







Joy and sorrow is the fragrance of your soul
如果你心頭的火光不滅,誰還能澆熄你的夢想呢? / 2
No one can destroy your dreams
彼此點頭,彼此微笑,堅韌地生活 / 4
Nod and smile to each other
那是一棵壯麗的玫瑰樹 / 10
The beautiful rose tree
乘上清風,如向死而生的鳥兒一樣 / 13
Ride the wind, such as the Nirvana bird
親愛的!擦乾你的眼淚 / 17
Dear, dry your tears!
哪怕全世界都不肯對你笑,你也要露一個笑容給自己 / 21
Give yourself a smile
眼淚不能洗滌,眼淚能燃燒 / 23
Burn your tears
如果我能重新開始一生 / 28
If I can start a new life
任霜寒風吹,內心絕不傷悲 / 30
Even when the cold wind in my body, I do not feel sad
生如夏花,死於秋葉,還在乎擁有什麼 / 33
Let life be beautiful like flowers, and death like leaves
如風般自由,似雲朵般沉靜 / 36
Free like wind,calm like cloud
讓懂的人懂,讓不懂的人不懂 / 38
To understand or don't understand
苦難越沉重,靈魂越高貴 / 41
The more suffering, the more noble
Let the sun warmer, let time slower
好日子,要停下來細細品嘗 / 50
Stop to enjoy the beautiful life
抬頭看雲,低頭成長 / 52
Raised your head to look at the clouds, lower the head to grow
屋子簡陋,但足夠我仰望碧空 / 57
The house is simple, but enough to look up to the sky
願你是那靈魂有香氣的女子 / 60
May you be the woman with beautiful soul
貓眼睛裡的永恆 / 64
The eternity in the cat's eyes
孤獨的一個人,正生活在遙遠的異鄉 / 66
Live alone in a foreign land
有的東西,我們越是追,卻離我們越遠 / 68
Something more is sought, the more distant
角落裡的陽光,反而更暖人 / 74
The sun of the corner is warmer
老去,是一種優雅的力量 / 78
Old is a kind of elegant
心向暖秋,柔韌綻放 / 81
Soft heart blossom in warm autumn
你看你在水中的倒影,有多么美! / 85
How beautiful your reflection in the water is !
讀書是一種享受 / 87
Reading is a kind of enjoyment
人生是舞台,上演著多彩的戲 / 91
A colorful drama is played on the stage of life
窗外的世界,你不懂 / 96
You don't understand the world outside
我是天空里的一片雲 / 101
Although I was badly hurt,I always smile
只有當你駛入自己的港口,你才能停止下來 / 104
Stop only in their own ports
假如生活欺騙了你 / 106
If by life you were deceived
生活從來不曾乾燥 / 110
Life never dry
黎明之光,終將驅散你受過的苦 / 113
The light of dawn will drive away your suffering
生活予你苦難,而你要報以笑臉 / 115
Smile back to the suffering of life
如果你失去一個世界 / 117
If you lose the world
每一座沙丘,我們總感到難以跨越 / 118
Each dune, we all feel difficult to cross
飛出這圈子 / 120
Fly out of the circle
心向自由,高貴而生 / 124
Have a noble heart longing for freedom
美終究是美,即使是在它凋謝的時候 / 128
Fall is also beautiful
我的心曾悲傷七次 / 133
My heart was sad seven times
請記得,給靈魂安個家 / 134
Prepare a home for the soul
生命中的一切都該由心做主 / 137
Everything in life is determined by the heart
我們像搖擺於憂愁與歡樂之間的一架天平 / 141
We are like a balance between sorrow and joy
Waiting for the next season unrushed
女子如水般柔軟 / 144
Woman is soft like water
生命深處,我心淡然 / 146
My heart is peaceful in my life
漫遊在自然中,一切都那么安靜 / 149
Everything in nature is so quiet
就讓路途當中出現阻塞吧,讓它出現好了! / 151
A tough life is a beautiful life
守一顆寧靜淡然的心 / 155
Keep a quiet heart
生命何其蜿蜒,但也要耐心地走完 / 158
Life is winding, but you have to be patient
即使是一棵孤獨的樹,骨子裡依然是對春天的嚮往 / 160
Even if it is a lonely tree, the heart is longing for the spring
安靜中體會生命的盛大 / 163
Enjoy the grand life quietly
懷抱春天,真實地綻放 / 165
Embrace spring then bloom
故鄉的秋,說不出的懷戀 / 167
Miss the autumn of my home
不驚不怕,以愛活下去 / 172
Live for love
生命的過客,記憶的常客 / 176
A passer-by in your life
五月里,這生命的律動 / 179
The rhythm of life in may
打開心窗,總能觸摸到陽光 / 183
Open the window to your heart, and touch the sun
都是旅人,不帶走什麼 / 186
We are travelers taking nothing
There is adamancy in tenderness
不虛榮、不炫耀,絢麗綻放於天空下 / 192
Never show or glitter
滿含愛的心,如三月暖風般醉人 / 196
Heart full of love is like the March air
如桂花一般的女子,從不刻意躲避塵世喧譁 / 204
Women like a flower never escape from the world
你是人間的四月天 / 210
You are the April days in the world
你以為我刀槍不入,我以為你百毒不侵 / 212
You think I'm strong, I think you are brave
要從遠處看生活 / 213
Look at life from a distance
孤獨之於你我,不過是成長的必經之路 / 215
Loneliness is the only way which must be passed
許你一個溫暖的夢 / 218
Promise a warm dream to you
真正的高貴應該是優於過去的自己 / 221
The true nobility is better than your past
一片陽光 / 223
A piece of the sun
讓自己的心像母親一樣溫暖 / 226
Let your h




