
Guangzhou Monetary Museum is located in Guangdong University of Finance, Longdong, Tianhe District. Surrounded by South China Botanical Park and Longyandong Forest Park, the place possesses a great natural scene.
作為一個歷史悠久的文明古國,中國使用貨幣有四千多年的歷史,在世界貨 幣文化史上舉足輕重,豐富多彩的貨幣文化也是優秀傳統文化之一。廣州貨幣金 融博物館館藏35000多件中外貨幣,攬括各個歷史時期,弘揚貨幣文化,繼承和 發揚貨幣文化傳統,並為廣大市民提高貨幣鑑賞、貨幣識假、防假反假能力,提 供廣闊平台。
As a country with an ancient civilization, China has used money over four thousand years that takes up an important part in world’s money history and it cultivates a rich and varied money culture. Guangzhou Monetary and Finance Museum collects about 35,000 pieces of Chinese and foreign money in different period. The museum introduces the money culture, and provides a place to citizens to learn appreciation of money, skills and techniques of distinguishing fake money.
Guangzhou Museum of Money and Finance is divided into two parts of China area and foreign country area. The China part includes six main subjects such as Chinese ancient money, the Republic of China (1912-1949) period, Revolutionary Base area period, RMB series, Guangdong ancient money, and knowledge of anti fake money techniques and struments.
The foreign country area displays money collected from 204 countries and areas. It collects the precious Australian commemorative silver coins and the biggest nominal value of money in the world history—500 billion dinar paper money from Yugoslavia..
The museum has a rich and various collection, welcome citizens and collectors of money to visit and exchange information..
Address: Library GDUF, TianHe District,GuangZHou City
Traffic rute: Bus Num39、Num30 Destination
博物館辦公電話:020-37216839 曹馨
Office phone:020—37216839 Cathy Cao
珍貴藏品Rare collection
一刀平五千Knife money of Xin Dynasty
第一套人民幣First set of RMB
第二套人民幣 Second set of RMB
1985年廣東省本票 Cashier's Cheque of CanTon Province 1985


