
Notes and Studies on Tangsong Qianjia Lianzhu Shige,Nanjing: Phoenix Publishing House,2007.
The anthology Compiled in Southern Song and the Poetics of Song Dynasty,Beijing: Zhonghu Book Company,2009.
5、《中國美學問題》(劉東教授主編“海外中國研究叢書”之一),[美]蘇源熙(Haun Saussy)著,卞東波譯,南京:江蘇人民出版社,2009年。
Co-editor,with Professor Xujie. An Illustrated History of Chinese Culture,Guangzhou:Huacheng Publishing House,2006.

The Author and Text of Shenxianzhuan, by Benjamin Penny ofNationalAustralianUniversity, tras. by Bian Dongbo, Classical Classics Studies, No.10, eds. by Institute of Classical Classics ofNanjingUniversity, August 2007, P.391-420.
A Tang Version of Du Fu: The Tangshi Leixuan, written by Stephen Owen, translated by Bian Dongbo, Newsletter for International China Studies(3),Beijing: Peking University Press, 2011.
The Age of Attribution: Or the How Honglou meng Finally Acquired an Author, written by Haun Saussy, translated by Bian Dongbo, Journal of Qing Literature, No.4,Beijing: People’s Literature Publishing House,2011.
4、《唐代的手抄本遺產:以文學為例》,[美]宇文所安(Stephen Owen)撰,卞東波、許曉穎譯,南京大學古典文獻研究所編《古典文獻研究》第十五輯,南京:鳳凰出版社,2012年。
The Manuscript Legacy of the Tang: The Case of Literature, Written by Stephen Owen, Translated by Bian Dongbo and Xu Xiaoying, Classical Classics Studies, No.15, eds. by Institute of Classical Classics ofNanjingUniversity, Nov. 2012.
Misplaced: Three Qing Manuscripts of the Medieval Poet Wang Ji (590?-644), written by Tian Xiaofei, translated by Bian Dongbo and Ye Yangxi, Classical Classics Studies, No.15, eds. by Institute of Classical Classics of Nanjing University, Nov. 2012.
6、《〈遊仙窟〉注者考源》,[美]艾朗諾(Ronald Egan)撰,卞東波譯,《域外漢籍研究集刊》第九輯,北京:中華書局,2013年7月。
On The Origin of The Yu hsien k´u Commentary, written by Ronald Egan, translated by Bian Dongbo, Journal of Oversea Chinese Classics, No.9, eds. by Zhang Bowei,Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, Oct. 2013.
7、《重審應璩與陶潛之詩學聯繫》,[美]林葆玲(Pauline Lin)撰,卞東波譯,南京大學古典文獻研究所編《古典文獻研究》第十六輯,南京:鳳凰出版社,2013年。
Rediscovering Ying Qu and His Poetic Relationship to Tao Qian, written by Pauline Lin, translated by Bian Dongbo and Ye Yangxi, Classical Classics Studies, No.16, eds. by Institute of Classical Classics of Nanjing University, 2013.
Mei Lanfang inMoscow, 1935: Familiar, Unfamiliar, Defamiliar, Written by Haun Saussy, Translated by Bian Dongbo, InternationalChinaStudies, No.25,Zhengzhou: Daxiang Publishing House, June, 2013.
9、《1079年的詩歌與政治:蘇軾烏台詩案新論》,[美]蔡涵墨(Charles Hartman)撰,卞東波譯,北京師範大學文學院編《勵耘學刊》(文學卷)2014年第2輯。
Charles Hartman, Poetry and Politics in 1079: The Crow Terrace Poetry Case of Su Shih, Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (12), 1990.
10、《快樂,擁有,命名——對北宋文化史的反思》(上中下),[美]宇文所安(Stephen Owen)撰,卞東波譯,《古典文學知識》2015年第1、2、3期。
11、《桃花源的長官》,[美]宇文所安(Stephen Owen)撰,葉楊曦、卞東波譯,《銅仁學院學報》2015年第1期。
The Hidden Blessing of Being a Last Ruler: Anecdotes and the Song Dynasty Interpretation of Li Yu´s(937-978) Lyrics, Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (34), 2012. Chengjuan Sun, trans by Bian Dongbo.
The Inquisition against Su Shih: His Sentence as an Example of Sung Legal Practice, Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 113, No. 2 (Apr. - Jun., 1993), pp. 228-243.. Charles Hartman, trans by Bian Dongbo.
Alice W. Cheang, Poetry, Politics, Philosophy: Su Shih as The Man of The Eastern Slope, Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, Volume 53, Number 2, 1993, 325-387.。
The Lives of Hermits in the Six Dynasties,Chinese Classics and Culture,2000⑶,September 2000,P.19-24.
The Mistakes of Hantang Fangzhi Jiyi,Journal of Chinese Historical Studies,2003⑴,February 2003,P.159-163.
A Textual Study of Song Bai Jia Shi Xuan,Chinese Poetics,No.8,Beijing: People’s Literature Publishing House,September 2003,P.191-198.
A Textual Study of Memoirs of Distinguished Hermits(Gao shi zhuang) in the Six Dynasties,Classical Classics Studies,No.7,eds. by Institute of Classical Classics of Nanjing University,July 2004,P.132-151.
