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2013年12月-今 大連理工大學 交通運輸系 副教授

2010年1月-2013年12月 大連理工大學 交通運輸系 講師

2007年7月-2009年12月 University of North Carolina at Charlotte Civil Engineering 博士

2006年9月-2007年5月 University of North Carolina at Charlotte Mechanical Engineering 博士

2003年9月-2006年7月 大連理工大學 工程力學系 碩士

1999年9月-2003年7月 大連理工大學 工程力學系 學士

2011年-2012年 大連理工大學研究生院 培養辦 副主任 (掛職)負責研究生培養的國際化

2012年-2014年 大連理工大學研究生院 學位辦 主任助理 (掛職)負責研究生培養國際化

2014年-今 大連理工大學研究生院 培養辦辦 副主任 (掛職)負責研究生培養的國際化


Young Committee Member of Transportation Research Board (TRB) Bridge Management Committee

Member of International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE)

Member of Society of Experimental Mechanics (SEM)

Member of Chi Epsilon, National Civil Engineering Honor Society

Reviewer of Journal of Transportation Research Record (TRR)

Reviewer of Transportation Research Board (TRB)

Reviewer of Forensic Engineering 2009 Conference





教育部博士點基金新教師類--基於三向應力的瀝青路面結構拉壓不同性強度理論及分析最佳化算法研究 (負責人)


西部交通科技計畫項目--高性能火山灰瀝青混合料套用技術研究 (骨幹參與)

美國交通部重點項目-IRSV System for Transportation Infrastructure Operations and Management,二期,骨幹參與.


美國交通部重點項目-IRSV System for Transportation Infrastructure Operations and Management,骨幹參與.


紅外照相技術檢驗軍用建築的混凝土牆內部空隙項目, US Department of Army項目,骨幹參與







Refereed Journal Articles

1.Wanqiu Liu, et al. Optical fiber based sensors with flexible encapsulation for pavement behavior monitoring. Structural Control and Health Monitoring. Published online.

2. Kaoshan Dai, David Boyajian, Wanqiu Liu, Shen-en Chen and Jeremy Scott, Laser-based field measurement for a bridge finite element model validation, Journal of Performance and Constructed Facilities, published on line

3. Wanqiu Liu and Shen-en Chen, Reliability analysis of bridge evaluations based on 3D light detection and ranging data, Structural Control and Health Monitoring

4. Yanqing Zhao, Hui Liu and Wanqiu Liu, Characterization of linear viscoelastic properties of asphalt concrete subjected to confining pressure, Mech Time-Depend Mater

5. Yanqing Zhao, Wanqiu Liu and Yiqiu Tan, Analysis of critical structure responses for flexible pavements in NCHRP 1-37A Mechanistic-Empirical pavement design guide, Journal of Transportation Engineering

6. Zhi Zhou, Wanqiu Liu, Ying Huang , Huaping Wang, Jianping He, Minghua Huang, and Jingping Ou. “Optical fiber Bragg grating sensor assembly for 3D strain monitoring and its case study in highway pavement.” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing

7.Bian, H., Bai, L., Wang, X., Liu, W., Chen, S.E., Wang, S.-G. (2011). “Effective LiDAR Damage Detection: Comparing Two Detection Algorithms,” Structural Engineers

8.Wanqiu Liu, Shen-en Chen, David Boyajian, Edd Hauer, “Application of 3D LiDAR scan of a bridge under static load testing,” Material Evaluation,

9.W. Liu, S.Chen and E. Hauser, “Bridge Clearance Evaluation Based on Terrestrial LiDAR Scan,” ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities

10.Wanqiu Liu, Shen-en Chen, Kaoshan Dai and Edd Hauser,” Review paper: Remote Sensing Applications to Health Monitoring of Civil Infrastructure, ”Journal of Structural Health Monitoring, accepted.

11.Wanqiu Liu, Shen-en Chen and Edd Hauser, “Lidar-based bridge structure defect detection”, experimental techniques

12. Jiefu Chen, Wanqiu Liu, Wanxie Zhong, ‘Precise time integral for the Bloch equations and its application to optimal design of radio frequency pulses’, Acta physica sinica

Refereed Conference Proceedings

1. Wang, HP, Liu, WQ, Zhou, Z, Wang, SH, Li, Y, Guo, ZW, “The behavior of a novel raw material-encapsulated FBG sensor for pavement monitoring.” Proceedings of SPIE

2. Liu, WQ, Wang, HP, Zhou, Z,; Li, SY, Ni, YB, Wang, G. “Optical fiber based sensing system design for the health monitoring of multi-layered pavement structure.” Proceedings of SPIE

3. Wanqiu Liu, Edd Hauser, Shen‐en Chen, and Garland Haywood, “A Study on Current Bridge Maintenance Policies,” ASCE Conf. Proc

4. Dai, KS, Chen, SE, Scott, J, Schmieder, M, Liu, WQ, Hauser, E. “Development of the baseline model for a steel girder bridge using remote sensing and load tests.” Proceedings of SPIE

5. S.E. Chen, W. Liu, K. Dai, H. Bian and E. Hauser, “Remote Sensing Techniques for Bridge Monitoring,” Geohunan International Conference II, ASCE, June 6-8, Hunan, China, 2011.

6. K. Dai, C. Watson, W. Liu, S.E. Chen and E. Hauser, “Validation of Bridge Girder Deflection Measurements Using LiDAR Scan,” NDE/NDT Structural Materials Conference, ASNT, New York City, NY, August, 2010.

7. Y. Tong, H. B., C. Watson, K. Dai, W. Liu and S.E. Chen, “LiDAR Scan Applications for Bridge Condition Validation Post-Blast Load and Construction,” NDE/NDT Structural Materials Conference, ASNT, New York City, NY, August, 2010.

