

富麗公主源於富饒而神秘的國度——英國。來自英國FULITION研究所優良技術的嫩白滋養護膚專家“富麗公主”,為希望永葆青春美麗的女性所設計。象徵著富貴與美麗,為皇室公主、富賈名媛、千金小姐貴族御用美容妝品。僅為少數人秘密珍傳享用,其尊貴不言而喻。 近年來為香港富麗堂公司引進並深化研究。堅持以“配合天然植物精華,融入自然的力量,對肌膚百般呵護”為理念,根據亞洲人皮膚最佳化升級。始終追求安心、效用、安全的綠色美容呵護理念,堅持為愛美女性奉上卓越品質而愈誠心力。植物的生命力與綻放力,肌膚也能如願擁有。源於富麗公主的經典、專注、奢貴。


富麗公主 富麗公主



發 源 地:英國

研 究 中 心:台灣古樂美業有限公司

聯 合 出 品:香港富麗堂技術開發經貿(國際)有限公司



產品文化:經典 專注 奢貴



2、皇牌美白 權威修護 卓越補水



富麗公主 富麗公主

富麗公主悉心從天然植物中,奢采法國白百合和英國牛油果等天然植物中提取的嫩白滋養效果良好的高純度菁華,憑藉國際領先前沿技術,珍萃精練,肌膚注入盎然生機。擁有全套的護膚系列產品。能夠充分滋養深層肌膚(角質層),幫助肌膚恢復良好的新陳代謝機能及容顏. 帶來尊貴專業的護膚享受。

FULITION has extracted the whitening and nourishing high-pure essence from the natural France white lily and UK avocado, refined by the international advanced technology, and the skin has been injected with the vigorous vitality. The complete set of skin care series products can nourish the deep skin (stratum corneum) fully, help the skin to recover the good metabolic function and appearance.



The FU of FULITION means wealth, and the LI of FULITION means beauty; princess is young and delicate; FULITION keeps the delicacy of the skin by the natural nourishment, beautiful and delicate as the princess.



FULITION imperial beauty skin care series include whitening ruddy beauty newborn cleanser, whitening ruddy beauty newborn rose dew, whitening ruddy beauty newborn essence, whitening ruddy beauty newborn & perfect 3pcs set, whitening ruddy beauty newborn & perfect 5pcs set (a essence honor edition, 2 rose dew general edition), special moistening honor beauty 4pcs set, white lily eye repair essence, white lily newborn eye cream, beauty nourishing newborn cream, excellent luxury silk face mask, original tranexamic acid liquid, original collagen liquid, replenishment whitening perfect nude makeup CC cream and the others, meet the various demand to care the skin, and supply the beauty-conscious women with the more delicate and beautiful face and the feast of the distinguished professional skincare.


Whitening ruddy (Cream A)

富麗公主 富麗公主


Ingredients: white lily, avocado, seaweed, arnica, aloe, witch hazel, rose, ginkgo vitamin E, active pearl extract, arbutin, ginseng, angelica, olive oil, aloe essence etc.


本品含珍稀天然植物精萃。可阻斷黑色細胞的形成,有效的阻止陽光、空氣、灰塵等不良因素的侵害,恢復肌膚天然鎖水、修護、新生能力。具有超強保濕作用,給予肌膚如水般的呵護。淡化色素沉著, 美白滋養肌膚。加速表皮細胞再生能力,促進新皮細胞生成。具有美白防敏、祛黃退黑、防斑抗皺、促進新生功效。長期使用,可提高皮膚的膚質和再生能力。令膚色逐漸回復白嫩、柔滑、光澤、紅潤。

The product contains the rare natural plant essence to stop the formation of the black cells, block the invasion of the sunlight, air, dust and the other adverse factors, and restore the natural, moisturizing, caring newborn capacity of the skin. It has the superior moisturizing function to care the skin as the water. Dilute the pigmentation, whiten and nourish the skin. Accelerate the regeneration of the epidermal cell; promote the production of the new skin cell. It has the efficacy to whiten, prevent allergy, eliminate the yellow and black, prevent wrinkle and spot, and promote the regeneration. The skin and regeneration of the skin can be improved in case of the long term usage. And the skin recovers the white, soft, smooth, shiny and ruddy gradually.



Take the amount of the product to massage the skin of the face and neck gently to absorb after the FULITION cleanser, face mask, rose dew, and essence at daytime (available to be used alone).


Whitening ruddy (Cream C)

富麗公主 富麗公主


White lily, high unit protein ingredients, Coix seed, ginseng, Ophiopogon, pomegranates, ginkgo biloba, cress, chamomile, vitamin B3, hyaluronic acid, angelica, witch hazel, saffron, rhizome typhoni, tranexamic acid etc.