A Textual Study of Shi Yuan Lei Ge written by Li Shu,Chinese Poetics,No.10,Beijing: People’s Literature Publishing House,September 2005,P.1-15.
The Birthday and Lost Poems of Zhao Ruhui in Southern Song Dynasty,Literary Heritage,2005⑷,July 2005,P.71.
Lost Poems of The Completed Poetry of Song Dynasty(Quan Song Shi) in Tangsong Qianjia Lianzhu Shige,Classical Classics Studies,No.8,eds. by Institute of Classical Classics of Nanjing University,January 2006,P.5-88.
The Life Stories of Poets in Tangsong Qianjia Lianzhu Shige,The Documentation,eds. by National Library of China,2006⑴,January 2006,P.83-90.
Studies on Haiwai Xinfaxian Yongle Dadian Shiqijuan,Shupin,2006⑴,Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company,January 2006,P.45-50.
Shi Jia Ding Luan: A Textual Study of Anthology in the Late Song Dynasty,Chinese Poetics,No.11,Beijing: People’s Literature Publishing House,October 2006,P.20-37.
Research on the Anthologies Complied by Zheng Jinglong,Literary Heritage,2006⑵,March 2006,P.35.
A Textual Study of Yuyin’s Rhapsody of Sorrow,Chinese Classics and Culture,2006⑵,May 2006,P.75-79.
On Lin Zichang: the Complier of Lunxue Shenchi,Literary Heritage,2006⑷,July 2006,P.156.
Notes on The Completed Poetry of Song Dynasty(Quan Song Shi),Classical Classics Studies,No.9,eds. by Institute of Classical Classics of Nanjing University,June 2006,P.83-97.
Du Mu: the Writer of the Poem of Qingming? Knowledge of Classical Literature and History,2006⑷,April 2006,P28-31.
The Absence of Great Hermit: Why is Tao Yuanming not Included in New Account of Tales of the World,Knowledge of Classical Literature,2006⑷,July 2006,P24-29.
Complementary Notes to Dictionary of Chinese Ancient Author (Volume Song Dynasty),Shupin,2006⑸,September 2006,Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company,P.69-79.
The Life Stories of Poets and Their Lost Poems Which are not Included in The Completed Poems of Song Dynasty in Tangsong Qianjia Lianzhu Shige,Guji Zhengli Yanjiu Xuekan,2006⑸,P.30-34.
Some Notes on Tangsong Qianjia Lianzhu Shige,Classics Studies,Second Volume of 2006,December 2006,P.126-132.
A Textual Study of Huang-Pu Mi’s Memoirs of Distinguished Hermits(Gaoshizhuang),Journal of Jianghai (Jianghai Xuekan),Comprehensive Edition of Humanities 2007,May 2007,P.86-92.
A Textual Study of Zhongxing Chanlin Fengyueji,Journal of Oversea Chinese Classics,No.3,eds. by Zhang Bowei,Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company,May 2007,P.311-329.
A Note on the Poetry Talk Huai Gu Lu,Jiangsu Journal of Literature and History Studies,2007⑵,June 2007,P.11-13.
Shi Hai Hui Zhang: An Anthology in Yongle Dadian,Journal of Chinese Verse,2007⑵,June 2007,103-105.
A Close Reading on Wangbo’s Teng Wang Ge Xu,Mishu Gongzuo,2007⑶,March 2007,P.40-42..
A Textual Study of Gujin Yuefu edited by Yaoshi,Literary Heritage,2007⑷,July 2007,P.25.
Cai Zhengsun and Tangsong Qianjia Lianzhu Shige,Knowledge of Classical Literature,2007⑷,July 2007,P112-120.
Xie Bingde’ Zhujie Zhangquan Jianquan Erxiansheng Tangshixuan and Poetics of Tang and Song Dynasties,in Zhongguo Shixue Xueshu Yantaohui Lunwenji,eds. by Mo Lifeng,Nanjing: Phoenix Publishing House,2007,P.372-391.
The Author and Text of Shenxianzhuan,by Benjamin Penny of National Australian University,tras. by Bian Dongbo,Classical Classics Studies,No.10,eds. by Institute of Classical Classics of Nanjing University,August 2007,P.391-420.
The Replenishment of Songren Zongji Xulu,Library Journal,2008⑴,January 2008,P.66-68.
The Literary Documentation in Buddhist Sutras: based on Siming Zunzhe Jiaoxinglu complied by Zongxiao in Southern Song Dynasty,Classical Classics Studies,No.9,eds. by Institute of Classical Classics of Nanjing University,April 2008,P.196-222.
A Textual Study of Wangjinggong Shizhu by Libi in Southern Song Dynasty,Chinese Classics & Culture Essay Collection,No. 10,Peking University Press,April 2008,P.162-182.
The local gazetteer in the Medieval China and its cultural significance,The anthology of undergraduate thesis of School of Liberal Arts from 1998-2007,Nanjing: Nanjing University Press,April 2008.
The changes and varieties of the god of lake of Gongting in classical Chinese literature,Knowledge of Classical Literature,2007⑷,July 2008.
Xu Lian’s Liuchao Wenjie and his commentaies,Journal of literature in Qing Dynasty,No.1,Beijing: People’s Literature Publishing House,June 2008.
