吳佳潔,男,1980年2月出生,博士,副教授,碩士研究生導師。山東省“作物分子遺傳學”泰山學者創新團隊骨幹。2001年畢業於山東農業大學農學院。2007年獲中國農業科學院生物化學與分子生物學博士學位。2007年至2010年於美國加州大學戴維斯分校從事博士後研究。在Nature、Genome、Functional and Integrative Genomics、Plant Molecular Biology等知名刊物上發表多篇論文。

1、International Brachypodium Initiative. Genome sequencing and analysis of the model grass Brachypodium distachyon.Nature. 2010,11; 463:763-8.
2、Qi L, Friebe B, Wu J, Gu Y, Qian C, Gill BS. The compact Brachypodium genome conserves centromeric regions of a common ancestor with wheat and rice. Funct Integr Genomics. 2010, 10(4):477-92.
3、Tyler L, Bragg JN, Wu J, Yang X, Tuskan GA, Vogel JP. Annotation and comparative analysis of the glycoside hydrolase genes in Brachypodium distachyon. BMC Genomics. 2010, 25; 11:600.(共同第一作者)
4、Wanjugi H, Coleman-Derr D, huo N, Kianian SF, Luo MC, Wu J, Anderson O, Gu YQ. Rapid development of PCR-based genome-specific repetitive DNA junction markers in wheat. Genome. 2009, 52(6):576-87.
5、Anderson OD, Gu YQ, Kong X, Lazo GR, Wu J. The wheat omega-gliadin genes: structure and EST analysis. Funct Integr Genomics. 2009, 9(3):397-410.
6、Gao S, Gu YQ, Wu J, Coleman-Derr D, Huo N, Crossman C, Jia J, zuo Q, Ren Z, Anderson OD, Kong X. Rapid evolution and complex structural organization in genomic regions harboring multiple prolamin genes in the polyploid wheat genome. Plant Mol Biol. 2007, 65(1-2):189-203.
7、Chen Junfang, Ren Zhenglong, Kong Xiuying, Wu Jiajie, Zhou Ronghua, Jia Jizeng, Isolation, Characterization and Expression Analysis of Male Sterility Gene Homology Sequence in Wheat. Acta Genetica Sinica, 2005, 32 (6): 566-570
8、Jiajie Wu, Xiuying Kong, Yue Liu, Jianhui Xiao, Cuiyun Jin, Chunqing Zhang and Jizeng Jia. A Hexaploid Wheat BAC Sequencing and Analysis of Microcolinearity between Wheat and Rice at the Rht-D1 Locus. Proceedings of the 4th International Crop Science Congress, Brisbane, Australia, Sep. 2004