夜晚是肌膚修護與新生的黃金時期,睡足美容覺的肌膚醒來看起來活力充沛,透出飽滿光澤;這款逆時空奢貴晚霜讓肌膚如同多享了2小時的美容覺,讓奢侈變成每一天同等的現實。高滲透,高吸收。快速嫩白肌膚,迅速滲入皮膚深層,促進膠原蛋白的生成,增強肌膚彈性,撫平細紋、深透潤澤、延緩細紋新生、逆轉老化 ,令肌膚倍感細膩柔潤、滋養、緊緻。內含強效的植物精華,分解淡化黑色素,從基本上抑制各種色斑的生成,對已經形成之斑點,能有效快速祛除,並能促進皮膚自我修護能力,從而達到根本美白嫩膚滋養抗老的作用。

The night is the golden time to repair and regenerate the skin, the skin with full sleep looks energetic, revealing a full gloss; the inverse space luxury night cream lets the skin enjoy with 2 more hours sleep similarly, and luxury gets true everyday. High penetration, high absorbance, whiten the skin fast, penetrate into the depth of the skin, improve the formation of the collagen, enhance the skin elasticity, smooth the fine lines, moisten in the depth, delay the newborn fine lines, reverse the aging, and let the skin enjoy the double delicacy, softness, moisture, nourishing and solidness. It contains the powerful plant essence, decompose and dilute the black pigment, inhibit the various formation of the staining spot basically, eliminate the formed spot effectively and rapidly, promote the self-repair of the skin, so as to whiten, nourish, and delay the aging fundamentally.



Take the amount of the product (0.5g, the same as 4 rice approximately) to massage the skin of the face and the neck softly to absorb after the FULITION cleanser, face mask, rose dew, and essence at night.


Whitening ruddy (Cream B)

富麗公主 富麗公主


Ingredients: white lily, arbutin, ginseng, natural pearls, green tea, licorice, poria, aloe, and the other natural plant extracts.


It has the excellent function against the sunlight. It has the special deep whitening ingredients to block the ultraviolet and infrared effectively, isolate and protect, whiten and conceal the shortcoming. Enforce the resilience of the skin, inhibit the black pigment formation to achieve the double whitening and perfect effect rapidly. Eliminate the freckles and wrinkles, and inhibit the production of the melanin. The skin appears white and ruddy after usage. Make your skin delicate, white, and get the best results.



Take the amount of the product to massage the skin of the face and neck gently to uniform after the FULITION cleanser, face mask, rose dew, cream A and essence at daytime (available to be used alone).


Take the amount of the product to massage the skin of the face and neck gently to uniform after the FULITION cleanser, face mask, rose dew, and essence at night (available to be used alone).


Whitening ruddy beauty newborn rose dew(F301)

富麗公主 富麗公主


For the skin: any skin


Main ingredients:


* Pure rose dew: moisten, repair the cells, replenishment and soothe the skin.


* Bulgarian rose refined oil: moisten, dilute the spot, astringe and prevent the wrinkle, it is the treasure for the women to maintain the beauty.


*Original Hyaluronic acid: composite lecithin ingredients, use the liposomes and original Hyaluronic acid to moisten for a long time, and promote the regeneration of the cells.


* Ginseng: promote the blood circulation, increase the skin nutrient, and regulate the skin moisture balance,


Characteristics of product:


Suitable for all skins, it is precious moisturizing and nourishing healthy solution.


Take the amount of the product to spray or pat after the FULITION cleanser and face mask, you can carry at anytime for the moisturizing.


whitening ruddy beauty newborn essence(F401)

富麗公主 富麗公主


For the skin: any skin


Main ingredients: natural white lily, whitening element (Bearberry)and the nutrition refined from various natural plants, matched with the antibiotics, anti-inflammatory enzymes, and multi-vitamins.


It is pure natural, super-mild, no stimulation, no pores stoppage, and easy to be absorbed. Improve the skin black spot and roughness in depth. Whiten the skin perfectly. It has the significant mysterious efficacy to whiten, refine, dilute the spot, astringe the pores, replenish water effectively, and promote the regeneration. The skin can be whitened rapidly for a long time within 24 hours. Decompose the skin melanin, eliminate the yellow, prevent the ultraviolet (SPF18), replenish the nutrition and water sufficiently, moisten the skin in depth, repair the beauty of the skin effectively, strengthen the gloss and flexibility of the skin, make the skin crystal, clear, whiten, and full of 3D sense. The problems on face are diluted miraculously and gradually, and the skin gets white, fine, and gloss more and more.



Take the amount of the product to massage the skin of the face and neck gently to uniform, and then use the cream A (daytime) or cream C (night) (available to be used alone).