The establishment of Fanghui’s Yingkuilvsui,Chinese Poetics,No.1,Beijing: People’s Literature Publishing House,November 2008.
Modern significance of oversea Chinese classics to the studies of classical Chinese literature: a case study of the literature of Song Dynasty,Wenxue Pinglun Congkan,Vol. 11,No.1,Nanjing: Nanjing University Press,August 2008.
The merits and flaws of the oversea Chinese classics Tangsong Qianjia Lianzhu Shige,Beijing: Journal of Tsinghua University,No.6,2008.
A Textual Study of “Ding Wei Jia Zhu Dan Ti Shi”,Jiangsu Journal of Literature and History Studies,2007⑵,June 2009.
Studies on the rare poetry-talk “Jing Kan Bu Zhu Dong Po He Tao Shi Hua”,Journal of Oversea Chinese Classics,No.5,eds. by Zhang Bowei,Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company,August 2009.
Studies on the historical background and implication of the discussion of Tiaoxi Yuyin Conghua about Du Fu,Chinese Classics & Culture Essay Collection,No. 12,Nanjiing: Phoenix Publishing House,2010.
Textual studies on Ten’in Sō Ryūtaku’s Kinshūdan,Journal of Oversea Chinese Classics,No.6,eds. by Zhang Bowei,Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company,May 2010.
Corrections on the errors about the poems and its author cited in Commentaries of Wang Anshi’s poems by Li Bi,Classical Classics Studies,No.9,eds. by Institute of Classical Classics of Nanjing University,September 2010.
1、《〈宋史筌〉的文人傳、〈藝文志〉書寫——兼與〈宋史〉比較》,韓國高麗大學BK國際交流團編“Journal of Korean Culture”,2011年4月。
The writing of biographies of men of letters and bibliography of classics in Songsajon:Compared to the History of Song Dynasty edited in Yuan Dynasty,BK21 The Education and Research Group for Korean Language and Literature,Journal of Korean Culture,March,2011.
Transmission and Reception: Zhuzi’s Gan Xing Shi in East Asian Community,Journal of Oversea Chinese Classics,No.7,eds. by Zhang Bowei,Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company,June 2011.
Studies on the editions of Lengzhai Yehua published in Japan (cooperation with Zha Xuejin),Journal of Oversea Chinese Classics,No.7,eds. by Zhang Bowei,Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company,June 2011.
A Tang Version of Du Fu: The Tangshi Leixuan,written by Stephen Owen,translated by Bian Dongbo,Journal of International Sinology Studies,Beijing: Peking University Press,2011.
The Age of Attribution: Or the How Honglou meng Finally Acquired an Author,written by Haun Saussy,translated by Bian Dongbo,Journal of Qing Literature,No.4,Beijing: People’s Literature Publishing House,2011.
The Recluse Daikui’s Fada Wei Feidao Lun and the transformation of in Eastern Jin Dynasty,Knowledge of Classical Literature,2011⑹,Nov. 2011.
Review of Quantang Wudai Shige Huikao,by Zhang Bowei,Classics Studeies,2003⑴,January 2003,P.120-122.
Review of A Latterday Confucian: Reminiscences of William Hung(1893-1980),by Chne Yuxian,Shupin,2003⑹,November 2003,Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company,P.88-89.
Review of Qian Mu and the World of Seven Mansions,by Jerry Dennerline,Shupin,2004⑴,Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company,January 2004,P.91-92.
Review of A History of Chinese Poetry,by Yoshikawa Kōjiro,Chinese Book Review,2005⑶,March 2005,P.39-40.
Review of A Series of Bibliographies in Korean Era,eds by Zhang Bowei,Guji Zhengli Chuban Qingkuan Jianbao,2005⑶,June 2005,P.25-27.
Review of Songren Zongji Xulu,by Zhu Shangshu,Shupin,2005⑷,Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company,July 2005,P.32-39.
Review of Shimeng Wenxuelu,by Zhou Xunchu and Yu Lixiong,Shupin,2005⑸,Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company,September 2005,P.89-91.
Review of Keju Yu Shiyi: Songdai Wenxue Yu Shiren Shehui,by Takausu Takashi,Chinese Book Review Monthly,2005⑿,December 2005,P.52-59.
Review of Xueyuan Yu Shulin,by Huang Yonglian,Shupin,2006⑶,Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company,May 2006,P91-92.
Review of Zhongguo Fojiao Shiji Gailun,by Chen Yuan,Cultural Review,2006⑹,June 2006,P13-15.
Review of Songdai Jiazu yu Wenxue(co. with Xu Xiaoying),by Zhang Jian,Journal of Liaocheng University,2009⑴,Jan. 2009.
Review of Baozhao Shiwen Yanjiu(co. with Xu Xiaoying),by Su Ruilong,Shupin,2009⑶,Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company,May 2009.
