中文名: 吳曉剛
性別: 男
民族: 漢
國籍: 中國
出生年月: 1973年
所處時代: 現代
職業: 教育 助理教授
吳曉剛的研究領域包括社會分層與流動,經濟社會學,政治社會學,和定量研究方法。他的文章發表於《美國社會學評論》American Sociological Review 、《美國社會學刊》American Journal of Sociology、《社會力》Social Forces、《人口學》Demography,以及《中國研究季刊》China Quarterly。他2006 年獲得美國國家教育學院(National Academy of Education/Spencer 基金會)的博士後研究基金,並以發表於《社會力》的研究論文“共產黨幹部與市場機會”獲美國社會學會亞洲/亞裔美國人研究最佳論文獎。2007 年以“精闢數據研究中國社會”獲美國社會學亞洲人/亞裔美國人“青年學人”獎(the Asian and Asian American Early Career Award)。吳曉剛的研究課題受到美國Andrew Mellon 基金會、Spencer 基金會、香港特區政府研究資助局和台灣蔣經國國際交流基金會的資助。他主持的一項關於香港社會狀況的調查,是第一批獲得香港政府中央政策組公共政策研究基金資助的大型研究項目。
委,China Review 的執行編委,英文SSCI 期刊Chinese Sociological Review。他也是美國社會學會亞美分會的理事和北美華人社會學會的理事。
16. Zhang, Zhuoni and Xiaogang Wu 2011. “Social Change, Cohort Quality, and Economic
Adaptation of Chinese Immigrants in Hong Kong, 1991-2006.” Asian and Pacific Migration
Journal 20(1):1-29.
15. Wu Xiaogang. 2010. “Economic Transition, School Expansion and Educational Inequality in
China, 1990-2000.” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 28 (2010): 91-108
14. Wu, Xiaogang and Zhuoni Zhang. 2010. “Changes in Educational Inequality in China,
1990-2005: Evidence from the Population Census Data.” Research in Sociology of Education
13. Wu, Xiaogang 2010 “Voluntary and Involuntary Job Mobility and Earnings Inequality in
Urban China, 1993-2000” Social Science Research 39(2010):382-395
12. Wu, Xiaogang. 2009 “Introduction: Culture, Institution, and Social Stratification: Towards a
Comparative Study of Chinese Societies.” Social Transformations in Chinese Societies 5: 1-16
11. Lin, Thung-hong and Xiaogang Wu. 2009. “The Transformation of the Chinese Class
Structure, 1978-2005.” Social Transformations in Chinese Societies 5:81-116
10. Yu Xie, Qing Lai, and Xiaogang Wu. 2009. “Danwei and Social Inequality in Contemporary
Urban China.” Research in Sociology of Work 19: 283–308
9. Xiaogang Wu. 2009. “Income Inequality and Distributive Justice: A Comparative Analysis of
Mainland China and Hong Kong.” The China Quarterly 200 (December):
8. Xie, Yu and Xiaogang Wu. 2008 “Danwei Profitability and Earnings Inequality in Urban
China.” The China Quarterly 195 (September): 558-81.
7. Wu, Xiaogang. 2007 “Family Resources and Educational Stratification: The Case of Hong
Kong, 1981-2001” Social Transformations in Chinese Societies Volume 3: 173-201.
6. Wu, Xiaogang and Donald J. Treiman. 2007. “Inequality and Equality under Chinese Socialism:
The Hukou System and Intergenerational Occupational Mobility.” American Journal of Sociology
5. Wu, Xiaogang. 2006. “Communist Cadres and Market Opportunities: Entry to
Self-Employment in China, 1978-1996.”Social Forces 85 (1): 389-411.
中文版參見邊燕傑、吳曉剛、李路路主編 2008《社會分層與流動:國外學者對中國研究的
4. Xie, Yu and Xiaogang Wu 2005. “Market Premium, Social Process, and Statisticism.”
American Sociological Review 70:865-70.
中文版參見謝宇 著 2006《社會學方法與定量研究》, 北京: 社會科學文獻出版社
3. Wu, Xiaogang and Donald Treiman. 2004. “The Household Registration System and Social
Stratification in China, 1955-1996.” Demography 41(2):363-384.
2. Wu, Xiaogang and Yu Xie. 2003. “Does the Market Pay Off? Earnings Inequality and Returns
to Education in Urban China.” American Sociological Review 68:425-442.
2006, reprinted Pp 142-159 in Modern Classics in the Economics of Education, edited by Clive
Belfield, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
1. Wu, Xiaogang. 2002. “Work Units and Income Inequality: The Effect of Market Transition in
Urban China.” Social Forces 80(3): 1069 –99.