Whitening ruddy beauty newborn cleanser(F101)

富麗公主 富麗公主


Suitable for any skin


The product uses the most advanced formulations, refined from the arbutin (URA) black barrier agent, natural whitening element, (BEAR-EBPRR) epidermal growth factor, EGF hyaluronic acid, strong stabile esters, vitamin (ESTER-C)etc. It contains plenty of nourishing factor which can supply polysaccharides, amino necessary for the skin. Clean the residual oil power and contamination of the pores in depth, balance the secretion of sebaceous glands, and eliminate the unclear of the skin. It contains the active ingredients to clear the acne rapidly, prevent the generation of the wrinkles, accelerate the cell metabolism, isolate the injury of the skin from the environment, and make the skin become white, ruddy and elastic quickly.

使用方法Usage: :取本品2公克(約3粒花生仁大)先點狀於臉部,加少許清水輕輕按摩2-3分鐘後用清水沖洗淨即可。

Take the amount of product 2g (the size of 3 peanut approximately) to distribute on the face by points, increase a little bit clean water to massage for 2-3 minutes, and then clean by wash by the clean water.


Whitening ruddy beauty newborn & perfect 5pcs set Ⅰ(the effective essence honor edition) (F805-1)

富麗公主 富麗公主


[Whitening ruddy cream A + whitening ruddy cream C + whitening ruddy cream B + whitening ruddy beauty newborn essence+ Whitening ruddy beauty newborn cleanser]

用法和用量Usage & dosage:

白天:每天早上用白嫩紅潤美顏新生淨白潔面乳潔面後,先取適量白嫩紅潤美顏新生精華素均勻塗於面部,輕輕按摩片刻讓其充分吸收,3-5分鐘後再取適量白嫩紅潤A霜均勻塗於面部 ,輕輕按摩至完全吸收即可。

晚間:每天晚上用白嫩紅潤美顏新生淨白潔面乳潔面後,先取適量白嫩紅潤美顏新生精華素均勻塗於面部及頸部,輕輕按摩片刻讓其充分吸收,3-5分鐘後再取適量白嫩紅潤C霜均勻塗於面部 ,輕輕按摩至完全吸收即可。

Daytime: Take the amount of whitening ruddy beauty newborn essence to coat on the face evenly and massage gently a moment to absorb fully after whitening ruddy beauty newborn cleanser every morning, and take the amount of whitening ruddy beauty newborn cream A to coat on the face evenly and massage gently a moment to absorb fully after 3-5 minutes.

Night: Take the amount of whitening ruddy beauty newborn essence to coat on the face evenly and massage gently a moment to absorb fully after whitening ruddy beauty newborn cleanser every night, and take the amount of whitening ruddy beauty newborn cream C to coat on the face evenly and massage gently a moment to absorb fully after 3-5 minutes.


Whitening ruddy cream B (pearl cream) one or two times everyday, available in the morning and at night.


Whitening ruddy beauty newborn & perfect 5pcs setⅡ(rose dew general edition) (F805-2)

富麗公主 富麗公主


[Whitening ruddy cream A + whitening ruddy cream C + whitening ruddy cream B + whitening ruddy beauty newborn rose dew+ Whitening ruddy beauty newborn cleanser]

用法和用量Usage & dosage:

白天:每天早上用白嫩紅潤美顏新生淨白潔面乳潔面後,先取適量白嫩紅潤美顏新生玫瑰花露均勻噴灑或輕拍於塗面部及頸部,讓其充分吸收後再取適量白嫩紅潤A霜均勻塗於面部及頸部 ,輕輕按摩至完全吸收即可。

Daytime; take the amount of whitening ruddy beauty newborn rose dew to spray or pat on the face or the neck evenly for full absorbance after whitening ruddy beauty newborn cleanser every morning, take the amount of whitening ruddy beauty newborn cream A to coat on the face and neck evenly and massage gently a moment to absorb fully.

晚間:每天晚上用白嫩紅潤美顏新生淨白潔面乳潔面後,先取適量白嫩紅潤美顏新生玫瑰花露均勻噴灑或輕拍於面部或頸部,讓其充分吸收後再取適量白嫩紅潤C霜均勻塗於面部 ,輕輕按摩至完全吸收即可。

Night: take the amount of whitening ruddy beauty newborn rose dew to spray or pat on the face or the neck evenly for full absorbance after whitening ruddy beauty newborn cleanser every night, take the amount of whitening ruddy beauty newborn cream C to coat on the face and neck evenly and massage gently a moment to absorb fully.


