1988年長春地質學院獲碩士學位,導師:葉挺松 教授
2001年中國地質科學院獲得博士學位,導師:肖序常 研究員(院士)
國家傑出青年基金獲得者 (2008)
地質礦產部科技進步三等獎 (1996)
北京大學優秀博士後獎 (2004)
全國優秀博士論文獎 (2005)
英國皇家學會國際基金 (2006)
國際SCI期刊“Lithos”2003-2007最多引用論文獎 (2007)
北京大學教學優秀獎 (2008)
北京市教育教學成果(高等教育)二等獎 (2009)
北京大學教學成果一等獎 (2009)
國際期刊 <Island Arc> 編委 (2006-2008);
國際期刊 <Lithos> 專輯特邀編輯 (2007).
國際期刊 <Journal of Asian Earth Science> 專輯特邀編輯 (2009).
中國地球化學學會 化學地球動力學專業委員會副主任委員 (2009-2014)
岩石學 (40825007),國家自然科學傑出青年基金,2009.1-2012.12,進行中
柴北緣超高壓變質帶榴輝岩向高壓麻粒岩轉變過程的深熔和岩漿作用研究 (40773012),國家自然科學基金,2008.1�2010.12,進行中
柴北緣超高壓帶石榴橄欖岩的形成和演化過程及其對大陸深俯衝作用的制約 (40372031),國家自然科學基金,已結題
1. Song S.G., niu Y.L., Wei C.J., Ji J.Q., Su L., Metamorphism, anatexis, zircon ages and tectonic evolution of the Gongshan block in the northern Indochina continent, Southwest China. Lithos, in press.
2. Song S. G., Niu Y. L., Zhang L. F. and BUCHER K. The Luliangshan garnet peridotite massif of the North Qaidam UHPM belt, NW China - a review of its origin and metamorphic evolution. J Metamorphic Geology, 2009, 27, 621-638.
3. Song S.G.,? Su L.,? Niu Y.,? Lai Y.,? Zhang L.F., 2009. CH4 inclusions in orogenic harzburgite: Evidence for reduced slab fluids and implication for redox melting in mantle wedge. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73, 1737-1754.
4. Song S.G., Zhang G.B., Su L., Niu Y., Zhang L.F., Two types of peridotite in North Qaidam UHPM belt and their tectonic implications for oceanic and continental subduction: a review. Journal of Asian Earth Science, 35 (2009) 285�297.
5. Song, S G, Niu, Y., Zhang, L.F., Wei, C.J., Liou, J.G., Su, L. Tectonic evolution of Early Paleozoic HP metamorphic rocks in the North Qilian Mountains, NW China: New perspectives. Journal of Asian Earth Science, 2009, 35: 334-353.
6. Song, SG; Su, L; Niu, YL, Generation of adakite: Melting of eclogite during exhumation of UHPM terrane. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73 Pages: A1252-A1252 Year: JUN 2009
7. Song S.G., Zhang L.F. Niu Y., Wei C.J., Liou J. G., Shu G.M., 2007. Eclogite and carpholite-bearing meta-pelite in the North Qilian suture zone, NW China: implications for Paleozoic cold oceanic subduction and water transport into mantle. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 25, 547-563.
8. Song S.G., Su L., Niu Y., Zhang L.F., 2007. Petrological and Geochemical Constraints on the Origin of Garnet Peridotite in the North Qaidam Ultrahigh-pressure Metamorphic Belt, Northwestern China. Lithos, 96, 243-265.
9. Song S.G., Zhang L.F., Niu Y., Su L., Song B. and Liu D. Y., 2006. Evolution from oceanic subduction to continental collision: A case study of the Northern Tibetan Plateau based on geochemical and geochronological data. Journal of Petrology, 47, 435-455.
10. Song S.G., Zhang L.F., Niu Y., Su L., Jian P. and Liu D. Y. 2005. Geochronology of diamond-bearing zircons from garnet-peridotite in the North Qaidam UHPM belt, North Tibetan Plateau: A record of complex histories associated with continental collision. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 234, 99-118.
