

廖梅松,男,中國科學院上海光學精密機械研究所研究員,博士生導師。中科院“百人計畫”入選者。研究方向為光子晶體光纖、多組分玻璃微結構光纖、非線性光纖及其器件,光學材料,雷射材料等。2007年博士畢業於中科院上海光學精密機械研究所。2007年至2013年在日本豐田工業大學先端光子技術研究中心從事研究工作。研發出了硫系-碲酸鹽複合微結構光纖、超大孔芯徑比碲酸鹽納米光纖、變芯徑碲酸鹽微結構光纖等新型光纖,並獲得其低閾值寬頻超連續譜。2010年3月獲豐田研究獎勵賞。2011年獲日本學術振興會博士後研究基金資助。現已國際知名期刊與會議上發表論文100餘篇。其中以第一作者發表影響因子2.0以上論文20餘篇。先後有三項研究成果被國際頂級光學期刊 “Nature Photonics” highlighted。一項成果曾被 “Laser focus world” 作為2010年度代表性技術進展加以介紹。



Weiqing Gao, Meisong Liao, TongleiCheng, Takenobu Suzuki, and Yasutake Ohishi, “Tunable Brillouin-erbium combfiber laser in a linear cavity with a single-mode tellurite fiber,”IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 25, 51-54(2013).

Xiaojie Xue, Meisong Liao, Rajanish N.Tiwari, Masamichi Yoshimura, Takenobu Suzuki, Yasutake Ohishi, “Intenseultraviolet and blue upconverison emissions in Tb/Ybcodoped KYF nanocrystals,” Applied Physics Express 5,092601 (2012).

Meisong Liao, Weiqing Gao, TongleiCheng, Zhongchao Duan, Xiaojie Xue, Takenobu Suzuki, Yasutake Ohishi, “Flat andbroadband supercontinuum generation by four-wave mixing in a highly nonlineartapered microstructured fiber,” OpticsExpress 20, B574-B580 (2012).

Meisong Liao, Weiqing Gao, Zhongchao Duan, Xin Yan, TakenobuSuzuki, and Yasutake Ohishi, “Supercontinuum generation in short telluritemicrostructured fibers pumped by a quasi-CW laser,” Optics Letter 37, 2127-2129(2012).

Tonglei Cheng, Meisong Liao, Weiqing Gao, ZhongchaoDuan, Takenobu Suzuki, Yasutake Ohishi, “Suppression of stimulated Brillouinscattering in all-solid chalcogenide-tellurite photonic bandgap fiber,” Optics Express 20, 28846-28854(2012).

Weiqing Gao, Meisong Liao, TongleiCheng, Takenobu Suzuki, Yasutake Ohishi, “Tunable hybrid Brillouin-erbium comb fiber laser in a composite cavity with a single-modetellurite fiber,“ Optics Letters 37,3786-3788(2012).

Meisong Liao, Xin Yan, Zhongchao Duan,Takenobu Suzuki, and Yasutake Ohishi, “Tellurite photonic nanostructuredfiber,” Journal of Lightwave Technology29, 1018-1025 (2011).

Meisong Liao, Zhongchao Duan, Weiqing Gao, Xin Yan, TakenobuSuzuki, and Yasutake Ohishi, “Dispersion engineering of tellurite holey fiberwith holes formed by two glasses for highly nonlinear applications,” Applied Physics B:Lasers and Optics105, 681-684 (2011).

Meisong Liao, Weiqing Gao, ZhongchaoDuan, Xin Yan, Takenobu Suzuki, and Yasutake Ohishi, “Directly draw highly nonlineartellurite microstructured fiber with diameter varying sharply in a short fiberlength,” Optics Express 20, 1141-1150(2012).

Xin Yan, Chihiro Kito, Shohei Miyoshi, MeisongLiao, Takenobu Suzuki, Yasutake Ohishi, “Raman transient response and enhancedsoliton self-frequency shift in ZBLAN fiber,”Journal of the Optical Society of America B 29, 238-243(2012).