“The Fever of Hanshan” in Edo Japan: The Scholarly and Cultural Values of Four Rare Annotations of Hanshan´s Poems in Pre-Modern Japan
A Textual Study of the Japanese Edition of Shiren Yuxie Printed in 1324 and Preserved in Kyoto University Library as well as Its Circulation in Japan
7、《My Nanking Home,1918-1927:一位美國百歲老人的南京記憶》,《東方文化周刊》2016年第28期,2016年7月13日。
A Textual Study of Shikyō Genshi by Japanese Classicist Hiraga Shinmin in Edo
The Edition of Works by the Poet-monk Jitan Zongle of Ming Dynasty and Their Circulation in Japan
The Enthusiasm for Su Shi: The Fu Clan of Xianxi of Fujian Province and the Studies on Su Shih in Song Dynasty
“The Elaborate Edition and Supplement Annotation of Poetry Remark on the attached poems to Tao Yuanming by Su Shi” and the Annotations about the Attached Poems to Tao Yuanming written by Su Shi in Song Dynasty
A textual study of the Collection of Tao Yuanming commented by Professor Hu Xiaoshi preserved in Nanjing University Library,The Documentation,No.2,2014.
Modern Chinese Poetry: The First Anthology of Modern Chinese Poetry Translated for the West, Journal of Sun Yat-sen University, No.3, 2014.
New Materials on JiangxiSchoolof Northern Song Dynasty Found in Japanese Classics in Chinese, Humanities & Social Sciences Journal ofHainanUniversity, No.4, 2014.
The Collections of Song Monks’ Works Preserved in Japan and Its Role in the Study of Song Dynasty Poetics, Journal of Institute for Classical Classics Studies, No.17(1), eds. by Institute for Classical Classics Studies at Nanjing University, 2014.
Amicable to the Ancients: The Recluses in the Poems of Tao Yuanming, Knowledge of Classical Literature, No.6, 2014.
6、 《選本與南宋詩學研究的深化——讀陳斐〈南宋唐詩選本與詩學考論〉》,《書品》2014年第3期,北京:中華書局。
1 、《南宋詩人研究的新進境——讀〈宋才子傳箋證·南宋後期卷〉》,《清華大學學報》(哲學社會科學版),2013年第2期。
The New Progress on the Study of Poets of Southern Song Dynasty, Journal ofTsinghuaUniversity, No.2, 2013.
2 、《日本江戶明治時代文話探析》,《文藝理論研究》,2013年第4期。
Studies on the Prose Remark in Edo and Meiji Period ofJapan, Theoretical Studies In Literature and Art,No.4, 2013.
3 、《稀見五山版宋元詩僧文集五種敘錄》,《文獻》,2013年第3期。
A Study on the Gozan Edition of Works by Five Zen-Monks in Song-Yuan Dynasty, The Documentation,No.2,2013.
4 、《曾原一〈選詩演義〉與宋代“文選學”》,《文學遺產》,2013年第4期。
Zen Yuanyi’s Xuanshi Yanyi and the Study of Wenxuan in Song Dynasty, Literary Heritage, No.4, 2013.
5 、《宋代詩歌總集新考》,《中國韻文學刊》,2013年第2期。
New Studies on the Anthology in Song Dynasty, Journal of Chinese Verse,No.2, 2013.
6 、《飲酒、服藥與“心好異書”——作為魏晉人的陶淵明》,《古典文學知識》,2013年第6期。
Drinking, drugs, and love for heterodox books: Tao Yuanming and the Atmosphere of Wei-Jin Dynasty, Knowledge of Classical Literature, No.6, 2013.
7 、《域外漢籍中所見南宋江湖詩人新資料及其價值》,《古典文獻研究》第十六輯,南京:鳳凰出版社,2013年。
New materials on Jianghu poetic school of southern Song Dynasty Founded in Japanese and Korean Rare Books, Classical Classics Studies, No.16, eds. by Institute of Classical Classics of Nanjing University, 2013.
8 、《域外漢籍中所見宋代江西詩派新資料及其價值》,《海南大學學報》(人文社會科學版),2013年第6期。
The Newly Founded Poems and Materials of Jiangxi School of Poetry in Song Dynasty, Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Hainan University, No. 6, 2013
1 、《日本漢籍 の 中國古典文學研究 における 役割》,人環 フ オ ーラム (Human and Environmental Forum),京都大學大學院人間·環境學研究科,2012年3月號,2012年3月。
The Roles of Japanese Kansezu in the Studies of Classical Chinese Literature, Human and Environmental Forum, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, 2012(3),March 2012.
2 、《〈文選〉東傳學之一斑——菅原和長〈文選御注表解〉探析》,《中山大學學報》(哲學社科版),2012年第4期。
WenXuan and Its Japanese Reception: Approach to Sugawara no Kazunaga’s Gyouchuumonzenchuukai, Journal of Sun Yat-sen University, No.4, 2012.
3 、《稀見日本漢籍〈 新選分類集諸家詩卷〉、〈續新編分類諸家詩集〉中的宋人佚詩及其價值》,北京大學國際漢學家研修中心編《國際漢學研究通訊》第五期,2012年7月。
The merits of two Chinese anthology manuscripts by Japanese Monks in Muromachi period, Newsletter for International China Studies (5),July, 2012.
4 、《日本所藏宋人張逢辰〈菊花百詠〉校錄》,《域外漢籍研究集刊》第八輯,北京:中華書局,2012年。
A critical study on Zhang Fengcheng’s Juhua Baiyong, Journal of Oversea Chinese Classics, No.8, eds. by Zhang Bowei, Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, May 2012.