11. Song, S.G., Zhang, L.F., Chen, J., Liou, J.G., Niu, Y., 2005. Sodic amphibole exsolutions in garnet from garnet-peridotite, North Qaidam UHPM belt, NW China: implications for ultradeep-origin and hydroxyl defects in mantle garnets, American Mineralogist, 90, 814-820.
12. Song S.G., Zhang L.F. and Niu Y.L., 2004. Ultra-deep origin of garnet peridotite from the North Qaidam ultrahigh-pressure belt, Northern Tibetan Plateau, NW China. American Mineralogist, 89, 1330�1336.
13. Song S G, Yang J S, Xu Z Q, Liou J G, Wu C L and Shi R D, 2003. Metamorphic evolution of coesite-bearing UHP terrane in the North Qaidam, northern Tibet, NW China. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 21, 631--644.
14. Song S G, Yang J S, Liou J G, Wu C L, Shi R D, and Xu Z. Q., 2003. Petrology, Geochemistry and isotopic ages of eclogites in the Dulan UHPM terrane, the North Qaidam, NW China. Lithos, 70 (3-4), 195-211.
15. 宋述光,牛耀齡,張立飛,張貴賓. 2009. 大陸造山運動:從大洋俯衝到大陸俯衝、碰撞、折返的時限-以北祁連山、柴北緣為例. 岩石學報,25, 2067-77.
16. 曹毅,宋述光. 2009. 北祁連山高壓變質帶的變形和變質特徵及其對俯衝帶折返的意義. 岩石學報,25, 2235-2246.
17. Song S.G., Ji J.Q., Wei C.J., Su L., Zheng Y.D., Song B., Zhang L.F., Early Paleozoic granite in Nujiang River of northwest Yunnan in SW China and its tectonic implications. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2007, 52 (17), 2402-2406.
18. 張貴賓, 宋述光*, 張立飛,牛耀齡,舒桂明. 2005. 柴北緣超高壓變質帶沙柳河蛇綠岩型地幔橄欖岩及其意義.岩石學報,21, 1049-1058.
19. Su L., Song S.G. and Zhou D.W., 2005. Petrogenesis of Songshugou dunite body in the Qinling Orogenic Belt, Central China: Constraints from geochemistry and melt inclusions. Science in China (Series D), 48, 1146-1157.
20. Song S.G., Zhang L.F., Niu Y.L., Song B., Zhang G.B. and Wang Q.J.. 2004. Zircon U-Pb SHRIMP ages of eclogites from the North Qilian Mountains, NW China and their tectonic implication. Chinese Science Bulletin, vol. 49 (7), 848-852.
21. Su L., Song S. G., Song B., Zhou D. W. and Hao J.R. 2004. SHRIMP zircon U�Pb ages of garnet pyroxenite and Fushui gabbroic complex in Songshugou region and constraints on tectonic evolution of Qinling Orogenic Belt. Chinese Science Bulletin, 49: 1307-1310.
22. Song S.G. and Su L. 1998. Rheological properties of mantle peridotites at Yushigou in the North Qilian Mountains and their implications for plate dynamics. Acta Geologica Sinica (English edition), 72 (2): 131-141.
23. Wei CJ, Wang W, Clarke GL, Zhang LF, Song SG. Metamorphism of High/ultrahigh-pressure Pelitic-Felsic Schist in the South Tianshan Orogen, NW China: Phase Equilibria and P-T Path. JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY, 50 (10): 1973-1991, 2009
24. Liou J.G., Ernst W.G., Song S.G., Jahn B.M., Tectonics and HP�UHP metamorphism of northern Tibet � Preface. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 35 (2009) 191�198.
25. Zhang Lifei, Wang Qianjie and Song Shuguang, 2009, Lawsonite blueschist in Northern Qilian, NW China: PT pseudosections and petrologic implications, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. doi: 10.1016/j.jseaes. 2008.11.007
26. Zhang G.B., Zhang L.F., Song S.G., Niu Y.L., 2009, UHP metamorphic evolution and SHRIMP dating of meta-ophiolitic gabbro in the North Qaidam, NWChina, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences . doi: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2008.11.013.