Chitrarekha Chaudhari, Meisong Liao,Takenobu Suzuki, Yasutake Ohishi, “Chalcogenide core tellurite cladding composite microstructuredfiber for nonlinear applications,”Journal of Lightwave Technology 30, 2069-2076 (2012).

Meisong Liao, Weiqing Gao, TongleiCheng, Xiaojie Xue, Zhongchao Duan, Dinghuan Deng, Hiroyasu Kawashima, TakenobuSuzuki, and Yasutake Ohishi, “Five-octave-spanning supercontinuum generation influoride glass," Applied PhysicsExpress 6, 032503(2013).

Tonglei Cheng, Zhongchao Duan, Meisong Liao,Weiqing Gao, DinghuanDeng,Takenobu Suzuki,Yasutake Ohishi, “A simple all-solid telluritemicrostructured optical fiber,” Optics Express 21,3318-3323(2013).

Meisong Liao, Weiqing Gao, TongleiCheng, Zhongchao Duan, XiaojieXue, H. Kawashima, Takenobu Suzuki, and Yasutake Ohishi, “Ultrabroadsupercontinuum generation through filamentation in tellurite glass," Laser Physics Letters 10, 036002(2013).

Meisong Liao, Xin Yan, Weiqing Gao,Zhongchao Duan, Guanshi Qin, Takenobu Suzuki, and Yasutake Ohishi, “Five-order SRSsand supercontinuum generation from a tapered tellurite microstructured fiberwith longitudinally varying dispersion,”Optics Express 19, 15389-15396(2011).

Xin Yan, Guanshi Qin, Meisong Liao,Takenobu Suzuki, and Yasutake Ohishi, “Transient Raman response effects on thesoliton self-frequency shift in tellurite microstructured optical fiber,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B28, 1831-1836 (2011).

Guanshi Qin, Xin Yan, Chihiro Kito, Meisong Liao, Takenobu Suzuki, Yasutake Ohishi, “Zero-dispersion wavelengthdecreasing tellurite microstructured fiber for wide and flattenedsupercontinuum generation,” OpticsLetters 35, 136-138(2010).

Guanshi Qin, Xin Yan, Chihiro Kito, MeisongLiao, Takenobu Suzuki, Atsushi Mori, and Yasutake Ohishi, Highly nonlineartellurite microstructured fibers for broadband wavelength conversion andflattened supercontinuum generation, Journalof Applied Physics 107, 043108 (2010).

Xin Yan, Guanshi Qin, Meisong Liao, TakenobuSuzuki, and Yasutake Ohishi, Transient Raman response and solitonself-frequency shift in tellurite microstructured fiber, Journal of Applied Physics 108, 123110 (2010).

Guanshi Qin, Meisong Liao, ChitrarekhaChaudhari, Xin Yan, Chihiro Kito, Takenobu Suzuki, Yasutake Ohishi,“Second, third harmonics and flattened supercontinuum generation in telluritemicrostructured fibers,” OpticsLetters 35, 58-60(2010).

Xin Yan, Guanshi Qin, Meisong Liao, TakenobuSuzuki, Atsushi Mori, and Yasutake Ohishi, “Soliton source generation in a few-mode tellurite microstructure fiber,” Applied Physics Letters 95, 171107(2009).

Meisong Liao, Chitrarekha Chaudhari,Xin Yan, Guanshi Qin, Chihiro Kito, Takenobu Suzuki, Yasutake Ohishi, “Asuspended core nanofiber with unprecedented large diameter ratio of holeyregion to core,” Optics Express 18, 9088-9097(2010).

Meisong Liao, Guanshi Qin, Xin Yan,Mark Hughes, Takenobu Suzuki, Yasutake Ohishi, “Evaluating upconversionmaterials developed to improve the efficiency of solar cells: comment,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B27, 1498-1504 (2010).

Guanshi Qin, Xin Yan, Chihiro Kito, MeisongLiao, Chitrarekha Chaudhari, Takenobu Suzuki,Yasutake Ohishi, “Supercontinuumgeneration spanning over three octaves from UV to 3.85 μm in a fluoride fiber,” OpticsLetters 34, 2015-2017(2009).

