



職 稱: 副研究員
職 務: 碩士生導師
研究方向: 生物信息學
2000年, 瀋陽化工學院, 精細化工學士
2005年, 吉林大學, 物理化學博士


2000年8月--2005年6月,吉林大學,博士生 (指導教授: 中國科學院院士孫家鍾教授)
2005年7月--2006年9月,美國Emory大學,博士後 (指導教授: 美國國家藝術與科學院院士Joel M. Bowman教授)
2006年10月--至今 中科院北京基因組研究所,副研究員


佳妍博士2000年起在吉林大學攻讀博士學位,主要進行大氣中重要化學反應的機理研究,在ChemPhysChem,Journal of Chemical Physics, Journal of Computational Chemistry和Chem. Phys. Lett.等專業雜誌發表論文十餘篇。2004年起對生物化學中酶催化反應的微觀動力學進行了研究,採用量子化學計算方法闡述酶的催化性質和反應機理。2005年後,在美國Emory大學Cherry Logan Emerson科學計算中心,主要致力於MULTIMODE化學計算軟體的研究和開發,該軟體是世界上唯一一款專門用於全局全維勢能面的振轉能級計算和紅外光譜解析的計算軟體。2006年底,任職於中國科學院北京基因組研究所,主要從事生物信息學和計算生物學等方面的研究。


Jiayan Wu, Xinchuan Huang, Stuart Carter and Joel M. Bowman, Variational calculations of vibrational energies of CH4 using an ab initio potential, Chemical Physics Letters, 426, 285 (2006)
Jia-yan Wu, Jing-yao Liu, Ze-sheng Li, Chia-chung Sun, Theoretical Study of the Reactions of CF3OCHF2 with the Hydroxyl Radical and the Chlorine Atom, ChemPhysChem, 5, 1336, (2004)
Jia-yan Wu, Jing-yao Liu, Ze-sheng Li, Chia-chung Sun, Dual-level direct dynamics studies for the reactions of CH3OCH3 and CF3OCH3 with the OH radical, Journal of Chemical Physics, 118, 10986, (2003)
Jia-yan Wu, Jing-yao Liu, Ze-sheng Li, Xu-ri Huang, Chia-chung Sun, Dual-Level Direct Dynamics Studies for the Reactions of Dimethyl Ether with Hydrogen Atom and Methyl Radical, Journal of Computational Chemistry, 24, 593, (2003)
Jia-yan Wu, Jing-yao Liu, Ze-sheng Li, Xu-ri Huang, Chia-chung Sun, Theoretical study and rate constant calculation for the F + CHFO reaction, Chemical Physics Letters, 369, 504, (2003)
Jia-yan Wu, Jing-yao Liu, Ze-sheng Li, Xu-ri Huang, Chia-chung Sun, Direct ab initio dynamics calculations of the reaction rates for the hydrogen abstraction reaction Cl+ HC(O)F?HCl +CFO, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 4, 2927, (2002)
吳佳妍,劉靖堯,李澤生,黃旭日,孫家鍾,從頭算直接動力學研究反應PCl3 + H ? PCl2 + HCl的速率常數, 高等學校化學學報,12, 263, (2002)
Amit R. Sharma, Jiayan Wu*, Bastiaan J. Braams, Stuart Carter, Ralf Schneider, Joel M. Bowman, Potential energy surface and MULTIMODE vibrational analysis of C2H3+, Journal of Chemical Physics, 125, 224306, (2006)
Hui Zhang, Jia-yan Wu, Ze-sheng Li, Jing-yao Liu, Li Sheng and Chia-chung Sun, Dual-level Direct Dynamics Studies on the Reaction Cl + CHBr2Cl, Journal of Computational Chemistry, 26, 1421, (2005)
Hui Zhang, Jia-yan Wu, Ze-sheng Li, Jing-yao Liu, Li Sheng and Chia-chung Sun, Theoretical Studies on the Reaction OH + CH3SiH2CH3, Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM, 728, 25, (2005)
Yue-meng Ji, Jia-yan Wu, Jing-yao Liu, Ze-sheng Li and Chia-chung Sun, Theoretical Study and Rate Constants Calculation for the ClCH2OH + Cl Reaction, Chemical Physics Letters, 417, 345, (2006)
劉靖堯,吳佳妍,李澤生,黃旭日,孫家鍾,直接動力學方法研究反應NCl3 + H ? NCl2 + HCl的速率常數,高等學校化學學報,12, 300, (2002)
Jing-yao Liu, Ze-sheng Li, Jia-yan Wu, Zhi-gang Wei, Gang Zhang, Chia-chung Sun, Theoretical study and rate constant calculation of the CH2O+CH3 reaction, Journal of Chemical Physics, 119, 7214, (2003)
Yuan Zhang, Ze-Sheng Li, Jia-yan Wu, Miao Sun, Qing-Chuan Zheng, Chia-Chung Sun, Homology modeling and SN2 displacement reaction of ?uoroacetate 3 dehalogenase from Burkholderia sp. FA1, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 325, 414, (2004)
Hui Zhang, Ze-sheng Li, Jia-yan Wu, Jing-yao Liu, Li Sheng and Chia-chung Sun, Dual-level Direct Dynamics Studies on the Reactions of OH radicals with SiH3CH3 and SiH4, Chemical Physics Letters, 409, 355, (2005)
Bo Li, Jing-yao Liu, Ze-sheng Li, Jia-yan Wu, Chia-chung Sun, Theoretical studies on dynamics and thermochemistry of the reactions CF3CHCl2+Cl?CF3CCl2+HCl and CF3CHFCl+Cl?CF3CFCl+HCl, Journal of Chemical Physics, 120, 6019, (2004)
Ying Wang, Jing-yao Liu, Ze-sheng Li, Jia-yan Wu, Li Wang and Chia-chung Sun, Ab initio direct dynamics studies on the reactions of Chlorine atom with CH3-nClnCHO (n=1-3), Chemical Physics, 314 , 329, (2005)
Hui Zhang, Jing-yao Liu, Ze-sheng Li, Li Sheng, Jia-yan Wu and Chia-chung Sun, Ab Initio Direct Dynamics Studies on the Reaction Br + SiH4, Chemical Physics Letters, 405, 240, (2005)
Ying Wang, Jing-yao Liu, Ze-sheng Li, Li Wang, Jia-yan Wu, and Chia-chung Sun, Direct dynamics study on hydrogen abstraction reaction of CF3CF2CH2OH with OH radical, Journal of Physics Chemical A, 110, 5853, (2006)


