

文學博士(南京大學 ),副教授 Ph.D (NANJING Univ.),Associate Professor 研究方向:中古佛教與文學、中古宗教圖像與儀式、東亞漢文學 Research Areas: Comprehensive Study of Buddhism and Literature in Medieval Period;Cross-study of Religious Images and Rituals;Study of Literature in East Asian


《中國思想史》(TheIntellectualHistory of China)

《中國古代文學》(先秦—魏晉南北朝)(Ancient Chinese Literature:fromPre-Qin to Weijin Dynasty)

《中國宗教文學導論》(Introduction to Chinese Religious Literature)

《陶詩細讀》(Close-reading of Taoyuanming’s poems)


(1)空間﹒想像﹒認同:《高僧傳》對於太武滅佛事件的書寫與建構,《 新國學》,2018年第十六卷;

Space·Imagination·Identity: Writing and Construction of the Incident of Tai Wu destroy Buddhism in Gaosengzhuan, Xin Guoxue, No.16, Chengdu: Sichuan University Press, May. 2018.

(2)法顯“南下向都”史事發微——兼論4-5世紀南北佛教律典傳譯與僧團興替之關係,《 魏晉南北朝隋唐史資料》,2017年第三十六輯;

The Close Analysis of Faxian’s Anecdote “Go South to Jiangkang”( 南下向都):Related to the Relationship between the Translation of Buddhist Vinaya and the Rite and Fall of Buddhist Groups in South & North China of 4-5 Century, Journal of the 3-9th Century Chinese History, No. 36, Shanghai: ShanghaiClassicsPublishingHouse, Nov. 2017, pp. 48-60.

(3)詩意與禪境的“雙關”——賈島《送無可上人》詩意發微,《 中國詩學》,2017年第二十四輯;

The Double Meaning of Jiadao’s Poetry: a New Survey of Sending Monks Wuke 送無可上人, Chinese Poetics, No.24, Beijing: People’s Literature Publishing House,Dec.2017,pp.65-73.

(4)再造“高僧”:中古僧傳安世高形象的塑造及其思想史背景,《 佛教史研究》,2017年第一卷;

Remaking the Eminent Monk: The Shaping of An-shigao in medieval monk’s biography and it’s intellectual background, Studies in History of Buddhism, No.1, Taipei: New Wen Feng publishing company, Aug. 2017.

(5)慧皎《高僧傳》“論贊”書寫的文體選擇與文化意蘊,收入《 省思與突破——第四屆駢文國際學術研討會論文集》,南京:江蘇人民出版社,2017年7月版;

Stylistic selection and cultural implication of the “論贊”writing in Gaosengzhuan,in Reflection and Breakthrough: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Parallel Prose, eds. by Cao Hong,Nanjing: Jiangsu People’s Publishing. LTD, pp. 65-79.

(6)從經錄到僧傳:《高僧傳》之編纂成書及學術背景考察,《 中華文史論叢》,2016年第二期;

From Bibliography to Biography: A Survey of Gaosengzhuanon Its Edition and Academic Background, Journal of Chinese Literature and History, No.122, Shanghai: ShanghaiClassicsPublishingHouse, Jun. 2016, pp. 151-189.

(7)東亞文學交流視野中的許蘭雪軒與朱之蕃——《列朝詩集小傳》“許妹氏”條發微,《 文學遺產》,2015年第四期;

Xu Lanxuexuan and zhu Zhifan in Perspective of East Asian Literature Exchange: A Study of Item “Xuemeishi”許妹氏in Liechaoshijixiaozhuan列朝詩集小傳, Literary Heritage, 2015(4), pp. 113-120.

(8)佛陀跋陀羅“被擯”始末考——《高僧傳》書寫與中古佛教僧團的社會、政治境遇,《 古典文獻研究》,2014年第十七輯(上卷);

A New Survey of the Process of being excluded on Buddhabhadra: Gaosengzhuan’s Writing and Social and political circumstances of Monk’s Group in Medieval Period, Journal of the Institute for Chinese Classics Studies, No.17(1),Nanjiing: Phoenix Publishing House,Nov,2014, pp. 103-123.

(9)吳德旋對范曄“事外遠致”的“誤讀”及其文論史意義,《 中南大學學報》(社會科學版),2014年第三期;

A Meaningful Misreading: an Analysis of shiwaiyuanzhi 事外遠致in Ancient Literary Theory, Journal of Central South University (Social Science), 2014(3), pp. 221-227.