Whitening ruddy cream B (pearl cream) one or two times everyday, available in the morning and at night.


whitening ruddy beauty newborn 3pcs set (red bottle for honor edition, purple bottle for general edition) (F806)


[Whitening ruddy cream A+ Whitening ruddy cream C+ Whitening ruddy cream B]

用法和用量Usage & dosage:

白天:每天早上用白嫩紅潤美顏新生淨白潔面乳潔面後,取適量白嫩紅潤A霜均勻塗於面部 ,輕輕按摩至完全吸收即可。

Daytime: take the amount of whitening ruddy beauty newborn cream A to coat on the face and neck evenly and massage gently to absorb fully after whitening ruddy beauty newborn cleanser every morning.

晚間:每天晚上用白嫩紅潤美顏新生淨白潔面乳潔面後,取適量白嫩紅潤C霜均勻塗於面部 ,輕輕按摩至完全吸收即可。

Night: Daytime: take the amount of whitening ruddy beauty newborn cream C to coat on the face and neck evenly and massage gently to absorb fully after whitening ruddy beauty newborn cleanser every night.


Whitening ruddy cream B (pearl cream) one or two times everyday, available in the morning and at night.


white lily eye repair essence(F701)



White lily: the true lily is white lily, pure white, elegant, and noble. The France lily is top grade, the fresh one contains the rich mucilage and vitamin which are beneficiary for the cell metabolism of the skin. Effective against the internal and external adverse affection, replenish the sufficient oil and water for the skin which is easy to be dry and loss the nutrition, effective to the sensitive skin.

Auxiliary components: Hamamelidaceae extract, horsetail, seaweed extract, aloe, resurrection extract, Korean ginseng, rose refining oil and fennel essential refined oil.



The product is excellent to improve the fine lines of eye, black eye socket, pouch, and eye puffiness. Prevent the relaxation of the eye muscle, strengthen the cell vitality, it is the natural plant concentrating eye essence to supply the eye with the clear and luster, astringe the skin around eye for the endurable elasticity and luster, prevent and improve the false wrinkle, nourish the eye skin for a long time, and the eyes can show the shine and bright.

Usage & dosage: take the lily eye repair essence and massage to absorb, and massage the eye with white lily newborn eye cream to massage the eye after the cleanser on face in the daytime and night.


white lily newborn eye cream(F702)

主要成分Main Ingredient:白百合精華、金縷梅淬取液、屠夫掃帚、海藻萃取液、復活草提取物、啤酒花、玫瑰純露。

White lily essence, witch hazel extract, butchers broom, seaweed extract, resurrection grass extract, beer hops, rose hydrosol.


Astringe and promote the relax eye, nourish the activating cell, promote the regeneration. Level and dilute the fine lines, improve the eyes fatigue, eye pouch and black eye socket. Let the skin be gloss and nutritional, and the eyes are clear and spirit.

用法Usage: 早晚用富麗公主潔面乳潔面後,取適量白百合眼部修護精華素輕揉眼部吸收後,再用白百合新生眼霜輕揉至完全吸收即可。

Take the lily eye repair essence and massage to absorb, and massage the eye with white lily newborn eye cream to massage the eye after the FULITION cleanser on face in the daytime and night.


Replenishment whitening perfect nude makeup CC cream(F901)


Rose refining oil, color regulatory factors, chamomile extract, nano bamboo carbon, UV protecting agents, Morus alba essence, arbutin avocado oil, licorice extract, angelica extract.


The skin water wave recipe to the sensitive problem has been researched by the innovative natural medical technology, the water waves at time of the water waves, replenish the water for the skin effectively, repair the skin, control the oil clearly, moisten and polish, it has the function for the color control and against the sunlight, you can feel the water wave fully from the multi-natural ingredients, and it can resolve or improve the problems of various shortcoming, uneven color, dark skin, spot, black from sunlight, the fine wrinkle, the rough pores and the others.


Take the amount to coat the full face (five points of the beauty, forehead, nose, cheeks, chin, etc), use the belly of the finger to pat evenly. As the convergence of the liquid and skin, the makeup without shortcoming appears. The amount at the shortcoming of the skin can be increased, let the skin absorb enough, no necessary for the other isolating cream or the power liquid foundation.


Replenishment whitening beauty face cleaning agent (F102)


[Penetrate in the clean skin, soft and no stimulation]


The ruddy skin cleaning product which has been added with the natural avocado, white lily extract, contains the rich mineral and elements to relieve the dry skin instantly.


The foam deep cleaning formula can eliminate the makeup residual, oil grease, and dirt gently without injury of the healthy, wash to the luster full of the water waves, the skin is comfortable without tightness after cleaning, smooth without grease. And you can feel the softness, smooth, white, fresh and gloss from the internal to the external.


Swing the bottle a few gently before the usage, squeeze the bubbles out from the center of the hand, pat the face gently by circles, massage, and wash with the water thoroughly.


