代瑞華 博士/講師研究方向:水處理,水質淨化技術及其機理
1. Ruihua Dai, Huijuan Liu, Jiuhui qu, Xu Zhao, Jia Ru, Yining Hou. Relationship of Energy Charge and Toxin Content of Microcysytis aeruginosa in Nitrogen-limited or phosphorous-limited Cultures. Toxicon, 2008, 51: 649-658. (IF=2.509)
2. Ruihua Dai, Huijuan Liu, Jiuhui Qu. Cyanobacteria and their toxins in Guanting Reservoir of Beijing, China. J. Hazardous Materials, 2008, 153(1-2): 470-477. (SCI IF=2.337)
3. Ruihua Dai, Huijuan Liu, Jiuhui Qu. Effects of amino acids on microcystin production of the Microcystis aeruginosa. J. Hazardous Materials,2009, 161(2-3):730-736(SCI IF=2.337)
4. Dai Ruihua, Liu Huijuan, Qu Jiuhui. Extracting and analysis the adenosine phosphate in the cells of Microcystis aeruginosa. Chinese J. Analytical Chemistry, 2007, 35(12): 1701-1705. (SCI IF=0.361)
5. Ruihua Dai, Huijuan Liu, Jiuhui Qu. The effects of different nitrogen compounds on the growth and microcystin production of Microcystis aeruginosa. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology - Aqua (accepted)(SCI收錄)
6. 代瑞華,劉會娟,曲久輝.銅綠微囊藻中磷酸腺苷的提取及分析方法.分析化學.2007, 35(12):1701-1705. (SCI IF=0.361)
7. 代瑞華,劉會娟,曲久輝。氮磷限制對銅綠微囊藻生長和產毒的影響.環境科學學報. 2008, 28(9):1739-1744.
8. 代瑞華,劉會娟,曲久輝,茹加.醋酸纖維素吸附劑的製備及其性能表征.環境科學,2005,26(4):111-113. (EI)
9. Liu Huijuan, Dai Ruihua, Qu Jiuhui, Ru Jia. A novel adsorbent for removing lipophilic organic from water: its preparation and characterization. Science in China (Series B), 2005, 48: 600-604. (SCI IF=0.65)
10. 劉會娟,代瑞華,曲久輝,茹加.一種去除親脂性有機物的新型吸附劑製備及其性能表征.中國科學 B輯,2005,35(3):247-251. (SCI IF=0.65)
11. Huijuan Liu, Jiuhui Qu, Ruihua Dai, Jia Ru, Zijian Wang. A biomimetic absorbent for removal of trace level persistent organic pollutants from water. Environ. Pollut., 2007, 147(2): 337-342.
12. Huijuan Liu, Ruihua Dai, Jiuhui Qu. A novel triolein-containing adsorbent and its use for removal of organochlorinated pesticides. The First International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, January, 2005, in USA. (Oral presentation)
1. 參與國家973計畫“京津渤區域複合污染過程、生態毒理效應及控制修復原理” (2007CB407301),2007.5-2011.8。
2. 參與“秦皇島洋河水庫水華爆發應急事件”調查研究,2007.6-2007.10
3. 參與完成國家863計畫“生物類脂-醋酸纖維素複合吸附劑製備及去除低濃度POPs的高效技術” (2002AA649080),2003.5-2005.12。
4. 參與完成自然科學基金“類脂複合吸附劑及去除水中低劑量持久性有機物研究” (50578154),2006.1-2008.12。