Circulation chilled water system
Guarantee cooling water tower , cold water machine the platform waits for equipment to be in optimum operation state , effective the group controlling the microorganism bacterium , the creation restraining scale , the corrosion taking precautions against pipeline equipment's. Achieve the life time reducing energy consumption , prolonging equipment's purpose. Special case for investigation works out the water treatment scheme , adopt the special field compound water treatment preparation and perfect technical service system.
Risr-668A/B 殺菌滅藻劑
Risr-668A/B The sterilization extinguishes the algae medicinal preparation
Risr-LQ512Slow eclipse anti- filthy medicinal preparation
Risr-586Equipment cleansing agent
RO 純水系統水處理製劑
RO pure water system water treatment preparation
Adopt the compound preparation having fine coordination treatment effect , can have an effect to prevent scale , the microorganism from gluing body's formation , improve systematic desalination rate , produce a water yield; Prolong RO film life time.
Risr-RO386 專用阻垢劑
Risr-RO386 special use hinders the dirty agent
Risr-RO387 專用清洗劑
Risr-RO387 special use washes an agent
Boiler water treatment preparation
Adopt the compound preparation having the fine coordination treatment effect , guard against boiler corrosion and fouling, the water quality stabilizing a boiler ensures that the boiler regularity works , reduces the boiler body consumption , prolongs whose life time.
Risr-GL668 複合鍋爐水處理製劑
Risr-GL668 compound boiler water treatment preparation
Risr-GL658 清罐劑
Risr-GL658 cleans up the jar agent
Risr-GL638 鹼度調整劑
Risr-GL638 Agent alkalinity is adjusted
Lacquer house circulation water treatment preparation
The medicament belongs to compound preparation have general broad dispersing ability, the paint residue dehydration nature that the person handles is fine , the lacquer residue handling is the treatment there being no sticky time as soon as stages such as roll a shape into a ball , easy to salvage. The efficacy stabilizes upright amicable , handle face to face of the medicament environment. Can there be an effect's guarded against a paint sticky attach the harassment in what pipeline equipment brings about , at the same time, reduce wave middle COD contents , eliminate peculiar smell , improve an environment, life time prolonging recirculating water.
Risr-TZ618A 有機油漆樹脂分散劑(漆霧凝聚劑)
Risr-TZ618A Organic paint resin dispersant (lacquer fog flocculating agent)
Risr-TZ618B 懸浮劑
Risr-TZ618B suspension agent
Waste water treatment preparation
Adopt the rational water treatment handicraft, the depth coordinating water's handles, water reclaims in processing water but reaching GB5084-1992 , CECS61-94 using water standard to wait , to be able to cycle for a long time to be put into use, save large amount of water resource.
Risr-601 environmental protection type COD special use eliminates an agent
MRisr- 2688重金屬捕捉劑
MRisr-2688 Heavy Metal catches an agent
崑山純天然水處理設備有限公司是江蘇省內一家非常有實力的,專業銷售水處理設備,耗材,藥劑及提供技術服務的高科技環保企業。 循環冷卻水藥劑:阻垢緩釋劑,殺菌...
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◇實驗室:實驗室分析、化驗用純水、超純水設備; ◇飲料業:礦泉水、包裝飲用水、果汁濃縮等設備製造; ◇廢水處理:電子、電鍍廢水、機械廢水、印染廢水、紡織...
及委託管理;水處理藥劑(不含危險品)的銷售。企業狀態存續(在營、開業、在冊...企業名稱崑山亮綠環保工程有限公司統一社會信用代碼企業詳情企業名稱崑山... ; [email protected] ;地址崑山開發區夏駕園商業中心166-10號 ...
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