



出版社: 對外經濟貿易大學出版社; 第1版 (2011年6月1日)

外文書名: International Trade Law: Theory and Practice

叢書名: 高等院校雙語示範教材·法學系列

平裝: 208頁

正文語種: 英語

開本: 16

ISBN: 7811349787, 9787811349788

條形碼: 9787811349788

尺寸: 22.8 x 18 x 1.2 cm

重量: 340 g




Chapter 1 Introduction to International Trade Law

Section A The Definition, Scope of International Trade Law

I. Brief Introduction to International Trade

II. Defination of International Trade Law

III. History of International Trade Law

Section B The Sources of International Trade Law

I. Sources of International Law

II. Sources of International Trade Law

Section C Subjects and Fundamental Principles of International Trade Law

I. Subjects of International Trade Law

II. Fundamental Principle of International Trade Law

Chapter 2 Contract for the International Sale of Goods

Section A Introduction

I. Sources of The Law of Contract for The International Sale of Goods

II. Application of Law to the Contract for the International Sale of Goods

Section B International Commercial Terms

I. Defination of Incoterms

II. The Terms in Incoterms 2000"

Section C Introduction to the CISG

I. Brief History of The CISG

II. Main Structure of The CISG

III. The Sphere of Application of the CISG

Section D Formation of International Sales Contract

I. The Offer

II. The Acceptance

Section E Obligations of the Seller and the Buyer

I. The Obligations of the seller

II. Buyer's Obligations

Section F Breach of Contract and Remedies

I. Fundamental Breach of Contract and Anticipatory Breach of Contract

II. Remedies for Breach of Contract by the Seller

III. Remedies for Breach of Contract by the Buyer

Section G Passing of Risk

I. Defination of Risk

II. Legal Consequences of Passing of Risk

III. Guiding Principle of Passing of Risk

Section H Preservation of Goods

I. Duties of Preserve the Goods

II. Measures of Preservation of Goods

Chapter 3 International Carriage of Goods

Section A International Carriage of Goods by Sea

I. Bill of Lading

II. Legal Framework of the Laws Governing B/L

Chapter 4 International Cargo Insurance

Chapter 5 Payment in International Sale of Goods

Chapter 6 Dispute Settlement in International Trade