Deep water replenish nutritional essence (F402)

主要成份Main Ingredients:


White lily, avocado, pomegranate, ginkgo biloba, coix seed, marjoram, aloe essence, honey essence, matricaria extract, hyaluronic acid, rose hydrosol, long-lasting moisturizing factor.


Replenish water and moisturize to repair the sensitive roughness efficiently. Adjust and balance the skin, shrink pores, soften skin, balance the oil secretion, relieve the sensitive skin, provide the nutrition for the skin, reproduce the healthy flexible skin. Let the skin be fresh and transparent, moist to touch, create the white moist soft and beautiful skin.

用法Usage: 早上潔面乳潔面後,取深層補水滋養精華素輕拍滲透吸收後,再用富麗公主A或C、專業補水用乳液即可。

Take the deep water replenish nutritional essence to pat and penetrate to absorb after the face cleanser in the morning, and then use the FULITION A or C, and the emulsion is for the professional replenishment.


Original tranexamic acid liquid(F501)


Tranexamic acid, white lily, natto extract, cactus extract, natural moisturizing factor.


The first choice for the high grade stars, water replenishment saint goods for thousand times. 1 moisturizing factor of hyaluronic can grasp the water equivalent to 6000 times size of the volume in its own molecular. Natto essences ingredients can produce the rich Y-PGA polyglutamic acid, which can not only form a water film on the surface skin to reduce the loss of the molecules, but also to penetrate in the skin to replenish and fix the water effectively.


For the skin: any skin, for the dry skin short of water and elasticity specially.


Take the amount of the original liquid to coat the full face after the face cleaning in the morning and at night, the important place can be strengthened, massage to absorb with the middle and unnamed finger and the keep the maintenance.


Replenishing smooth noble beautiful essence emulsion(F601)


[Soft smooth ruddy fresh and moisting]

成分Ingredients:水、澳洲堅果籽油(乳木果油)、油橄欖(OLEA EUROPAEA)果油、PCA鈉、牛油果樹(BUTYROSPERMUM PARKII)果脂、辛酸/癸酸甘油三酯、鯨蠟硬脂醇、丙烯醯二甲基牛磺酸鈉共聚物、葉酸、碘丙炔醇丁基氨甲酸酯、金盞花( CALENDULAOFFICINALIS)花提取物、薰衣草( LAVANDULA ANGUSTIFOLIA)花提取物、聚山梨醇酯一80、,葡萄糖、透明質酸鈉。

Water, macadamia nut oil (Shea butter), olive fruit oil (OLEA EUROPAEA), PCA sodium, butter fruit grease (BUTYROSPERMUM PARKII), caprylic/capric triglyceride, cetyl stearyl alcohol, copolymer of acryloyldimethyltaurate, folic acid, iodine propargyl alcohol butyl carbamate, marigold flower extract ( CALENDULAOFFICINALIS), lavender flower extract ( LAVANDULA ANGUSTIFOLIA), polysorbate-80, glucose, sodium hyaluronate.


Silky soft texture to moisturize the thirsty skin gently, help to restructure the skin and stop the water loss naturally. The skin is ruddy without grease, and keeps the water soft and smooth throughout the day.


Add the natural white lily, avocado active essence, inject the live energy of a steady stream of water, care the moist skin with equilibrium and endurance, at the same time, promote the cell to synthesize more glial cells, elastin enforce the astringe skin further, reduce the pore, let the skin be vital, gloss, smooth and soft.


Take the amount of product to coat the face and the necessary position evenly, massage to absorb after the cleaning in the morning and at night.

專業補水尊貴美顏四件套[高端補水 傳牌之寶 完美組合 卓越力作!](F801)

Professional replenishment noble beauty 4pcs set [high grade water replenishment, card passing treasure, perfect combination, excellent masterpiece!] (F801)


Replenishment whiting beauty face cleanser + replenishment moist essence in depth + original hyaluronic acid liquid + replenishing soft noble beauty essence emulsion

用法和用量Usage & dosage:

早晚用補水臻白亮顏潔面泡潔面後,先取適量深層補水保濕精華素均勻塗於面部,輕輕按摩片刻讓其充分吸收,3-5分鐘後再取適量玻尿酸原液均勻塗於面部 ,輕輕按摩至完全吸收,最後用補水保濕尊貴美顏精華乳液即可。(日間可不用玻尿酸原液,亦可單獨使用)

Take amount of replenishment moist essence in depth to coat evenly on the face after the replenishment whiting beauty face cleanser in the morning and at night, massage gently for a moment to absorb sufficiently, take the amount of original hyaluronic acid liquid to coat on the face evenly after 3-5 minutes, massage to absorb gently, at last, use the replenishing soft noble beauty essence emulsion. (it is possible not to use the hyaluronic acid at daytime, it can be used alone also).


