

劉勝強,哈爾濱工業大學理學研究中心教授、博士生導師。 研究方向:生物數學、微分方程、動力系統



1999. 9--- 2002.4 中國科學院數學研究所博士,研究方向:生物數學導師:陳蘭蓀研究員
1996. 9 --- 1999. 7 廣西師範大學數學系, 碩士導師:羅桂烈教授, 江佑霖教授
1992. 9 --- 1996. 7 湖南科技大學數學系, 學士


2007.4— 哈爾濱工業大學理學研究中心, 博士生導師。
2007.3— 哈爾濱工業大學理學研究中心, 教授。
2005.6—2007.1 廈門大學數學科學學院, 副教授。
2003. 7—2004.12 芬蘭Turku大學數學系, 博士後
合作導師:Mats Gyllenberg教授、Kari Saikkonen博士
2002.5— 2005.5 中國科學院系統科學研究所, 數學機械化研究中心,博士後


Scientific Researcher, Summer 2010 Thematic Program on the Mathematics of Drug Resistance in Infectious Diseases, July-August (six weeks), 2010, Fields Institute, Toronto, ON, Canada
Communication, Title: “Competition Exclusion in Chemostat Models with Delays”, 2Annual Atlantic Mathematical Biology Workshop, 7-8 June, 2010, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada
Plenary Speaker, Title: “Diffusive Epidemic Models in Heterogeneous Environment”, Joint Conference of the Society for Mathematical Biology and the Chinese Society for Mathematical Biology, June 14-17, 2009 , Hangzhou, China
Visiting Scholar, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada, September-October, 2007.
Visiting Scholar, Urbino University, Italy, August-September, 2006.
Visiting Scholar, Urbino University, Italy, April-May 2005.



MathematicalBiosciences;JournalofTheoreticalBiology;BulletinofMathematicalBiology;DiscreteandContinuousDynamicalSystemsSeriesB;JournalofBiologicalDynamics;JournalofMathematicalAnalysisandApplications;MathematicalBiosciencesandEngineering;NonlinearAna lysisRWA;NonlinearDynamics;JournalofComputationalandAppliedMathematics;InternationalJournalofBiomathematicsBioSystems,AdvancesinComplexSystems,AppliedMathematicsandComputation,AppliedMathematicalModeling,SCIENCECHINAMathematicsANDsomemathematicaljournalsinChina,Reviewerof《MathematicalReviews》