Meisong Liao, ChitrarekhaChaudhari, Guanshi Qin, Xin Yan, Takenobu Suzuki, Yasutake Ohishi,, “Tellurite microstructure fiberswith small hexagonal core for supercontinuum generation,” Optics Express 17, 12174-12182 (2009).

Guanshi Qin, Meisong Liao, TakenobuSuzuki, Atsushi Mori, Yasutake Ohishi, “Widely tunable ring-cavity tellurite fiber Raman laser,”Optics Letters 33, 2014-2016(2008).

Meisong Liao, Guanshi Qin, Xin Yan,Zhongchao Duan, Takenobu Suzuki, and Yasutake Ohishi, “A Tellurite NanowireWith Long Suspended Struts for Low-Threshold Single-Mode SupercontinuumGeneration,”Journal of Lightwave Technology29, 194-199 (2011).

Meisong Liao, Chitrarekha Chaudhari,Guanshi Qin, Xin Yan, Chihiro Kito, Takenobu Suzuki, Yasutake Ohishi, MorioMatsumoto, Takashi Misumi, “Fabrication and characterization of achalcogenide-tellurite composite microstructure fiber with high nonlinearity,” Optics Express 17, 21608-21614 (2009).

Guanshi Qin, Xin Yan, Chihiro Kito, Meisong Liao,Chitrarekha Chaudhari, Takenobu Suzuki, Yasutake Ohishi, “Ultrabroadbandsupercontinuum generation from ultraviolet to 6.28 μm in a fluoride fiber,” Applied Physics Letters 95, 161103(2009).

Meisong Liao, Xin Yan, Guanshi Qin,Chitrarekha Chaudhari, Takenobu Suzuki, Yasutake Ohishi, “A highly non-linear telluritemicrostructure fiber with multi-ring holes for supercontinuum generation, ”Optics Express 17, 15481-15490 (2009).

Meisong Liao, Lili Hu, Zhongchao Duan,Liyan Zhang, Lei Wen. “Spectroscopic properties of fluorophosphate glass with high Erconcentration,” Applied Physics B: Lasersand Optics 86, 83-89 (2007).

Meisong Liao, Lili Hu, Yongzheng Fang,Chunlei Yu, Liyan Zhang, “Influences of radiation trapping onspectroscopic properties of Er dopedfluorophosphate glasses,” Journalof the Optical Society of America B 24, 1498-1504 (2007).


Weiqing Gao, Meisong Liao, TongleiCheng, Takenobu Suzuki, and Yasutake Ohishi, “Tunable Brillouin-erbium combfiber laser in a linear cavity with a single-mode tellurite fiber,”IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 25, 51-54(2013).


Xiaojie Xue, Meisong Liao, Rajanish N.Tiwari, Masamichi Yoshimura, Takenobu Suzuki, Yasutake Ohishi, “Intenseultraviolet and blue upconverison emissions in Tb/Ybcodoped KYF nanocrystals,” Applied Physics Express 5,092601 (2012).


Meisong Liao, Weiqing Gao, TongleiCheng, Zhongchao Duan, Xiaojie Xue, Takenobu Suzuki, Yasutake Ohishi, “Flat andbroadband supercontinuum generation by four-wave mixing in a highly nonlineartapered microstructured fiber,” OpticsExpress 20, B574-B580 (2012).


Meisong Liao, Weiqing Gao, Zhongchao Duan, Xin Yan, TakenobuSuzuki, and Yasutake Ohishi, “Supercontinuum generation in short telluritemicrostructured fibers pumped by a quasi-CW laser,” Optics Letter 37, 2127-2129(2012).


Tonglei Cheng, Meisong Liao, Weiqing Gao, ZhongchaoDuan, Takenobu Suzuki, Yasutake Ohishi, “Suppression of stimulated Brillouinscattering in all-solid chalcogenide-tellurite photonic bandgap fiber,” Optics Express 20, 28846-28854(2012).


