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出版社: 中國勞動社會保障出版社; 第1版 (2009年8月1日)
叢書名: 高等職業技術院校公共課教材
平裝: 139頁
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787504577108
條形碼: 9787504577108
尺寸: 25.8 x 17.8 x 0.6 cm
重量: 259 g


《互動英語(3)》為國家級職業教育規劃教材,由人力資源和社會保障部職業能力建設司推薦。《互動英語(3)》根據高等職業技術院校基礎課程教學要求,由人力資源和社會保障部教材辦公室組織編寫。《互動英語(3)》共分8個單元,分別是:Means of Transportation;Weather and Climate;Signs;Health and Fitness;Holidays;Well-behaved;Digital World;Pollution。
《互動英語(3)》由季海榮、唐麗麗主編,Alxjandro Taylor審稿。


Unit 1 Means of Transportation
Section A Introduction to Common Means of Transportation
Section B airway
Section C Railway
Section D Traffic Jams
Unit 2 Weather and Climate
Section A Weather and Climate
Section B The Effect of Weather on People
Section C climates Variations
Section D The Change of Climate
Unit 3 Signs
Section A Signs Everywhere
Section B Traffic Signs
Section C Other Public Signs
Section D Do We still Need Stop Signs
Unit 4 Health and Fitness
Section A Health and Fitness
Section B Smoking and Health
Section C Exercise for Health
Section D Losing Weight for Health
Unit 5 Holidays
Section A Various Holidays in China and Western Countries
Section B Christmas and the Spring Festival
Section C Love's Day
Section D Holiday Syndrome
Unit 6 Well-behaved
Section A Table Manners
Section B Dressing Manner for Work
Section C Other Good Manners
Section D Why We Should Be Well-behaved
Unit 7 Digital World
Section A Digital Products
Section B Computers
Section C Digital cameras
Section D Enjoy Your Digital Life
Unit 8 Pollution
Section A Various Pollution
Section B Air Pollution
Section C Water Pollution
Section D China Wakes up to the Dangers of Pollution