5 、《珍稀和刻和抄宋元漢籍八種敘錄》,《域外漢籍研究集刊》第八輯,北京:中華書局,2012年。
Studies on eight rare Chinese classics preserved inJapan, No.8, eds. by Zhang Bowei,Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, May 2012.
6 、《誰是陶淵明,誰的陶淵明——陶淵明之謎與陶淵明經典之變遷》,《古典文學知識》,2012年第6期。
Who is Tao Yuanming and whose Tao Yuanming: The riddle of Tao Yuanming and the change of Tao Yuanming’s canonization, Knowledge of Classical Literature, 2013(6), Nov. 2013.
7 、《歐陽修〈廬山高〉、〈醉翁亭記〉在朝鮮漢文學中的追摹與變形》,南京大學古典文獻研究所編《古典文獻研究》第十五輯,南京:鳳凰出版社,2012年。
The historical reception of Ouyang Xiu’s Lushan Gao and Zuiwenting Ji in Chinese literature composed in Chosun Dynasty, Classical Classics Studies, No.15, eds. by Institute of Classical Classics of Nanjing University, September 2012.
8 、《南宋陳模〈懷古錄〉考論》,《中國典籍與文化》,2012年第4期。
Chenmo’s Huangulu and the literary criticism of Southern Song Dynasty, Chinese Classics and Culture, 2012(4), Oct. 2012.
1 、《〈宋史筌〉的文人傳、〈藝文志〉書寫——兼與〈宋史〉比較》,韓國 高麗大學BK國際交流團編“ Journal of Korean Culture ”,2011年4月。
The writing of biographies of men of letters and bibliography of classics in Songsajon:Compared to the History of Song Dynasty edited in Yuan Dynasty, BK21 The Education and Research Group for Korean Language and Literature, Journal of Korean Culture, April, 2011.
2 、《朱子〈齋居感興二十首〉在東亞社會的流傳與影響》,《域外漢籍研究集刊》第七輯,北京:中華書局,2011年11月。
Transmission and Reception: Zhuzi’s Gan Xing Shi in East Asian Community, Journal of Oversea Chinese Classics, No.7, eds. by Zhang Bowei,Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, November 2011.
3 、《〈冷齋夜話〉日本刊本考論》(與查雪巾合撰),《域外漢籍研究集刊》第七輯,北京:中華書局,2011年11月。
Studies on the editions of Lengzhai Yehua published inJapan(cooperation with Zha Xuejin), Journal of Oversea Chinese Classics, No.7, eds. by Zhang Bowei,Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, November 2011.
4 、《東晉隱士戴逵及其《放達為非道論》與晉宋風氣之轉變》,《古典文學知識》,2011年第6期。
The Recluse Daikui’s Fada Wei Feidao Lun and the transformation of Ethos in Eastern Jin Dynasty, Knowledge of Classical Literature, 2011(6), Nov. 2011.
5 、《讀宋代筆記札叢》,《書品》2011年第6期,中華書局,2011年11月。
Notes on the miscellanies of Song Dynasty, Shupin, 2011(6),Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, Nov.2011.
6 、【英文】Muse Travels Far Away: The First Anthology of Modern Chinese Poetry Translated for the West, Newsletter for International China Studies (4),Dec.2011.
1 、《〈苕溪漁隱叢話〉論杜的歷史文化背景及其內涵》(與許曉穎合撰),《中國典籍與文化論叢》第十二輯,南京:鳳凰出版社,2010年。
Studies on the historical background and implication of the discussion of Tiaoxi Yuyin Conghua about Du Fu, Chinese Classics & Culture Essay Collection, No. 12, Nanjiing: Phoenix Publishing House, 2010.
2 、《天隱龍澤〈錦繡段〉文獻問題之考訂》,《域外漢籍研究集刊》第六輯,北京:中華書局,2010年5月。
Textual studies on Ten’in Sō Ryūtaku’s Kinsh ūdan, Journal of Oversea Chinese Classics, No.6, eds. by Zhang Bowei,Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, May 2010.
3 、《李壁〈王荊文公詩注〉引詩定訛》,南京大學古典文獻研究所編《古典文獻研究》第十一輯,南京:鳳凰出版社,2010年9月。
Corrections on the errors about the poems and its author cited in Commentaries of Wang Anshi’s poems by Li Bi, Classical Classics Studies, No.9, eds. by Institute of Classical Classics ofNanjingUniversity, September 2010.
1 、《“丁謂夾注單題詩”考》,《江蘇文史研究》2009年第2期,2009年7月。
A Textual Study of “ Ding Wei Jia Zhu Dan Ti Shi”, Jiangsu Journal of Literature and History Studies, 2007(2), June 2009.
2、 《韓國所藏孤本詩話〈精刊補註東坡和陶詩話〉考論》,《域外漢籍研究集刊》第五輯,北京:中華書局,2009年8月。
Studies on the rare poetry-talk “Jing Kan Bu Zhu Dong Po He Tao Shi Hua”, Journal of Oversea Chinese Classics, No.5, eds. by Zhang Bowei,Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, May 2009.
3 、《 朝鮮活字本李壁注 〈 王荊文公詩 〉 之文獻研究》,載張伯偉編《風起雲揚:首屆南京大學域外漢籍研究國際學術研討會論文集》,中華書局,2009年8月。
A Textual Study of Commentaries of Wang Anshi’s poems by Li Bi, in The Collected Papers of First Symposium on the Asian Classics Hosted in Nanjing University, Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2009.