8. S.E. Chen, E. Hauser, K. Dai, W. Liu, B. Ribarsky, S.K. Lee, B. Tolone and C. Boyle, “Enhanced Bridge Management via Integrated Remote Sensing,” the Fifth International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and management, July 11-15, 2010, Pittsburgh, PA.

9. Wanqiu Liu, Shen-en Chen, Allen Sajedi and Edd Hauser, “The role of terrestrial 3D LiDAR scan in bridge health monitoring, ” Smart structures/NDE, SPIE

10. Chen, S.E., Hauser, E., Boyle, C., Ribarsky, B., Tolone, J. W., Lee, S.W., Chang, R., Dai, K.S., Liu, W.Q., Wang, X.Y., Vatcha, R., Dou, W.W. and Rice, C. (2009). “Commercial Remote Sensing Applications to Transportation Infrastructure Monitoring and the USDOT-RITA Bridge Project,” the Professional Aerial Photographer Association annual meeting. (Eastern regional). Fredericksburg

11. Jeremy Scott, Wanqiu Liu, David Boyajian, Kaoshan Dai, and Shen-en Chen, “Baseline model establishment for a bridge II: Static load testing”. IMAC XXVIII A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, Florida USA. Feb1-4, 2010.

12. W. Liu, S. Chen, K. Dai, C. Rice, B. Phibrick, E. Hauser, Z. Hu, C. K. Huyck and C. Boyle, “Bridge evaluation through non-contact sensing techniques,” TRB 89th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 10-14, 2010.

13. C. Rice, S. chen, K. Dai, W.Liu, R. Eguchi, E. Hauser, C. Boyle and B. Phibrick, “Remote sensing techniques for bridge inspections, ” TRB 89th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 10-14, 2010.

14. Wanqiu Liu, Shen-en Chen amd Edd Hauser, “Remote sensing for bridge health monitoring”, Optical Engineering + Applications, SPIE

15. E. Hauser, W. Liu, S.E. Chen, B. Ribarsky, S.K. Lee and B. Tolone, “Integrated LiDAR Applications in Enhanced Bridge Management,” ASNT Fall Conference, October 19-23, 2009, Columbus, OH.

16. Shen-En Chen, Edd Hauser, Ron Eguchi, Wanqiu Liu, Corey Rice, Zhenghui Hu, Chuck Boyle, Howard Chung, “Bridge Health Monitoring Using Commercial Remote Sensing,” Proceedings of Structural Health Monitoring 2009, 7th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, Sep

17. Xiaoyu Wang, Rashna Vatcha, Wenwen Dou, Wanqiu Liu, Shen-En Chen, Seok-won Lee, Remco Chang, and William Ribarsky, ‘Knowledge Integrated Visual Analysis System for in-depth Management of Bridge Safety and Maintenance’, SPIE Visual Analytics for Homeland Defense and Security, Orlando, Florida, USA, Apr.

18. Vatcha R., Lee S.W., Murty A., Tolone W., Wang X., Dou W., Chang R., Ribarsky W., Liu W., Chen S.E., Hauser E., ‘Towards Sustainable Infrastructure Management: Knowledge-based Service-oriented Computing Framework for Visual Analytics’, Visual Analytics for Homeland Defence and Security, Orlando, Florida, USA, Apr. 13-17, 2009.

19. William Ribarsky, Edd Hauser, Shen-en Chen, Bill Tolone, Seok-won Lee, Remco Chang, Wanqiu Liu, Rashna Vatcha, Xiaoyu Wang, ‘Integrated Remote Sensing and Visualization (IRSV) System for Transportation Infrastructure Operations and Management’, Poster at the 88th annual Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, USA, January

20. 劉婉秋, 王希誠, “非平穩隨機激勵作用下的桁架結構拓撲最佳化,” 中國力學學會學術大會2005論文集

21. Xicheng Wang, Wanqiu Liu, Zengjie Ge, ‘Optimization shakedown design of plate structures by genetic algorithm structural optimization’, The Third China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Optimization of Structural on Mechanical Systems, Kanazawa, Japan, Oct. 30- Nov. 2, 2004.

22. 王希誠, 劉婉秋, “結構安定性最佳化設計的演化算法,”全國計算機新科技與計算機繼續教育學術會議全國計算機新科技與計算機繼續教育學術會議論文集 2003年.

23. 王希誠, 劉婉秋, 李純蓮, “結構安定性最佳化設計的並行演化算法,” 中國計算力學大會2003, 北京.

24. Xicheng Wang, Chunlian Li, Hailei Zhang, Kun Yang, Wanqiu Liu, A parallel evolutionary algorithm for structural optimization, Proceedings of International Conference on Parallel Algorithms and Computing Enviroments (ICPACE), Hong Kong, China, 2003, 77-80.



1. 柔性道路結構內應力測試的低模量光纖感測探頭. 申請人:周智, 劉婉秋, 王花平, 何建平, 黃明華.

2. 道路結構多層介質的全尺度光纖監測技術. 申請人:周智, 劉婉秋, 王花平, 何建平, 黃明華

3. 道路結構形態監測的全尺度光纖感測技術. 申請人:周智, 劉婉秋, 王花平, 何建平, 黃明華. 2013.7.

4. 適合道路結構全尺度監測的鎧裝光纖感測器. 申請人:劉婉秋, 王花平,周智.



Outstanding graduate student, UNC Charlotte.

The 2005 QIAN LINGXI scholarship, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China.


西部交通科技計畫項目--高性能火山灰瀝青混合料套用技術研究 國際領先


