Ø 1993年9月-1997年7月,山西農業大學農學院,藥用植物專業,本科;
Ø 1997年9月-2000年7月,山西農業大學農學院,作物遺傳育種專業,碩士;
Ø 2002年9月-2006年7月,中科院遺傳與發育生物學研究所,發育生物學,博士。
Ø 2000年9月-2002年8月,天津師範大學生命科學學院,助教、講師,講授《遺傳學》與《生物統計學》;
Ø 2007年1月-2011年3月,美國加州大學戴維斯分校(UCD)植物生物學系,細胞生物學,博士後;
Ø 2011年3月-,通過中科院“百人計畫”引進人才,加入中國科學院微生物研究所,研究員。
Ø 1994年,榮獲山西農業大學“優秀學生”稱號及一等獎學金;
Ø 1995年,榮獲山西農業大學“優秀學生”稱號及一等獎學金;
Ø 1995年,榮獲山西農業大學“十佳共青團員”及“優秀團員”稱號;
Ø 1996年,榮獲山西農業大學“優秀學生”稱號及二等獎學金;
Ø 1998年,榮獲山西農業大學“優秀學生”稱號;
Ø 1999年,榮獲山西農業大學“優秀學生”稱號;
Ø 1999年,榮獲山西農業大學“中期考核優秀”獎;
Ø 1999年,榮獲山西農業大學研究生“優秀論文”獎;
Ø 1999年,獲得山西農業大學“周氏”獎學金;
Ø 2001年,被天津師範大學推薦參加教育部舉辦的“高等學校骨幹教師培訓班”,參加了遺傳學教師培訓班;
Ø 2002年,榮獲天津師範大學“青年教師教學基本功大賽”二等獎。
1)Zhaosheng Kong, Takashi Hotta, Yuh- Ru Julie Lee and Bo Liu. (2011). Microtubule nucleation along preexisting microtubules is induced by down-regulation of the γ-tubulin complex protein GCP4 in Arabidopsis.In Preparation for Journal of Cell Biology.
2)Chin-Min Ho*, Takashi Hotta*,Zhaosheng Kong*, Cui-jing Tracy Zeng*, Jie Sun, Yuh-Ru Julie Lee and Bo Liu. (2011). Augmin plays a critical role in organizing the spindle and phragmoplast microtubule arrays in Arabidopsis.Plant Cell, Accepted. (*Co-First Author)
3)Zhaosheng Kong, Takashi Hotta, Yuh-Ru Julie Lee, Tetsuya Horio and Bo Liu. (2010). The γ-tubulin complex protein GCP4 is required for organizing functional microtubule arrays in Arabidopsis thaliana.Plant Cell. 22:191–204. (Cover story)
4)Longbiao Guo*, Chin-Min Ho*,Zhaosheng Kong*, Yu-Rue Lee, Qian Qian and Bo Liu. (2009). Evaluating the microtubule cytoskeleton and its interacting proteins in monocots by mining the rice genome.Annals of Botany, 103: 387-402. (*Co-First Author)
5)Wenqiang Yang,Zhaosheng Kong, Edith Omo-Ikerodah, Wenying Xu, Qun Li and Yongbiao Xue. (2008). Calcineurin B-like interacting protein kinase OsCIPK23 functions in pollination and drought stress responses in rice (Oryza sativa L.).Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 35: 531-543.
6)Meina Li, Wenying Xu, Wenqiang Yang,Zhaosheng Kongand Yongbiao Xue. (2007). Genome-wide gene expression profiling reveals conserved and novel molecular functions of the stigma in rice.Plant Physiology, 144:1797-812.
7)Zhaosheng Kong, Wenying Xu, Qun Li and Yongbiao Xue. (2007). Identification, expression and functional analysis of a receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase, OsRLCK1, in rice (Oryza sativa L.).Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 49: 898-907.
8)Zhaosheng Kong, Meina Li, Wenqiang Yang, Wenying Xu and Yongbiao Xue. (2006). A Novel Nuclear-Localized CCCH-type Zinc Finger Protein, OsDOS, Is Involved in Delaying Leaf Senescence in Rice (Oryza sativa L.).Plant Physiology, 141: 1376–1388.
9)Lefu Lan*, Meina Li*, Ying Lai*, Wenying Xu,Zhaosheng Kong, Kai Ying, Bin Han and Yongbiao Xue. (2005). Microarray analysis reveals similarities and variations in genetic programs involved in pollination/fertilization and stress responses in rice (Oryza sativa L.).Plant Molecular Biology, 59: 151–164.
10)Lefu Lan*, Wei Chen*, Ying Lai, Jinfeng Suo,Zhaosheng Kong, Can Li, Ying Lu, Yujun Zhang, Xiangyu Zhao, Xiansheng Zhang, Yansheng Zhang, Bin Han, Jing Cheng and Yongbiao Xue. (2004). Monitoring of gene expression profiles and isolation of candidate genes involved in pollination and fertilization in rice (Oryza sativa L.) with a 10K cDNA microarray.Plant Molecular Biology, 54: 471–487.