


劉學亮,男,工學博士,副教授,碩士生導師。 2013年3月畢業於法國巴黎高等電信學院,獲博士學位。2013年6月起在合肥工業大學計算機與信息學院從事科研與教學工作。主要從事多媒體信息處理等方向研究,目前在該領域已發表主流期刊或者會議論文20餘篇。目前主持國家自然科學基金一項,安徽省面上項目一項,留學回國基金一項;參與863項目一項,國家自然科學基金重點項目一項。目前指導碩士研究生3名。


1. 國家自然科學基金青年項目,社會化多媒體中的事件分析研究
2. 教育部留學啟動基金“社交媒體中事件檢測和呈現技術的研究”


(1)Xueliang Liu, Benoit Huet. Event-based cross media question answering. Multimedia Tools Appl. 2016, 75(3), pp 1495-1508.

(2)Xueliang Liu, Meng Wang, Bao-Cai Yin, Benoit Huet, Xuelong Li. Event-Based Media Enrichment Using an Adaptive Probabilistic Hypergraph Model. IEEE T. Cybernetics . 2015,45(11): 2461 - 2471.

(3)Xueliang Liu, Meng Wang, Benoit Huet. Event analysis in social multimedia: a survey. Frontiers of Computer Science. 2015,pp 1-14.(已錄用)
(4)Xueliang Liu, Benoit Huet. On the automatic online collection of training data for visual event modeling. Multimedia Tools Appl. 2014,70(1): 525-542.
(5)Xueliang Liu, Benoit Huet. Linking socially contributed media with events. Multimedia Systems. 2014, pp 1-10. (已錄用)
(6)Meng Wang, Xueliang Liu, Xindong Wu. Visual Classification by ℓ1-Hypergraph Modeling. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 2015, 27(9): 2564-2574.
(7)Xueliang Liu, Feifei Wang, Benoit Huet, Feng Wang,E2SGM: Event Enrichment and Summarization by Graph Model. International Conference on Multimedia Modeling. Miami, USA, 348-353. 2016.1.4-2016.1.6.
(8)Xueliang Liu, Benoit Huet, Heterogeneous features and model selection for event-based media classification, ACM conference on International conference on multimedia retrieval, 151-158,Dallas, Texas, USA, 2013.4.16 - 2013.4.19.
(9)Xueliang Liu, Benoit Huet, EventEnricher: a novel way to collect media illustrating events, ACM conference on International conference on multimedia retrieval,303-304, Dallas, Texas, USA, 2013.4.16-2013.4.19.
(10)Xueliang Liu, Benoit Huet, Event representation and visualization from social media, Advances in Multimedia Information Processing – PCM 2013, Benoit Huet, Chong-Wah Ngo, Jinhui Tang, Zhi-Hua Z, Springer International Publishing, 740-749, Najing, China, 2013.11.13-11.15.
(11)Xueliang Liu, Troncy Raphael, Benoit Huet, Finding media illustrating events, ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval,58, Trento, Italy, 2011.4.17 -2011.4.20.
(12)Xueliang Liu, Benoit Huet, Automatic concept detector refinement for large-scale video semantic annotation, IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing, Pittsburgh, USA, 97-100,2010.9.22-2010.9.24.
(13)Xueliang Liu, Benoit Huet, Concept detector refinement using social videos, International workshop on Very-large-scale multimedia corpus, mining and retrieval,19-24, Florence Italy, 2010.10.25-2010.10.29.
(14)Xueliang Liu, Benoit Huet, Troncy Raphael, EURECOM@ MediaEval 2011 Social Event Detection Task, MediaEval, 2011.9.1-2011.9.2.
(15)Xueliang Liu, Troncy Raphael, Benoit Huet,Using social media to identify events, ACM SIGMM international workshop on Social media,3-8,Pisa, Italy, 2011.11.28-2011.12.1。
(16)Xueliang Liu, Benoit Huet, Social event discovery by topic inference, International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services,1-4, Dublin, Ireland, 2012.5.23-2012.5.25.
(17)Xueliang Liu, Benoit Huet, Gathering training sample automatically for social event visual modeling, ACM international workshop on Socially-aware multimedia,9-14, Nara, Japan, 2012.11.2-2012.11.2.