Weiqing Gao, Meisong Liao, TongleiCheng, Takenobu Suzuki, Yasutake Ohishi, “Tunable hybrid Brillouin-erbium comb fiber laser in a composite cavity with a single-modetellurite fiber,“ Optics Letters 37,3786-3788(2012).


Meisong Liao, Xin Yan, Zhongchao Duan,Takenobu Suzuki, and Yasutake Ohishi, “Tellurite photonic nanostructuredfiber,” Journal of Lightwave Technology29, 1018-1025 (2011).


Meisong Liao, Zhongchao Duan, Weiqing Gao, Xin Yan, TakenobuSuzuki, and Yasutake Ohishi, “Dispersion engineering of tellurite holey fiberwith holes formed by two glasses for highly nonlinear applications,” Applied Physics B:Lasers and Optics105, 681-684 (2011).


Meisong Liao, Weiqing Gao, ZhongchaoDuan, Xin Yan, Takenobu Suzuki, and Yasutake Ohishi, “Directly draw highly nonlineartellurite microstructured fiber with diameter varying sharply in a short fiberlength,” Optics Express 20, 1141-1150(2012).


Xin Yan, Chihiro Kito, Shohei Miyoshi, MeisongLiao, Takenobu Suzuki, Yasutake Ohishi, “Raman transient response and enhancedsoliton self-frequency shift in ZBLAN fiber,”Journal of the Optical Society of America B 29, 238-243(2012).


Chitrarekha Chaudhari, Meisong Liao,Takenobu Suzuki, Yasutake Ohishi, “Chalcogenide core tellurite cladding composite microstructuredfiber for nonlinear applications,”Journal of Lightwave Technology 30, 2069-2076 (2012).


Meisong Liao, Weiqing Gao, TongleiCheng, Xiaojie Xue, Zhongchao Duan, Dinghuan Deng, Hiroyasu Kawashima, TakenobuSuzuki, and Yasutake Ohishi, “Five-octave-spanning supercontinuum generation influoride glass," Applied PhysicsExpress 6, 032503(2013).


Tonglei Cheng, Zhongchao Duan, Meisong Liao,Weiqing Gao, DinghuanDeng,Takenobu Suzuki,Yasutake Ohishi, “A simple all-solid telluritemicrostructured optical fiber,” Optics Express 21,3318-3323(2013).


Meisong Liao, Weiqing Gao, TongleiCheng, Zhongchao Duan, XiaojieXue, H. Kawashima, Takenobu Suzuki, and Yasutake Ohishi, “Ultrabroadsupercontinuum generation through filamentation in tellurite glass," Laser Physics Letters 10, 036002(2013).


Meisong Liao, Xin Yan, Weiqing Gao,Zhongchao Duan, Guanshi Qin, Takenobu Suzuki, and Yasutake Ohishi, “Five-order SRSsand supercontinuum generation from a tapered tellurite microstructured fiberwith longitudinally varying dispersion,”Optics Express 19, 15389-15396(2011).


Xin Yan, Guanshi Qin, Meisong Liao,Takenobu Suzuki, and Yasutake Ohishi, “Transient Raman response effects on thesoliton self-frequency shift in tellurite microstructured optical fiber,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B28, 1831-1836 (2011).


Guanshi Qin, Xin Yan, Chihiro Kito, Meisong Liao, Takenobu Suzuki, Yasutake Ohishi, “Zero-dispersion wavelengthdecreasing tellurite microstructured fiber for wide and flattenedsupercontinuum generation,” OpticsLetters 35, 136-138(2010).


Guanshi Qin, Xin Yan, Chihiro Kito, MeisongLiao, Takenobu Suzuki, Atsushi Mori, and Yasutake Ohishi, Highly nonlineartellurite microstructured fibers for broadband wavelength conversion andflattened supercontinuum generation, Journalof Applied Physics 107, 043108 (2010).


Xin Yan, Guanshi Qin, Meisong Liao, TakenobuSuzuki, and Yasutake Ohishi, Transient Raman response and solitonself-frequency shift in tellurite microstructured fiber, Journal of Applied Physics 108, 123110 (2010).