27. Zhang G.B., Song S.G., Zhang L.F., Niu Y., 2008. Oceanic crust affinities within continental-type UHP metamorphic belt in the North Qaidam, NW China: evidence from petrology, geochemistry and geochronology. Lithos, 104, 99-108.
28. Wei C. J. and Song S. G., 2008. Chloritoid�glaucophane schist in the north Qilian orogen, NW China: phase equilibria and P�T path from garnet zonation. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 26 (3): 301-316.
29. Zhang L.F., Lü Z., Zhang G.B. & Song S.G., 2008, The geological characteristics of oceanic-type UHP metamorphic belts and their tectonic implications: Case studies from Southwest Tianshan and North Qaidam in NW China, Chinese Science Bulletin , 53, 3120-3130
30. Zhang LF, Ai YL, Song SG, Liou J, Wei CJ. A brief review of UHP meta-ophiolitic rocks, southwestern Tianshan, western China. International Geology Review 49 (9): 811-823,2007
31. Niu, Y.L. & Song S.G., (2007) The origin, evolution and present state of continental lithosphere (Preface), Lithos, 96 (1-2): IX-X.
32. Zhang LF, Ai YL, Li XP, Rubatto D, Song B, Williams S, Song SG, Ellis D, Liou JG. Triassic collision of western Tianshan orogenic belt, China: Evidence from SHRIMP U-Pb dating of zircon from HP/UHP eclogitic rocks. Lithos 96 (1-2): 266-280, 2007.
33. Xu ZQ, Yang JS, Wu CL, Li HB, Zhang JX, Qi XX, Song SG, Qiu HJ, 2006. Timing and mechanism of formation and exhumation of the Northern Qaidam ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belt. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 28 (2-3): 160-173.
34. Zhang L.F., Song S.G., AI, Y.L., and Liou J.G.. 2005. relict coesite exsolution in omphacite from western tianshan eclogites, China. American Mineralogist, 90, 181-186.
35. Xiao XC, Wang J, Su L, Ji WH, Song SG, 2005. An early aged ophiolite in the western Kunlun Mts., NW Tibetan Plateau and its tectonic implications. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition79 (6): 778-786.
36. Yang, J S; Xu, Z Q; Zhang, J X; Song, S G; Wu, C L; Shi, R D; Li, H B; Brunel, M, 2002. Early Palaeozoic North Qaidam UHP metamorphic belt on the north-eastern Tibetan plateau and a paired subduction model. Terra Nova, 14 (5): 397-404.
37. Yang, J S, Xu, Z Q, Song, S G, Zhang, J X, Wu, C L, Shi, R D, Li, H B, Brunel, M & Tapponnier, P, 2002. Subduction of continental crust in the early Paleozoic North Qaidam ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism belt, NW China: Evidence from the discovery of coesite in the belt. Acta Geologica Sinica, 76, 63-68.
38. Chen, WM; Huang, YC; Iizuka, Y; Lo, CH; Wu, HQ; Song, SG; Yang, JS; Xu, ZQ; Yang, HY. 2002. Integrated P-T paths of the high-pressure rocks and their tectonic implications for the mountain-building of the North Qilian, China. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition, 76 (1): 44-62.
39. Yang J, Xu Z., Song S., Zhang J., Wu C., Shi R., Li H., Brunel M., 2001. Discovery of coesite in the North Qaidam Early Palaeozoic ultrahigh pressure (UHP) metamorphic belt, NW China, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 333, 719-724.
40. Su L, Song S G and Wang Z H, 1999. CH4-rich fluid inclusions in the Yushigou mantle peridotite and their implications, North Qilian Mountains, China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 44 (21), 1992-1995.
