企業教練所承擔的義務Coaching For Commitment
TheCoaching for Commitment Discussion Guideis a supplement to the book,Coaching for Commitment: Achieving Superior Performance from Individuals and Teams, Third Edition , the 2-day,Coaching for Commitment Workshopand theCoaching Skills Inventory, Third Edition. This guide offers an introduction to the provenCoaching for Commitmentapproach to coaching. Specifically, it describestheRole Model , which identifies four distinct roles (Manager, Mentor, Instructor and Coach), then focuses on thecoach roleby illustrating the Coaching Prism, which is inclusive of the InDiCom (Involve, Discover and Commit) Coaching Model and the CLEAR Coaching Skills: Challenge, Listen, Encourage, Ask and Refine. Ideally, copies of the guide are distributed to others and are usedas a starting point to explain Coaching for Commitment and for creating a common coaching language.