Beauty newborn nourishing active cream (F802)

主要成份Main Ingredients:


White lily, avocado, hyaluronic acid, pomegranate, ginkgo biloba, Coix seed, marjoram, aloe essence, honey essence, seaweed essence, plant water ruddy complex essence etc.



Replenish the moisture in 24 hours, nourish in depth, level the wrinkle, astringe the fine lines. Relieve the skin sensation of the dry, repair the rough pores, supply the nutrition, promote the cell capacity to stock the water, improve the skin moistening capacity, and keep the soft and attractive skin. (it is more powerful to match the product with the professional moist supplement set).

用法用量Usage & dosage:


Take the amount of replenishing soft noble beauty essence emulsion to massage gently to absorb after face cleanser at night, and then coat with the product evenly.


Original tranexamic acid liquid (high grace whiting, excellence to prevent the spot and maintain the white) (F502)


Tranexamic acid, hyaluronic acid, pomegranate extract, apple seeds.


Every woman wants to be “Snow White Princess” naturally instead of “Cinderella” or “yellow face old women”. The original tranexamic acid liquid is for the white pursuit of the women, activate the white power of the skin; break the path to generate the melanin thoroughly, eliminate the melanin totally, eliminate the yellow, eliminate the spot to whiten powerfully, let all skin on the face be white brightly.



Take the amount of the liquid to coat on the full face after the face cleanser in the morning and at night, enforce the important place, massage gently to absorb fully by the middle and unnamed finger and make the subsequent maintenance. (The result is more effective to match the product with the white ruddy set)

For the skin: any skin, special for the dark yellow, dark skin and skin with pigmentation.


Original collagen liquid (prevent the wrinkle and aging, excellence of the beauty)


Collagen, oat extract, seaweed extract, hyaluronic acid.


Pull to astringe, prevent the wrinkle and spot, it is the saint goods to prevent the aging, and the imperial treasure against the wane. It contains the rich natural collagen essence, promote the synthesis of skin subcutaneous collagen, recover the elasticity of the fiber structure, increase the skin vitality and water retention, activate the cell vitality, keep the ruddy and smooth skin and firm facial skin, level the wrinkle, inhibit the melanin, let the skin be soft and smooth, full of elasticity, it looks younger and more beautiful.


For the skin: any skin, special for the damaged, aged and wrinkle skin.


Take the amount of the liquid to coat on the full face after the face cleanser in the morning and at night, enforce the important place, massage gently to absorb fully by the middle and unnamed finger and make the subsequent maintenance.


Excellent noble silk face mask (F201)


The product with the imperial white nourishing excellent technology contains the rare natural plant essence and the noble ingredients, care the delicate skin kindly. It is classified into 6 professional functions, provides the comprehensive care for the women to keep the eternal beautiful youth.

富麗公主蠶絲面膜精選100%純天然頂級桑蠶絲,富含絲膠、絲素、絲泰、 絲肽以及18種胺基酸。蠶絲是自然界最輕柔的天然纖維,能完全貼服各種 臉型和肌膚,完全照顧每一個毛孔,輕、柔、薄、透,無障礙呼吸。富麗 公主致力於最天然最安全的面膜護膚體驗帶給每一個愛美女性,採用純物 理加工方法精製,絕不使用漂白劑、防腐劑以及酒精,完美保留天然蠶絲 中的營養成分的最大活性,安全高效,是醫學專用的真參數。

FULITION silk face mask picks 100% natural top mulberry silk, it contains rich sericin, fibroin, Sitai, silk peptide and 18 amino acids. Silk is most gentle fibers in the nature which is suitable for various face and skin and care for each pore, light, soft, thin, transparent and breath without obstacle. FULITION dedicate on the safest face mask skin caring experience for each beauty-conscious women, take the pure physical method to refine without the bleach, preservatives and alcohol, keep the maximum vitality of the nutrition of the nature silk, safe, high effective, and special for the medicine.

effective, and special for the medicine.

1. 蠶絲再生補水面膜

Silk regenerating replenishment face mask


It contains the honey extract and grape seed oil essence concentrating liquid etc.


It is star product with the super water replenishment, the hyaluronic acid of each face mask is up to 10%,hydrate and nourish instantly. It takes the 100% natural silk as the material of face mask, contain the honey extract, various grape seeds oil essence concentrating liquid, nourish the skin, delay the aging, easy to be absorb instantly, replenish the water for the dry skin rapidly, let your skin be soft, ruddy, full of vitality, show the unprecedented softness, ruddy and attractive. It is suitable for the dry skin specially, and happy mood appears soon.