41. Wu H Q, Feng Y M and Song S G, 1993. Metamorphism and deformation of blueschist belts and their tectonic implications, North Qilian Mountains, China. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 11: 523-536.
1. 曹毅,宋述光. 2008. 俯衝帶榴輝岩變形作用及其俯衝和折返的意義. 地質通報, 27(10), 1646-1653.
2. 宋述光, 張立飛, Yaoling Niu 等. 2004. 北祁連山高壓變質帶榴輝岩的鋯石SHRIMP定年及其構造意義. 科學通報, 49卷, 6期, 592-595.
3. 宋述光 Yaoling Niu 張立飛, 2007. 榴輝岩的兩種變質演化軌跡和俯衝大陸地殼的差異折返――以柴北緣都蘭超高壓地體為例. 高校地質學報, 13 (3), 515-525.
4. 宋述光, 張立飛, Yaoling Niu, 張貴賓. 2007. 大陸碰撞造山帶的兩類橄欖岩――以柴北緣超高壓變質帶為例. 地學前緣, 14 (2), 129-138.
5. 王乾傑, 張立飛, 宋述光, 2007. 北祁連山硬柱石藍片岩p-T條件相平衡計算及其岩石學意義 地學前緣, 14(1), 158-171.
6. 宋述光, 季建清, 魏春景, 蘇犁, 鄭亞東, 宋彪, 張立飛. 滇西怒江早古生代片麻狀花崗岩的確定及其構造意義. 科學通報, 2007, 52 (8), 927-929.
7. 蘇犁, 宋述光*, 周鼎武. 2005. 秦嶺造山帶松樹溝純橄岩體成因:岩石學、地球化學和岩漿包裹體的制約. 中國科學 (D), 35 (1), 38-47.
8. 蘇 犁, 宋述光*, 宋彪, 周鼎武, 郝建榮. 2004. 松樹溝地區石榴輝石岩和富水雜岩SHRIMP鋯石U-Pb年齡及其對秦嶺造山帶構造演化的制約. 科學通報, 49: 1209-1211.
9. 宋述光, 張立飛, Y. Niu, 宋彪, 劉墩一, 2004. 青藏高原北緣早古生代板塊構造演化和大陸深俯衝. 地質通報, 23, 918-925.
10. 肖序常. 王軍. 蘇犁. 宋述光. 2003, 再論西崑侖庫地蛇綠岩及其構造意義, 地質通報, 22, 745-750.
11. 張建新. 楊經綏. 許志琴. 孟繁聰. 宋述光. 等. 2002. 阿爾金榴輝岩中超高壓變質作用證據. 科學通報, 47 (3), 231-234. (SCI)
12. 李海兵. 楊經綏. 吳才來. 宋述光. 等. 2002. 阿爾金斷裂剪下過程中定向生長鋯石的發現及其意義――來自於顯微構造和鋯石內部礦物包裹體的證據. 地質通報, 21(6期), 298-303.
13. 宋述光, 楊經綏. 2001. 柴北緣都蘭地區榴輝岩中透長石+石英包裹體:超高壓變質作用的證據. 地質學報, 75 (2): 180-185.
14. 楊經綏, 宋述光, 許志琴, 等. 2001. 柴北緣早古生代高壓-超高壓變質帶中發現典型超高壓礦物-柯石英. 地質學報, 75 (2): 175-179.
15. Yang J.S., Song S.G., Wu C.L., Shi R.D., Jalivet, M.. 2000. North Qaidam ultrahigh pressure metamorphic (UHPM) belt on the northeastern Qinghai―Tibet plateau and its eastward extension. Earth Science Frontiers, 7 (Suppl.): 241-242.
16. 楊經綏,許志琴,宋述光, 等. 2000. 青海都蘭榴輝岩的發現: 試論我國中央造山帶中的高壓-超高壓變質帶的分布及構造意義. 地質學報, 74 (2): 156-168.
17. 宋述光, 蘇犁, 楊合群, 王懿聖. 1998. 陝西商南松樹溝岩體的岩石成因和侵位機制. 岩石學報, 14 (2): 212-221.