Guanshi Qin, Meisong Liao, ChitrarekhaChaudhari, Xin Yan, Chihiro Kito, Takenobu Suzuki, Yasutake Ohishi,“Second, third harmonics and flattened supercontinuum generation in telluritemicrostructured fibers,” OpticsLetters 35, 58-60(2010).


Xin Yan, Guanshi Qin, Meisong Liao, TakenobuSuzuki, Atsushi Mori, and Yasutake Ohishi, “Soliton source generation in a few-mode tellurite microstructure fiber,” Applied Physics Letters 95, 171107(2009).


Meisong Liao, Chitrarekha Chaudhari,Xin Yan, Guanshi Qin, Chihiro Kito, Takenobu Suzuki, Yasutake Ohishi, “Asuspended core nanofiber with unprecedented large diameter ratio of holeyregion to core,” Optics Express 18, 9088-9097(2010).


Meisong Liao, Guanshi Qin, Xin Yan,Mark Hughes, Takenobu Suzuki, Yasutake Ohishi, “Evaluating upconversionmaterials developed to improve the efficiency of solar cells: comment,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B27, 1498-1504 (2010).


Guanshi Qin, Xin Yan, Chihiro Kito, MeisongLiao, Chitrarekha Chaudhari, Takenobu Suzuki,Yasutake Ohishi, “Supercontinuumgeneration spanning over three octaves from UV to 3.85 μm in a fluoride fiber,” OpticsLetters 34, 2015-2017(2009).


Meisong Liao, ChitrarekhaChaudhari, Guanshi Qin, Xin Yan, Takenobu Suzuki, Yasutake Ohishi,, “Tellurite microstructure fiberswith small hexagonal core for supercontinuum generation,” Optics Express 17, 12174-12182 (2009).


Guanshi Qin, Meisong Liao, TakenobuSuzuki, Atsushi Mori, Yasutake Ohishi, “Widely tunable ring-cavity tellurite fiber Raman laser,”Optics Letters 33, 2014-2016(2008).


Meisong Liao, Guanshi Qin, Xin Yan,Zhongchao Duan, Takenobu Suzuki, and Yasutake Ohishi, “A Tellurite NanowireWith Long Suspended Struts for Low-Threshold Single-Mode SupercontinuumGeneration,”Journal of Lightwave Technology29, 194-199 (2011).


Meisong Liao, Chitrarekha Chaudhari,Guanshi Qin, Xin Yan, Chihiro Kito, Takenobu Suzuki, Yasutake Ohishi, MorioMatsumoto, Takashi Misumi, “Fabrication and characterization of achalcogenide-tellurite composite microstructure fiber with high nonlinearity,” Optics Express 17, 21608-21614 (2009).


Guanshi Qin, Xin Yan, Chihiro Kito, Meisong Liao,Chitrarekha Chaudhari, Takenobu Suzuki, Yasutake Ohishi, “Ultrabroadbandsupercontinuum generation from ultraviolet to 6.28 μm in a fluoride fiber,” Applied Physics Letters 95, 161103(2009).


Meisong Liao, Xin Yan, Guanshi Qin,Chitrarekha Chaudhari, Takenobu Suzuki, Yasutake Ohishi, “A highly non-linear telluritemicrostructure fiber with multi-ring holes for supercontinuum generation, ”Optics Express 17, 15481-15490 (2009).


Meisong Liao, Lili Hu, Zhongchao Duan,Liyan Zhang, Lei Wen. “Spectroscopic properties of fluorophosphate glass with high Erconcentration,” Applied Physics B: Lasersand Optics 86, 83-89 (2007).


Meisong Liao, Lili Hu, Yongzheng Fang,Chunlei Yu, Liyan Zhang, “Influences of radiation trapping onspectroscopic properties of Er dopedfluorophosphate glasses,” Journalof the Optical Society of America B 24, 1498-1504 (2007).


Toyota Scholarship Foundation Research Awards, Toyota Technological Institute, 2010.


上海市套用材料研究與發展基金研究生獎學金,上海市套用材料研究與發展基金委員會, 2006。