4 、《雙重視域的雙重透視——評張劍〈宋代家族與文學——以澶州晁氏為中心〉》(與許曉穎合撰),《聊城大學學報》2009年第1期,2009年1月。
Review of Songdai Jiazu yu Wenxue(co. with Xu Xiaoying) , by Zhang Jian, Journal of Liaocheng University, 2009(1), Jan. 2009.
5 、《六朝詩人鮑照研究的新高度——評蘇瑞隆〈鮑照詩文研究〉》(與許曉穎合撰),《書品》2009年第3期,2009年7月。
Review of Baozhao Shiwen Yanjiu(co. with Xu Xiaoying) , by Su Ruilong, Shupin,2009(3),Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, May 2009.
1 、《〈宋人總集敘錄〉補遺》,《圖書館雜誌》, 2008 年第1期,2008年1月,頁66-68。
The Replenishment of Songren Zongji Xulu ,Library Journal, 2008(1), January 2008, P.66-68.
2 、《 佛藏中的宋代文學史料——以南宋宗曉所編〈四明尊者教行錄〉為例》,南京大學古典文獻研究所編《古典文獻研究》第十一輯,南京:鳳凰出版社,2008年4月。
The Literary Documentation in Buddhist Sutras: based on Siming Zunzhe Jiaoxinglucomplied by Zongxiao in Southern Song Dynasty, Classical Classics Studies, No.9, eds. by Institute of Classical Classics of Nanjing University, April 2008, P.196-222.
3 、《南宋李壁〈王荊文公詩注〉中宋代文獻輯佚與考證》,《中國典籍與文化論叢》第十輯,北京:北京大學出版社,2008年版。
A Textual Study of Wangjinggong Shizhu by Libi in Southern Song Dynasty, Chinese Classics & Culture Essay Collection, No. 10, Peking University Press, April 2008, P.162-182.
4 、《中古地記及其文化意蘊》,載《南京大學文學院本科本畢業論文選集》(1998-2007年),南京大學教學委員會編,南京:南京大學出版社,2008年4月。
The local gazetteer in the Medieval China and its cultural significance, The anthology of undergraduate thesis ofSchoolofLiberal Artsfrom 1998-2007,Nanjing: Nanjing University Press, April 2008.
5 、《宮亭湖廟神及其在古典文學中的流變》,《古典文學知識》,2008年第4期,2008年7月。
The changes and varieties of the god oflakeofGongtingin classical Chinese literature, Knowledge of Classical Literature, 2007(4), July 2008.
6 、《許槤〈六朝文絜〉及其評點考論》,《清代文學研究集刊》第一輯,北京:人民文學出版社,2008年6月。
Xu Lian’s Liuchao Wenjie and his commentaies, Journal of literature in Qing Dynasty, No.1, Beijing: People’s Literature Publishing House, June 2008.
7 、《〈瀛奎律髓〉成立考》,《中國詩學》第十三輯,北京:人民文學出版社,2008年10月。
The establishment of Fanghui’s Yingkuilvsui, Chinese Poetics, No.1, Beijing: People’s Literature Publishing House, November 2008.
8 、《域外漢籍對中國古典文學研究的現代意義》,《文學評論叢刊》第十一卷第一期,南京:南京大學出版社,2008年8月。
Modern significance of oversea Chinese classics to the studies of classical Chinese literature: a case study of the literature of Song Dynasty, Wenxue Pinglun Congkan, Vol. 11, No.1,Nanjing: Nanjing University Press, August 2008.
9 、《稀見漢籍〈唐宋千家聯珠詩格〉的文獻價值及其疏誤》,《清華大學學報》,2008年第6期。
The merits and flaws of the oversea Chinese classics Tangsong Qianjia Lianzhu Shige,Beijing: Journal of Tsinghua University, No.6, 2008.
1 、《皇甫謐〈高士傳〉考》,《江海學刊》2007人文綜合版,2007年5月,頁86-92。
A Textual Study of Huang-Pu Mi’s Memoirs of Distinguished Hermits(Gaoshizhuang), Journal of Jianghai (Jianghai Xuekan), Comprehensive Edition of Humanities 2007, May 2007, P.86-92.
2 、《〈中興禪林風月集〉考論》,張伯偉編《域外漢籍研究集刊》第三輯,中華書局,2007年5月版,頁311-329。
A Textual Study of Zhongxing Chanlin Fengyueji, Journal of Oversea Chinese Classics, No.3, eds. by Zhang Bowei,Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, May 2007, P.311-329.
3 、《讀宋詩話〈懷古錄〉札記》,《江蘇文史研究》2007年第2期,2007年6月,頁11-13。
A Note on the Poetry Talk Huai Gu Lu,JiangsuJournal of Literature and History Studies,2007(2), June 2007, P.11-13.
4 、《〈永樂大典〉殘卷所載詩選〈詩海繪章〉考釋》,《中國韻文學刊》2007年第2期,2007年6月,頁103-105。
Shi Hai Hui Zhang: An Anthology in Yongle Dadian, Journal of Chinese Verse, 2007(2), June 2007, 103-105.