專 著:
劉勝強、陳蘭蓀著,《階段結構種群生物學模型與研究》,科學出版社, 2010年7月。
1. *Shengqiang Liu, Lansun Chen, Profitless delays for extinction in nonautonomous Lotka-Volterra system, Communication in Nonlinear Science & Simulation, 6(2001):165-170. 
2. Shengqiang Liu, *Lansun Chen, Permanence, extinction and balancing survival in nonautonomous Lotka-Volterra system with delays, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 129(2002): 481-499.(SCIE)
3. *Shengqiang Liu, Lansun Chen, Guilie Luo, Extinction and permanence in competitive stage structured system with time delays, Nonlinear Analysis TMA, 51(2002), 1347-1361. (SCI)
4. *Shengqiang Liu, Lansun Chen,Necessary-sufficient conditions for permanence and extinction in Lotka-Volterra system with discrete delays, Applicable Analysis, 2002(81), 575-587.
5.*Shengqiang Liu, Lansun Chen, Guilie Luo, Youlin Jiang, Asymptotic behaviors of competitive Lotka-Volterra system with stage structure, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 271(2002): 124-138. (SCI)
6. *Shengqiang Liu, Lansun Chen, Zhuojun Liu, Extinction and permanence in nonautonomous competitive system with stage structure, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2002(274): 667--684. (SCI)
7. Shengqiang Liu, Lansun Chen, Ravi Agarwal, Recent Progress on State-structured Population Dynamics, Mathematical and Computer Modelling,2002(36): 1319—1360(42 pages). (SCIE)
8. *Shengqiang Liu, Lansun Chen, Necessary-sufficient conditions for permanence and extinction in Lotka-Volterra system with distribute delays, Applied Mathematics & Letters, 16 (2003): 911-917. (SCI)
9. *Shengqiang Liu, Lansun Chen, Ravi Agarwal, Harmless and profitless delays in the discrete Lotka-Volterra systems, Applicable Analysis,2004(83):411-431.
10.*Shengqiang Liu, Mahieddine Kouche, Nasser-eddine Tatar, Permanence and Global Asymptotic Stability in a Stage Structured System with Distributed Delays, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 301(2005): 187-207. (SCI)
11. *Shengqiang Liu, Edoardo Beretta, Competitive Systems With Stage Structure of Distributed -delay Type,Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 323 (2006), 331–343, (SCI)
12. *Eva Kisdi, Shengqiang Liu, Evolution of handling time can destroy the coexistence of cycling predators, Journal of Evolutional Biology,19(2006): 49-58.(SCI)
13. *Shengqiang Liu, Edoardo Beretta, Stage-structured Predator-prey Model with the Beddington-DeAngelis functional response, SIAMJournal on Applied Mathematics, 66(2006): 1101-1129. (SCI)
14. Ping Yan, *Shengqiang Liu, SEIR epidemic model with delay, ANZIAM Journal, 48(2006) : 119-134,(SCI)
15. *Shengqiang Liu, Zhuojun Liu, Permanence of General Stage -structured Consumer-resource Models, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 201 (2007) 381-388,(SCI)
16.*Shengqiang Liu, Zhuojun Liu, Jianliang Tang, A Delayed Marine Bacteriophage Infection Model, Applied Mathematics & Letters, 20 (2007) 702–706, (SCI)
17. *Shengqiang Liu, Jianhua Zhang, Coexistence and stability of predator–prey model with Beddington–DeAngelis functional response and stage structure,Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 342 (2008) 446–460, (SCI)
18. *Mahieddine Kouche, Nasser-eddine Tatar, Shengqiang Liu, Permanence and Existence of a Positive Periodic Solution to a Periodic Stage-Structured System with Infinite Delay, Applied mathematics and computation,202(2008), 620-638.
19. *Rui Peng, Shengqiang Liu, Global stability of the steady states of an SIS epidemic reaction–diffusion model, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications,(SCI) 71 (2009) 239-247.
20. Xiaohong Lai, Shengqiang Liu*, Rongzhen Lin, Rich Dynamical Behaviors for Predator-prey Model with Weak Allee Effect, Applicable Analysis, (SCI), 89( 2010) 1271–1292.
21. Shengqiang Liu*, Edoardo Beretta, Dimitri Breda, Predator–prey model of Beddington–DeAngelis type with maturation and gestation delays, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, (SCI), 11(2010), 4072-4091
22. Shengqiang Liu, Lin Wang, Global Stability of an HIV-1 Model with Distributed Intracellular Delays and a Combination Therapy, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 7(2010). 675-685, (SCI)
23. Shengqiang Liu*, Asymptotical Behaviors of Nonautonomous Discrete Kolmogorov System with Time Lags, Advances in Difference Equations, (SCI), (2010) ID: 517378, 1-19
24. Shengqiang Liu*, Shaokai Wang, Lin Wang, Global dynamics of delay epidemic models with nonlinear incidence rate and relapse, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, (SCI),12(2011) 119–127。
25.Wang J*, Huang G, Takeuchi Y, Shengqiang Liu,Sveir epidemiological model with varying infectivity and distributed delays,Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, (SCI),8(2011): 875-888
26. Jianzhong Su*, Yunfeng Qi, Shengqiang Liu, Xueting Wu, Jie Lv, Hongbo Liu, Ruijie Zhang, Yan Zhang*, Revealing epigenetic patterns in gene regulation through integrative analysis of epigenetic interaction network, Molecular Biology Reports, (SCI), DOI: 10.1007/s11033-011-0910-3
27. Jinliang Wang*, Shengqiang Liu, Baowen Zheng, Yasuhiro Takeuchi, Qualitative and bifurcation analysis using an SIR model with a saturated treatment function, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, (SCI), doi:10.1016/j.mcm.2011.08.045
28. Jinliang Wang, Shengqiang Liu, Yasuhiro Takeuchi, Threshold dynamics in a periodic SVEIR epidemic model, International Journal of Biomathematics, (SCI), 4(2011):1–17.
29. Shengqiang Liu, Xizhuang Xie, Jianliang Tang, Competing Population Model with Nonlinear Intraspecific Regulation and Maturation Delays,International Journal of Biomathematics, (SCI), accepted.
30. Kasia A. Pawelek, Shengqiang Liu, Faranak Pahlevani, Libin Rong*, A model of HIV-1 infection with two time delays: mathematical analysis and comparison with patient data,Mathematical Biosciences, (SCI) , (2011), doi:10.1016/j.mbs.2011.11.002
31. Jianzhong Su*, Xiujuan Shao, Hongbo Liu, Shengqiang Liu, Qiong Wu, Yan Zhang*, Genome-wide dynamic changes of DNA methylation of repetitive elements in human embryonic stem cells and fetal fibroblasts, Genomics, (SCI) , (2011), doi:10.1016/j.ygeno.2011.10.004