18. 蘇犁, 宋述光, 王志海, 北祁連山玉石溝地幔橄欖岩中CH4流體包裹體的發現及其意義. 科學通報, 1999. 44 (8), 855-858.
19. 宋述光. 1997. 北祁連山俯衝雜岩帶的構造演化. 地球科學進展, 12 (4): 151-165.
20. Song S G, 1996. Metamorphic Geology of Blueschists, Eclogites and Ophiolites in the North Qilian Mountains. 30th IGC Field Trip Guide T392, Beijing: Geological Publishing House, 40p.
21. Song S G and Feng Y M, 1996. Subduction complex belts and their tectonic implications, North Qilian Mountains. Acta Geoscientia Sinica, Special Issue, 6-9.
22. 宋述光, 吳漢泉. 1992. 北祁連山俯衝雜岩帶的韌性剪下作用. 西北地質科學, 13 (2): 47-60.
1. 吳漢泉, 宋述光. 1992. 北祁連山兩種類型藍片岩及其構造意義. 現代地質研究文集 [Vol. I](李清波主編)南京大學出版社, p. 74-80.
2. 吳漢泉, 田白, 宋述光 等, 1992. 極低級變質作用的問題及進展, 西北地質科學., 13, 161-177.
3. 秦克令, 宋述光, 何世平, 1992. 陝西摩天嶺地區魚洞子花崗綠岩地體的地質特徵及其含金性. 西北地質科學, 13, 65-74.
4. 秦克令, 何世平, 宋述光, 1992. 碧口地體的同位素年齡及其意義, 西北地質科學, 13, 97-110.
5. 宋述光. 1990. 冀東太平寨一帶基性和超基性岩脈群. 長春地質學院學報,20 (4): 421-428.
6. 宋述光. 1990. 冀東太平寨一帶卵形構造及其演化歷史. 西安地質礦產研究所所刊,No. 30, 115-123.
7. 秦克令,鄒湘華,何世平,宋述光. 1990. 西秦嶺魚洞子群的建立和時代歸屬,秦嶺―大巴山地質論文集, (一)變質地質 北京科學技術出版社.
1. Niu, Y. & Song S. (edited), <<The origin, evolution and present state of continental lithosphere>>, Lithos, 96, Issue 1-2, Pages 1-324, June 2007.
2. Liou, J.G., Song S.G., Ernst, G. & Jahn, B-M., (edited) <<Tectonics and HP-UHP metamorphism of the North Tibet>> Journal of Asian Earth Science, 35, issue 2009.
Song S G, Yang J S, Katayama I, Liu F L and Maruyama S, 2001, Zircons and their inclusions from various rocks in the Dulan UHP metamorphic terrane, the North Qaidam, NW China. In: Fluid/Slab/Mantle Interactions and Ultrahigh-P minerals, UHPM workshop 2001, pp. 116-120, Waseda University.
Song S. G., 2002. Multi-phase metamorphism of a coesite-bearing UHP terrane in the North Qaidam, Northern Tibet. International Workshop on Geophysics & Structure Geology of UHPM terranes, Institute of Geology and Geophysics (CAS), Beijing, pp. 71.
Song S.G., Zhang L.F. and Niu Y.L., 2003. Microdiamond and exsolved structures in garnet-peridotite in the North Qaidam, Northern Tibet: implications for ultra-deep origination (> 200 km). West Norway Eclogite Field Symposium 2003, Selje.
Song S.G., Zhang L.F. and Niu Y.L., 2003. Amphibole and associated exsolutions in garnet and clinopyroxene in garnet peridotite from the North Qaidam UHP belt, NW China: implications for large quantity of hydroxyl defects in mantle wedge. GSA 2003 Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, Paper No. 260-9.
Song S.G., Zhang L.F. and Niu Y.L., 2004. Petrological and geochronological constraints on deep-originated garnet peridotites from the North Qaidam UHPM belt, NW China. 32th International Geological Congress, Florence, Italy.