5 、《急就華章——王勃〈滕王閣序〉賞讀》,《秘書工作》2007年第3期,2007年3月,頁40-42。
A Close Reading on Wangbo’s Teng Wang Ge Xu, Mishu Gongzuo, 2007(3), March 2007, P.40-42..
6 、《姚式〈古今樂府〉小考》,《文學遺產》2007年第4期,2007年7月,頁25。
A Textual Study of Gujin Yuefu edited by Yaoshi, Literary Heritage, 2007(4), July 2007, P.25.
7 、《蔡正孫與〈唐宋千家聯珠詩格〉》,《古典文學知識》2007年第4期,2007年7月,頁112-120。
Cai Zhengsun and Tangsong Qianjia Lianzhu Shige, Knowledge of Classical Literature, 2007(4), July 2007, P112-120.
8 、《謝枋得〈註解章泉澗泉二先生唐詩選〉與唐宋詩學》,載莫礪鋒編《誰是詩家疏鑿手――中國詩學學術研討會論文集》,南京:鳳凰出版社,2007年8月版,頁372-391。
Xie Bingde’ Zhujie Zhangquan Jianquan Erxiansheng Tangshixuan and Poetics of Tang and Song Dynasties , in Zhongguo Shixue Xueshu Yantaohui Lunwenji, eds. by Mo Lifeng,Nanjing:PhoenixPublishing House, 2007, P.372-391.
1 、《〈唐宋千家聯珠詩格〉中〈全宋詩〉佚詩輯考》,南京大學古典文獻研究所編《古典文獻研究》第八輯,南京:鳳凰出版社,2006年1月,頁5-88。
Lost Poems of The Completed Poetry of Song Dynasty(Quan Song Shi) in Tangsong Qianjia Lianzhu Shige, Classical Classics Studies, No.8, eds. by Institute of Classical Classics ofNanjingUniversity, January 2006, P.5-88.
2 、《以〈唐宋千家聯珠詩格〉補宋詩人小傳》,《文獻》,北京:國家圖書館,2006年第1期,2006年1月,頁83-90。
The Life Stories of Poets in Tangsong Qianjia Lianzhu Shige, The Documentation, eds. by National Library of China, 2006(1), January 2006, P.83-90.
3 、《新材料與新發現――讀〈海外新發現永典大樂十七卷〉》,《書品》2006年第1期,北京:中華書局,2006年1月,頁45-50。
Studies on Haiwai Xinfaxian Yongle Dadian Shiqijuan, Shupin, 2006(1),Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, January 2006, P.45-50.
4 、《晚宋宋詩選本〈詩家鼎臠〉考論》,《中國詩學》第十一輯,北京:人民文學出版社,2006年10月,頁20-37。
Shi Jia Ding Luan: A Textual Study of Anthology in the Late Song Dynasty, Chinese Poetics, No.11, Beijing: People’s Literature Publishing House, October 2006, P.20-37.
5 、《鄭景龍所編詩歌選本考》,《文學遺產》2006年第2期,2006年3月,頁35。
Research on the Anthologies Complied by Zheng Jinglong, Literary Heritage, 2006(2), March 2006, P.35.
6 、《庾信〈愁賦〉考論》,《中國典籍與文化》,2006年第2期,2006年5月,頁75-79。
A Textual Study of Yuyin’s Rhapsody of Sorrow, Chinese Classics and Culture, 2006(2), May 2006, P.75-79.
7 、《關於〈論學繩尺〉的箋注者林子長》,《文學遺產》2006年第4期,2006年7月,頁156。
On Lin Zichang: the Complier of Lunxue Shenchi, Literary Heritage, 2006(4), July 2006, P.156.
8 、《〈全宋詩〉重出、失收、誤收詩舉隅》,南京大學古典文獻研究所編《古典文獻研究》第九輯,南京:鳳凰出版社,2006年6月,頁83-97。
Notes on The Completed Poetry of Song Dynasty(Quan Song Shi), Classical Classics Studies, No.9, eds. by Institute of Classical Classics of Nanjing University, June 2006, P.83-97.
9 、《〈清明〉是杜牧所作嗎?》,《文史知識》,2006年第4期,2006年4月,頁 28-31 。
Du Mu: the Writer of the Poem of Qingming? Knowledge of Classical Literature and History, 2006(4), April 2006, P28-31.
10 、《大隱的缺席――陶淵明不入〈世說新語〉新釋》,《古典文學知識》,2006年第4期,南京:鳳凰出版社,2006年7月,頁24-29。
The Absence of Great Hermit: Why is Tao Yuanming not Included in New Account of Tales of the World, Knowledge of Classical Literature, 2006(4), July 2006, P24-29.
11 、《〈中國文學家大辭典·宋代卷〉匡補》,《書品》2006年第5期,北京:中華書局,2006年9月,頁69-79。
Complementary Notes to Dictionary of Chinese Ancient Author (Volume Song Dynasty), Shupin, 2006(5), September 2006,Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, P.69-79.
12 、《〈全宋詩〉未收詩人及其佚詩叢考――以稀見漢籍〈唐宋千家聯珠詩格〉為中心》,《古籍整理與研究學刊》,2006年第5期,2006年9月,頁30-34。
The Life Stories of Poets and Their Lost Poems Which are not Included in The Completed Poems of Song Dynasty in Tangsong Qianjia Lianzhu Shige, Guji Zhengli Yanjiu Xuekan, 2006(5), P.30-34.
