

中國國際收藏品鑑定評估中心(英文名字“China International Collection and Appraisal Center”,簡稱“AICAC”)是於2014年7月在香港註冊的中國較具權威的收藏品市場定價評審機構之一。

中國國際收藏品鑑定評估中心(英文名字“China International Collection and Appraisal Center”,簡稱“AICAC”)是經國家批准 、於2014年7月在香港註冊 的中國較具權威的收藏品市場定價評審機構之一。中心始終遵守國家法律、法規,堅持“科學檢測、鑑定真實、交易誠信”的原則,積極對各種投資收藏品進行科學、客觀的鑑定評估,將贗品、次品、不具備投資收藏價值的品類拒之於外,為公眾甄選優秀的、具有收藏價值和升值潛力的藏品。




The identification of Chinese international collection assessment center (English name "China International Collection and at the center, referred to as AICAC) is incorporated in Hong Kong in July 2014 China is one of the authority of the collectibles market pricing review mechanism. Center always abide by the laws and regulations of the state, adhere to the principle of "scientific testing, authenticity, transaction integrity,", actively scientific and objective evaluation of various investment collectibles, fake and inferior products, and do not have the investment value of the collection in the category of exclusion from outside, is the public selection of outstanding, with the collection value and appreciation potential of the collection.

The center gathered a large number of authoritative collectors, critics and investment professionals, they in their respective field of study has a certain influence and authority, is a professional and strong, the market experienced team of experts, and strictly abide by the statute of the Commission and the industry professional ethics, objective, scientific, integrity and compliance history principle, profound cultural foundation and rigorous work attitude to all kinds of social institutions and personal collection to provide identification assessment and advisory service.

Over the years, with the growing prosperity of collectibles market of our country, the center of the business continue to grow and develop, in addition to undertake some daily organization and individual appraisal business, and has undertaken at home and abroad a large collection of tasting events, business coverage throughout the home and abroad.

The identification procedure: filling (a table), payment, identification, retrieve the collection (certificate).


