和環境系統不確定性和變化性的量化分析研究


(2) 環境系統的整合模擬模型研究 (可持續性研究)


(3) 移動源(機動車輛)尾氣排放測量和尾氣排放模擬模型研究


(4) 環境測量儀器套用研究


(5) 空氣品質模擬模型研究


(6) 照射劑量評價和風險分析


(7) 地理信息系統套用研究

地理信息系統(Geographic Information System)的發展為數據的圖形化、可視化提供了一個強大的技術手段。這個方向的研究主要是以GIS作為一個可視化平台,利用地理信息對環境系統進行空間上的統計分析。例如,區域道路的三維坐標可以用來預測道路的坡度,區域環境的地理信息可以用來計算水體容量,相關信息可用於防洪、防汛、應急決策等等。

(8) 統計數據分析


在研和已經完成的研究項目的主要資金來源包括: 教育部新世紀人才支持計畫,四川大學人才引進啟動經費,National Science Foundation (NSF,美國國家自然科學基金), Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA,美國環境署), North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT,美國北卡州交通部), 和 California Air Resources Board (CARB,美國加州政府空氣資源委員會),及Tinker Air Force Base (Tinker空軍基地, Oklahoma City, OK)等。


8. 李媛,張凱山,宋寧,陳琳.“城市可持續性發展的不同分析方法對比研究”,環境科學與技術,2011(接收待刊). (通訊作者)

9. 宋寧,張凱山,李媛,陳琳.“不同城市機動車尾氣排放比較及數據可分享性評價”,環境科學學報,2011,31(12).(通訊作者)

10. 張凱山,宋寧,第寶鋒.“談建立城市特徵駕駛工況的必要性”,2011年四川省環境年會,成都,四川。


12. Daisy Wong, Constance Dang, Kaishan Zhang, and Satya Sardar. Assessing the Impact of Location Difference for Storage and Operation for Recreational Vehicles and Pleasure Craft on Emission Inventory Development; Proceedings of the 18th CRC On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop , San Diego, California, March 31-April 2, 2008.

13. H. Christopher Frey; Kaisha Zhang. Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Real-World Empirical Fuel Use and Emissions, Proceedings of the 100th Annual Exhibition & Conference of the Air & Waste Management Association, Pittsburgh, PA, June 2007.

14. H. Christopher Frey, Kaishan Zhang. Implications of Measured In-Use Light Duty Gasoline Vehicle Emissions for Emission Inventory Development at High Spatial and Temporal Resolution, Proceedings of 16th Annual International Emission Inventory Conference, ‘Emission Inventory: “Integration, Analysis, and Communication”,’ Raleigh, North Carolina, May 15-17, 2007.

15. H. Christopher Frey, Kaishan Zhang. Light-Duty Gasoline Vehicle-Specific Emissions Modeling Using On-Road Vehicle Emissions Measurements, Proceedings of 17th CRC On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop , San Diego, California, March 26-28, 2007.

16. H. Christopher Frey, Kaishan Zhang. Quantification of The Effect of Alternative Routes, Road Grade, and Driver Behavior on In-Use Light Duty Vehicle Emissions, Proceedings of 16th CRC On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, San Diego, California, March 28-30, 2006

17. Kaishan Zhang, H. Christopher Frey. Quantification of the Response Time of A Portable Emissions Measurement System and Implications For Development Of Statistical Models of Emission Rate, Proceedings of 16th CRC On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop , San Diego, California, March 28-30, 2006

18. H. Christopher Frey, Kaishan Zhang. In-Use Measurement of the Effects of Road Variables, Workshop on Measurement of Real-World Vehicle Fuel Consumption, Ontario, Canada, Feb 21-22, 2006

19. H. Christopher Frey, Nagui M. Rouphail, Kaishan Zhang, Saeed Albohasani, Measurements And Development Of Vehicle-Specific Models Of Light Duty Gasoline Vehicle On-Road Emissions And Energy Use, Proceedings of 15th CRC On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop , San Diego, California, April 4-6, 2005

20. Kaisha Zhang, H. Christopher Frey. Road Grade Estimation for On-Road Vehicle Emission Modeling Using LIDAR Data, Proceedings of the 98th Annual Exhibition & Conference of the Air & Waste Management Association,Indianapolis, IN, June 2004.

21. H. Christopher Frey, Nagui M. Rouphail, Kaishan Zhang, Jin Huang, Jonathan Lewis, Methodology for Light Duty Gasoline Vehicle-Specific Measurement and Modeling of On-Road Emissions and Energy Use, Proceedings of 14th CRC On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop , San Diego, California, March 29-31, 2004