13 、《讀稀見漢籍〈唐宋千家聯珠詩格〉札記》,《古籍研究》2006年下卷,合肥:安徽大學出版社,2006年12月版,頁126-132。
Some Notes on Tangsong Qianjia Lianzhu Shige, Classics Studies, Second Volume of 2006, December 2006, P.126-132.
14 、讀《學苑與書林》,《書品》2006年第3期,北京:中華書局,2006年5月,頁91-92。
Review of Xueyuan Yu Shulin, by Huang Yonglian, Shupin, 2006(3),Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, May 2006, P91-92.
15 、《有意義之史學――重溫陳垣〈中國佛教史籍概論〉》,上海:上海世紀出版集團,《文景》2006年第6期,2006年6月。
Review of Zhongguo Fojiao Shiji Gailun, by Chen Yuan, Cultural Review, 2006(6), June 2006, P13-15.
1 、《李淑〈詩苑類格〉輯考》,《中國詩學》第十輯,北京:人民文學出版社,2005年9月,頁1-15。
A Textual Study of Shi Yuan Lei Ge written by Li Shu, Chinese Poetics, No.10, Beijing: People’s Literature Publishing House, September 2005, P.1-15.
2 、《南宋詩人趙汝回的生年與佚詩》,《文學遺產》2005年第4期,2005年7月,頁71。
The Birthday and Lost Poems of Zhao Ruhui in Southern Song Dynasty, Literary Heritage, 2005(4), July 2005, P.71.
3 、《生命與詩――讀吉川幸次郎〈中國詩史〉》,《中國圖書評論》,2005年第3期,2005年3月,頁39-40。
Review of A History of Chinese Poetry, by Yoshikawa Kōjiro, Chinese Book Review,2005(3), March 2005, P.39-40.
4 、《評祝尚書〈宋人總集敘錄〉》,《書品》2005年第4期,北京:中華書局,2005年7月,頁32-39。
Review of Songren Zongji Xulu, by Zhu Shangshu, Shupin, 2005(4),Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, July 2005, P.32-39.
5 、《由科舉進入文學――評高津孝〈科舉與詩藝:宋代文學與士人社會〉》,《博覽群書》2005年第12期,2005年12月,頁52-59。
Review of Keju Yu Shiyi: Songdai Wenxue Yu Shiren Shehui, by Takausu Takashi, Chinese Book Review Monthly, 2005(12), December 2005, P.52-59.
6 、《〈朝鮮時代書目叢刊〉出版》,全國高校古籍整理委員會編,《古籍整理研究簡報》,2005年第3期,2005年6月,頁25-27。
Review of A Series of Bibliographies in Korean Era, eds by Zhang Bowei, Guji Zhengli Chuban Qingkuan Jianbao, 2005(3), June 2005, P.25-27.
7 、《讀〈師門問學錄〉》,《書品》2005年第5期,北京:中華書局,2005年9月,頁89-91。
Review of Shimeng Wenxuelu, by Zhou Xunchu and Yu Lixiong, Shupin, 2005(5),Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, September 2005, P.89-91.
1 、《六朝“高士”類雜傳考論》,南京大學古典文獻研究所編《古典文獻研究》第七輯,南京:鳳凰出版社,2004年7月,頁132-151。
A Textual Study of Memoirs of Distinguished Hermits(Gao shi zhuang) in the Six Dynasties, Classical Classics Studies, No.7, eds. by Institute of Classical Classics of Nanjing University, July 2004, P.132-151.
2 、《讀〈錢穆與七房橋世界〉》,《書品》2004年第1期,北京:中華書局,2004年1月,頁91-92。
Review of Qian Mu and the World of Seven Mansions, by Jerry Dennerline, Shupin, 2004(1),Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, January 2004, P.91-92.
1 、《〈漢唐方誌輯佚〉糾誤》,《中國史研究》2003年第1期,頁159-163 。
The Mistakes of Hantang Fangzhi Jiyi, Journal of Chinese Historical Studies, 2003(1), February 2003, P.159-163.
2 、《〈宋百家詩選〉考》,《中國詩學》第八輯,北京:人民文學出版社,2003年9月,頁191-198。
A Textual Study of Song Bai Jia Shi Xuan, Chinese Poetics, No.8, Beijing: People’s Literature Publishing House, September 2003, P.191-198.
3 、《旁搜遠紹,精益求精――讀張伯偉先生〈全唐五代詩格匯考〉》,《古籍研究》2003年第1期,頁120-122。
Review of Quantang Wudai Shige Huikao, by Zhang Bowei, Classics Studeies, 2003(1), January 2003, P.120-122.
4 、《讀〈洪業傳〉》,《書品》2003年第6期,北京:中華書局,2003年11月,頁88-89。
Review of A Latterday Confucian: Reminiscences of William Hung(1893-1980), by Chen Yuxian, Shupin, 2003(6), November 2003,Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, P.88-89.
Lives of Hermits in the Six Dynasties, Chinese Classics and Culture, 2000(3), September 2000, P.19-24.