適合肌膚:1需要滋養,強效補水的肌膚;2空調環境工作或生活的人群;3 想要肌膚感覺柔軟潤澤、鎖水保濕;4乾燥氣候下,易脫水肌膚。

For the skin: 1, the skin which needs to be nourished and replenish water; 2, the crowd which work in the air-conditioned environment; 3, the women which need the soft ruddy and moist skin; 4, the skin which is easy to dehydrate in the dry climate.

2. 蠶絲亮白面膜

Silk white face mask


It contains vitamin C and ginger prime grass essence.

功效Function:保濕亮白的明星產品,每片面膜的透明質酸含量高達10%,瞬間強 效補水滋養。採用100%純天然頂級桑蠶絲作為面膜材質,蘊含維他命C和姜素草精華,令肌膚保持淨白柔軟,達到放鬆、提亮膚色的效果,特別適 合暗啞乾燥的肌膚。使用後暗啞的肌膚變得亮白滋潤,連斑點都淡化了,美美亮亮好心情。

It is star product with the super water replenishment, the hyaluronic acid of each face mask is up to 10%,hydrate and nourish instantly. It takes the 100% natural silk as the material of face mask, contain vitamin C and ginger prime grass essence, let the skin keep clean, soft and white, achieve the relaxation, promote the bright of the skin, and it is special for the dark and dry skin. The dark skin gets bright and moist after usage, the spot has been diluted into the beautiful happy mood.

適合肌膚:1暗啞色素沉澱的肌膚;2膚質衰老有皮膚;3想要提亮膚色、 鎖水保濕;4乾燥氣候下,易脫水肌膚。

For the skin: 1, the dark skin with the pigment accumulation; 2, the aged skin; 3, the skin to be brightened and moistened; 4, the skin which is easy to be dehydrated.

3. 蠶絲舒緩面膜

Silk soothing face mask


It contains the tee tree essence and lavender essence.

功效Function:超強保濕舒緩的明星產品,每片面膜的透明質酸含量高達10%,瞬 間強效補水滋養。採用100%純天然頂級桑蠶絲作為面膜材質,蘊含茶樹精 華和薰依草精華,令肌膚保持淨白柔軟,達到放鬆、緩和的效果。肌膚淨 白柔軟、充滿活力,展現前所未有的水嫩柔滑,盈潤動人。特別適合乾性 或敏感性肌膚。

It is star product with the super water replenishment to soothe, the hyaluronic acid of each face mask is up to 10%,hydrate and nourish instantly. It takes the 100% natural silk as the material of face mask, contain tea tree essence and lavender essence, achieve the relaxation and soothing result, promote the bright of the skin, and it is special for the dark and dry skin. The dark skin gets bright and moist after usage, the spot has been diluted into the beautiful happy mood. Let your skin be soft, ruddy, full of vitality, and show the unprecedented softness, ruddy and attractive. It is suitable for the sensitive and dry skin specially.

適合肌膚:1長期暴露在陽光或不良外界環境條件下的肌膚;2敏感性皮膚 ;3想要平衡皮脂、鎖水保濕;4乾燥氣候下,易脫水肌膚。

For the skin: the skin exposed to the sunlight or under adverse external environments; 2, the sensitive skin; 3, the skin to be balanced and moistened; 4, the skin which is easy to be dehydrated in the dry climate.

4. 蠶絲提升面膜

Silk promoting face mask


It contains the CoQ10 and soy beans essence.

功效Function:超強抗皺去細紋,改善皮膚彈性。每片面膜的透明質酸含量高達 10%,瞬間強效補水滋養。採用100%純天然頂級桑蠶絲作為面膜材質,蘊含CoQ10和大豆抗氧化精華濃縮液,幫助淡化及預防細紋和皺紋的生成, 令肌膚提升緊實,恢復自然彈性,同時能補充並鎖住水分。特別出現衰老 跡象的肌膚。

It is super powerful to eliminate the fine wrinkle and improve the skin elasticity. the hyaluronic acid of each face mask is up to 10%,hydrate and nourish instantly. It takes the 100% natural silk as the material of face mask, contain the CoQ10 and soy beans essence antioxidant concentrating liquid to help the diluting and preventing fine lines and wrinkle generation, let the skin be astringe, recover the natural elasticity, at the same time, replenish and keep the moist. It is special for the aging skin.

適合肌膚:1想要肌膚提升緊實;2出現衰老跡象的肌膚;3想要淡化及預 防細紋和皺紋;4想要肌膚光滑細膩。

For the skin: 1, the skin to be astringed; 2, the aging skin; 3, the skin to be diluted and prevented the fine lines and wrinkles.

5. 蠶絲嫩白面膜

Silk white delicate face mask


It contains the arbutin essence and chamomile extract.


