1. Jeyasanagata Buddha, Jetawa Maram sawahanam
Catu-saccasabham rasam, Ye pivinsu narasabha
(The Buddhas, the NOBLE men who drank the nectar of the four Noble Truths,
Having come to the victory seat, having defeated Mara together with his mount)
2. Ta-nhan-karatayo Buddha, Atthavisati-nayaka
Sabbe patithita maiham, Mathake te munissara
(These Buddhas, the 28 leaders, the sovereign sages beginning with Tanhankara
are all established on the crown of my head.)
3. Sise patithito maiham, Buddho dhammo dawilo cane
Sangho patithito maiham, Ure sabba-guna karo
諸佛住於我頭,法住於我雙眸,而僧伽- 諸功德之源,住於我胸膛。
(The Buddha is established in my head, the Dharma in my two eyes,
The Sangha----the mind of all virtues----is established in my chest.)
4. Hataye me Anuruddho, Sariputto ca dakkhine
Kondannio pitthi-bhagasmin, Mokgalano caWAMAke
(Anuraddha is in my heart, and Sariputta on my right.
Kondanna is behind me, and Moggallana on my left.)
5. Dakkhine sawane maiham, Asum Ananda-Rahulo
Kassapo ca Mahanamo, Ubhasum wama-sotake
(Ananda & Rahula are in my right ear, Kassapa and Mahanama are both in my left ear.)
6. Kesanto pithi-bhagasmin, Suriyo wa pa-bhan-karo
Nisinno siri-sampanno, So bhi to muni-pungavon
(Sobhita, the noble sage, sits in full glory,
shinning like the sun all over the hair at the back of my head.)
7. Kuma ra-kas sapo tehro, Ma he si cit ta-wa dako
So maiham wadane nikam, Patithasi gunakaro
(The great sage, the mind of virtue, Elder Kumarakassapa,
the brilliant speaker, is constantly in my mouth.)
8. Punno Angulimalo ca, Upali Nanda-Sivali
Tehra panca-ime janta, Nalate tilaka mama
(Five elder---Punna Angulimala, Upali, Nanda, & Sivali---
have arisen as ausipicious marks at the middle of my forehead.)
9. Se sha ti Thi-Mahatehra, Vijita jina sawaka Etesi ti-mahatehra, Jitawanto jitnorasa
Ja lanta sila-tejenai, Angamange Susanthidai
(The rest of the 80 great leaders----victors,
disciples of the victorious Buddha, sons of the victorious Buddha,
shining with the majesty of moral virtue are established in the various parts of my body.)
10. Ratanam purato asi, Dakkhine metta-suttakam
Dhajhakam pachato asi, Wame Angulimalakam
Khandha-Mora-parittanca, Atanatiya-suttakam
Akase chadanam asi, Sesa pakara-santhita
(The Ratana Sutta is in front of me, the Mettra Sutta to my right.
The Dhajagga Sutta is behind me, the Angulimala Paritta to my left.
The Khandha & Mora Parittas and the Atanatiya Sutta are a roof in space above me.
The remaining suttas are established as a fortress wall around me.)
11. Jinanam-rama-samtutta, Satta-pakara-lankatawan
Wata-pittadi-sanjata, Bahirajjhattupaddava
Asesa winayam yantu, Ananta-jina-tejasa
與各個至上之勝力結合,由七堵法牆圍繞—— 願風界與膽汁等所帶來的疾病,
(Bound by the power of the Victors? I realm, seven fortress walls arrayed.
Against them, may all misfortununes within & without----
caused by such things as wind or bile----be destroyed without
remainder through the majesty of the unending Victor.)
12. Wa..sato mesaki cche na, Sada Sambuddha-panjare
Jina-panjara-mahjha-mhi, Wiharantam mahitale
Sada palentu-mam sabbe, Teh maha-purisasabha
於任何事,我皆常住於正覺之陣。 於勝者之陣的正中,住於這大地上,
(As I dwell, in all my affairs, always in the cage of the Self-awakened One,
Living grounded in the midst of the Victors, I am always guarded by all of those great noble men)
13. Isay-wamanto sugutto surakho
Jina ukbhave na-jitupadavo
Dhammanubhave na-jitari-sangho
San-tainubaway, Napitantaraiyo
Saddhamma nubhava-palito, Carami jina-panjaray..ti.
如是,我完完全全地被善護衛。 憑著佛陀勝利之威力,消除所有困擾,憑著法的威力,
(Thus am I utterly well-sheltered, well-protected.
Through the might of the Victors, misfortunes are vanquished.
Through the might of the Dhamma, hordes of enemies are vanquished.
Through the might of the Sangha, dangers are vanquished.
Guarded by the might of the True Dhamma, I live in the Victor's Cage.)
東巴書寫、念誦的經書,納西語稱“東巴久”,即“東巴經”。 東巴經是用竹製蘸水筆書寫在特製厚棉紙上。哥巴文與東巴文同為記錄以麗江為中心的納西族西部方言的古...
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