1999-2004 南京農業大學昆蟲學系碩、博連讀研究生。2004-2005 英國洛桑實驗站訪問學者。2006至今 南京農業大學引進人才、教授。
在雙邊合作項目支持下,主要進行褐飛虱乙醯膽鹼受體基因的體外表達,分離純化受體蛋白,利用藥物靶標分子互作試驗,驗證所發現的功能突變,確定褐飛虱乙醯膽鹼受體的抗藥性功能突變位點。2005-2006 英國倫敦大學博士後。在英國皇家學會獎學金的資助下,利用電生理技術檢測體外表達的野生型和突變型褐飛虱乙醯膽鹼受體的功能,進一步揭示靶標突變對褐飛虱正常生理的影響,同時研究突變對其他新菸鹼類殺蟲劑敏感性的影響,分析新菸鹼類殺蟲劑與靶標的互作機制。利用引進經費,在原有學科211建設的基礎上,進一步配置儀器設備,建立昆蟲分子生物學實驗室和基因表達技術平台,研究昆蟲靶標分子的結構及其與藥物的分子互作機理,為開發高效安全新型殺蟲劑提供新理論和新途徑。]研究方向b]昆蟲分子生物學與基因功能研究 ]研究成果b]1. Zewen Liu*,Zhaojun Han,Shuhua Liu,Yixi Zhang,Feng Song,Xiangmei Yao,Jianhua Gu,2008. Amino Acids Outside of the Loops that Define the Agonist Binding Site Are Important for Ligand Binding to Insect Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors. Journal of Neurochemistry,106: 224-230.(SCI,IF:4.26)2. Zewen Liu,Martin S. Williamson,Stuart J. Lansdell,Zhaojun Han,Ian Denholm and Neil S. Millar,2006. A nicotinic acetylcholine receptor mutation (Y151S) causes reduced agonist potency to a range of neonicotinoid insecticides. Journal of Neurochemistry,99: 1273–1281. (SCI,IF:4.26)3. Zewen Liu,Martin S. Williamson,Stuart J. Lansdell,Zhaojun Han,Ian Denholm and Neil S. Millar,2005. A nicotinic acetylcholine receptor mutation conferring target-site resistance to imidacloprid in Nilaparvata lugens (brown planthopper). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS),102: 8420-8425. (SCI,Cover paper,IF: 10.45)4. Zewen Liu and Zhaojun Han,2006. Fitness costs of laboratory-selected imidacloprid resistance in the brown planthopper,Nilaparvata lugens Stål. Pest Management Science,62: 279-282. (SCI,IF:1.3)5. Liu Zewen,Han Zhaojun,Wang Yingchang,Zhang Lingchun,Zhang Hongwei and Liu Chengjun,2003. Selection for imidacloprid resistance in Nilaparvata lugens: cross- resistance patterns and possible mechanisms. Pest Management Science,59: 1355-1359. (SCI,IF:1.3)6. Liu Zewen and Han Zhaojun,2003. The roles of carboxylesterase and AChE insensitivity in malathion resistance development in brown planthopper. Acta Entomologica Sinica,46: 250 – 2537. 劉澤文,劉成君,張洪偉,韓召軍,2003. 褐飛虱抗吡蟲啉品系生物適合度研究. 昆蟲知識,40: 419-4228. 劉澤文,王蔭長,韓召軍,李國清,鄧業成,田學志,Toru Nagata,2003. 兩種稻飛虱對殺蟲劑的敏感性比較. 南京農業大學學報,26: 29-32.9. 劉澤文,韓召軍,張玲春 褐飛虱抗甲胺磷品系的互動抗性和抗性生化機制. 昆蟲學報,2002,45 : 447 – 45210. 劉澤文,韓召軍,張玲春,董釗,2002. 褐飛虱對吡蟲啉抗性監測方法的研究. 昆蟲知識,2002,39: 424-427.11. 劉澤文,韓召軍,2002. 稻飛虱飼養與抗藥性篩選的方法研究. 中國水稻科學,16: 167-170. 專利:1. 劉澤文,韓召軍,2006. 褐飛虱對吡蟲啉靶標抗性的分子檢測方法。獲得榮譽b]1. 教育部自然科學獎二等獎:五種重要農業害蟲抗藥性的生化和分子機理. 2. Zewen Liu,Neil S. Millar,2006. A nicotinic acetylcholine receptor mutation (Y151S) causes reduced agonist potency to a range of neonicotinoid insecticides”獲2006年第11屆國際純粹與套用化學協會農藥化學會議poster金獎 (Poster Award,Gold Prize,Kobe,Japan,6-11 August 2006).