Whiten constantly in depth, uniform the skin, convey the moist high concentration essence liquid and natural white essence to the skin, dilute the spot and acne, and help the skin tissue to regenerate and converge the pores. It takes the 100% natural top mulberry silk as the material of the face mask, and contains rich sericin, fibroin, Sitai, silk peptide and 18 amino acids. Change the uneven skin color, let the skin be white and ruddy, it is special to dilute the acne and pigmentation of the skin.

適合肌膚:1膚色不均勻,偏黃色的肌膚;2有日曬斑,色素沉著的肌膚; 3想要深層持續美白的肌膚;4易脫水肌臉。

For the skin; 1, uneven color and yellowish skin; 2, the skin with the sunlight spot and pigmentation; 3, the skin to be whitened constantly in depth; 4, the face skin easy to be dehydrated.

6. 蠶絲淨化面膜

Silk cleaning face mask


It contains the tee tree essence and rosemary extracts.

功效Function:超強保濕控油的明星產品,每片面膜的透明質酸含量高達10%,瞬 間強效補水滋養。採用100%純天然頂級桑蠶絲作為面膜材質,蘊含茶樹精 華和迷迭香精華,具有清潔肌膚作用,滋養肌膚,促進循環,緩解毛孔堵 塞,特別適合油性或者痘痘肌膚。令您的肌膚感覺清爽潔淨、白皙亮麗, 煥發晶瑩光彩。

It is star product with the super water replenishment to control oil, the hyaluronic acid of each face mask is up to 10%,hydrate and nourish instantly. It takes the 100% natural silk as the material of face mask, contain tea tree essence and rosemary extracts, it can clean the skin, nourish the skin, promote the circulation, soothe the blockage of pore, and it is special for the oil or the acne skin. Let the skin be fresh, clean, white, bright, crystal and colorful.

適合肌膚:1生理期內出現的皮膚問題;2長痘或者油脂分泌過盛的皮膚; 3想要平衡皮脂、鎖水保濕;4乾燥氣候下,易脫水肌膚。

For the skin: 1, the skin which has the physiological problems; 2, the skin with the acne or the surplus grease secretion; 3, the skin to be balanced and moistened; 4, the skin which is easy to be dehydrated in the dry climate.

用法Usage:(選擇需要的類型Choose the type on demand)


The mask has 3 stratums in total, and the middle is silk protein face mask. Spread the face mask carefully, and get rid of the white pearl fixing film.


Flatten gently, with the (blue) fiber membrane outwards (the translucent silk film on the face), cover the face flatly. Take the blue fiber film away from the top to the bottom carefully after comfortable emotion. The silk mask is left on the face only.


Enjoy 15-20 minutes, let the skin absorb the nutrition from the face mask fully. Take away the face mask, massage with the belly of the finger to absorb the left essence on the face.




1, take a little bit product cream C to coat the internal of the arm for the 24 hours skin test, and it can be used without the swelling and the other adverse symptoms. Stop the usage for the specific skin if red allergy.


Some people has the taut sense after usage, which is normal to activate the blood and dilute the spots, and decompose the pigment, rest assured please since it returns to the normal after five days.


Take few spicy food and minimize the sunlight when use.


Take the caution to use for the skin which has a history of allergies and the sensitive skin.


The product should be protected from light, far away from the children.


FULITION富麗公主的品牌發展可以追溯到80年代中期,英國美麗村莊有“英格蘭心臟,世外桃源”之稱的科茨沃爾德。萬物生長於長年累月井然安寧的生活方式中,人們悠然自在,情趣盎然,過著羅曼蒂克生活。女人們幾乎個個肌膚嫩白、容顏年輕、美麗可人,原來女人們都在用一種被公認為美肌聖果-牛油果的果汁塗臉,保濕滋養肌膚同時使肌膚潤澤透亮,煥發亮澤。於是植物學博士Alan Charles 引進了法國白百合,有益於皮膚細胞的新陳代謝,它具有祛斑淡斑,補水亮膚,抗皺駐顏,美白滋潤等美容功效,結合幾十種植物萃取精華,成立了FULITION研究所,經過20年的改進和心血研究。最終締造出嫩白滋養,修復再生的秘方,集養、護、調為一體,成就了美白滋養專家—FULITION富麗公主品牌。

二十一世紀為香港富麗堂公司引進到中國, 2005年1月26日正式在中國註冊,2010年3月28日正式通過,2012年在香港正式註冊通過。2013年正式取得專利,富麗公主白嫩紅潤美顏新生五件套 /富麗公主白嫩紅潤美顏新生三件套 /富麗公主白嫩紅潤美顏新生淨白潔面乳 。