(10)魏晉六朝游宴雅集鑑賞心態研究,《 文學評論叢刊》,第15卷第一期,2013年8月;

The Analysis of the Psychological Mechanism in Literary Appreciation of Wei Jin and Six Dynasties, Series of Literary Criticism, No.15(1), Nanjing: Nanjing University Press, Aug, 2013, pp.78-86.

(11)東亞僧傳研究之進路——基於學術史的考察,《 中國佛學》總34期,社會科學文獻出版社,2014年1月版;

Approach of Research on the Buddhist Monk Biogrphies in East Asia: a Study Based on Academic History, The Chinese Buddhist Studies, Vol.ⅩⅩⅩⅨ, 2013, pp.79-86.

(12)探尋東亞僧傳研究新進路,《 中國社會科學報》2013年8月5日,第484期;

The New Approach of Research on the Buddhist Monk Biogrphies in East Asia, Chinese Social Sciences Daily, 2013-8-5.

(13)《莊子》“夢”的解析,《 新國學》(四川大學俗文化研究所集刊)第七卷,成都:巴蜀書社,2008年版;

Analysis of "dream" in Chuang-tzu, Xin Guoxue, No.7, Chengdu: Bashu Book House, May. 2008.

(14)“西域”面具下的中國僧人:智慧輪與晚唐密教,原載T’oung-p’ao: Revue internationale de sinology(《通報》)99.1 [2013],中文版載《佛教與中外交流》,上海:中西書局,2016年版,Jinhua Chen(University of British Columbia)撰、劉學軍譯(合譯);

A Chinese Monk under a ‘Barbarian’ Mask: Zhihuilun智慧輪(?-876) and Late Tang Esoteric Buddhism, T’ oung-pao: Revue Internationale de Sinology, 99.1-3(2013),written by Chen Jinhua,translated by Liu Xuejunand Zhang Dewei, in Buddhism in Communication between China and the Abroad, Shanghai: Zhongxi Press, 2016, pp. 306-347.

(15)梁武帝內道場中的無遮法會,原載Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies(《哈佛亞洲研究學刊》), Vol. 66, No. 1 (Jun., 2006),中文版載《佛教與中外交流》,上海:中西書局,2016年版,Jinhua Chen(UBC)撰、劉學軍譯(合譯);

Pancavarsika Assemblies in Liang Wudi’s Buddhist Palace Chapel, Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies,66.1(2006),written by Chen Jinhua,translated by Liu Xuejunand Chen Zhiyuan, in Buddhism in Communication between China and the Abroad, Shanghai: Zhongxi Press, 2016, pp. 123-168.


From Borderland to Heartland: An Explanation of the Shift of the Buddhist Center from India to China,written by Pokan Chou,translated by Liu Xuejun,in The Vision and Prospect of Sino-Indian Relations Research, Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2016, pp. 43-64.



Translation and Annotation of Dhammapada, Taipei: San Min Book co., Ltd, 2018.


Spells, Images, and Mandalas: Tracing the Evolution of Esoteric Buddhist Rituals,written by Koichi Shinohara, translated by Liu Xuejun, Shanghai: Zhongxi Press, forthcoming.



National Social Science Fund Project (Youth), HOST, Period : from July, 2015.



Cross-strait History and Culture Camp, Hubei﹒China; Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica & Wuhan University, July. 2017.


The First Forum of Buddhist History Study: Buddhist Historical Materials and Historical Workshop, Zhejiang﹒China; Zhejiang University, Nov. 2016.


The Fourth International Symposium on Buddhist literature and Literature,Zhejiang﹒China; Zhejiang University, Nov. 2016.


The Eighteenth International Symposium on Literature in the Tang Dynasty,Chengdu﹒China; Southwest Jiaotong University, Sep. 2016.


Reflection and Breakthrough: the Fourth International Symposium on Parallel Prose,Chengdu﹒China; Southwest Jiaotong University, Oct. 2015.


International Young Scholars Forum on Buddhism and East Asian Culture Studies,Sichuan﹒China; Mount Emei Buddhist College, Dec. 2014.


International Young Scholars Forum on Chinese Culture Studies,Hongkong﹒China; The Chinese University Hong Kong, Jun. 2014.



Excellent Papers (first prize) of the Eleventh Academic Conference of Philosophy and Social Sciences in Jiangsu Province, 2017.


Outstanding Young Teachers of "Qing- Lan" Project in Jiangsu Province, 2016.


Award for Excellence in Scientific Research (first prize) of Jiangsu Second Normal University, 2016.


