
Sheamus | WrestleMania 28 | 2012.04.02 | 1 |
Daniel Bryan | TLC2011 | 2011.12.19 | 1 |
Big Show | TLC2011 | 2011.12.19 | 3 |
Mark Henry | Night of Champions 2011 | 2011.9.26 | 1 |
Randy Orton | SummerSlam 2011 | 2011.08.15 | 3 |
Christian | Money in the Bank 2011 | 2011.07.18 | 2 |
Randy Orton | SmackDown2011.05.06 | 2011.05.06 | 2 |
Christian | Extreme Rules 2011 | 2011.05.02 | 1 |
Edge | SmackDown 2011.02.18 | 2011.02.18 | 7 |
Dolph Ziggler | SmackDown 2011.02.11 | 2011.02.11 | 1 |
Edge | TLC 2010 | 2010.12.19 | 6 |
Kane | Money In The Bank 2010 | 2010.07.19 | 2 |
Rey Mysterio | Fatal 4 Way 2010 | 2010.06.21 | 2 |
Jack Swagger | SmackDown | 2010.04.02 | 1 |
Chris Jericho | Elimination Chamber 2010 | 2010.02.21 | 5 |
Undertaker | Hell In A Cell 2009 | 2009.10.04 | 3 |
CM Punk | SummerSlam 2009 | 2009.08.23 | 3 |
Jeff Hardy | Night of Champions 2009 | 2009.07.26 | 2 |
CM Punk | EXtreme Rules 2009 | 2009.06.07 | 2 |
Jeff Hardy | EXtreme Rules 2009 | 2009.06.07 | 1 |
Edge | Backlash 2009 | 2009.04.26 | 5 |
John Cena | WrestleMania 25 | 2009.04.05 | 2 |
Edge | No Way Out 2009 | 2009.02.15 | 4 |
John Cena | Survivor Series 2008 | 2008.11.23 | 1 |
Chris Jericho | Raw | 2008.11.03 | 4 |
Batista | Cyber Sunday 2008 | 2008.10.26 | 4 |
Chris Jericho | Unforgiven 2008 | 2008.09.07 | 3 |
CM Punk | Raw | 2008.06.30 | 1 |
Edge | One Night Stand 2008 | 2008.06.01 | 3 |
Undertaker | WrestleMania 24 | 2008.03.30 | 2 |
Edge | Armageddon 2007 | 2007.12.16 | 2 |
Batista | Unforgiven 2007 | 2007.09.16 | 3 |
The Great Khali | SmackDown | 2007.07.17 | 1 |
Edge | SmackDown | 2007.05.08 | 1 |
Undertaker | WrestleMania 23 | 2007.04.01 | 1 |
Batista | Survivor Series 2006 | 2006.11.26 | 2 |
Booker T | Great American Bash 2006 | 2006.07.23 | 6 |
Rey Mysterio | WrestleMania XXII | 2006.04.02 | 1 |
Kurt Angle | SmackDown | 2006.01.10 | 2 |
Batista | WrestleMania 21 | 2005.04.03 | 1 |
Triple H | New Year s Revolution 2005 | 2005.01.09 | 5 |
Triple H | Unforgiven 2004 | 2004.09.12 | 4 |
Randy Orton | SummerSlam 2004 | 2004.08.15 | 1 |
Chris Benoit | WrestleMania XX | 2004.03.14 | 2 |
Triple H | Armageddon 2003 | 2003.12.14 | 3 |
Goldberg | Unforgiven 2003 | 2003.09.21 | 3 |
Triple H | Armageddon 2002 | 2002.12.15 | 2 |
Shawn Michaels | Survivor Series 2002 | 2002.11.17 | 1 |
Triple H | Raw | 2002.09.02 | 1 |
Chris Jericho | Vengeance | 2001.12.09 | 2 |
The Rock | Raw | 2001.11.05 | 2 |
Chris Jericho | No Mercy | 2001.10.21 | 1 |
The Rock | SummerSlam 2001 | 2001.08.19 | 1 |
Booker T | Raw is War | 2001.07.30 | 5 |
Kurt Angle | SmackDown | 2001.07.26 | 1 |
Booker T | Nitro | 2001.03.26 | 4 |
Scott Steiner | Mayhem 2000 | 2000.11.26 | 1 |
Booker T | Nitro | 2000.10.02 | 3 |
Booker T | Fall Brawl 2000 | 2000.09.17 | 2 |
Kevin Nash | Nitro | 2000.08.28 | 4 |
Booker T. | Bash at the Beach 2000 | 2000.07.09 | 1 |
Jeff Jarrett | Nitro | 2000.05.29 | 4 |
Kevin Nash | Thunder | 2000.05.24 | 3 |
Jeff Jarrett | Nitro | 2000.05.22 | 3 |
Ric Flair | Nitro | 2000.05.15 | 15 |
Jeff Jarrett | Slamboree 2000 | 2000.05.07 | 2 |
David Arquette | Thunder | 2000.04.27 | 1 |
Diamond Dallas page | Nitro | 2000.04.24 | 3 |
Jeff Jarrett | Spring Stampede 2000 | 2000.04.16 | 1 |
Sid Vicious | Thunder | 2000.01.26 | 2 |
SidVicious | Nitro | 2000.01.24 | 1 |
Chris Benoit | Souled Out 2000 | 2000.01.16 | 1 |
Bret "Hitman" Hart | Nitro | 1999.12.20 | 2 |
Bret "Hitman" Hart | Mayhem 1999 | 1999.11.21 | 1 |
Goldberg | Halloween Havoc 1999 | 1999.10.24 | 2 |
Sting | Fall Brawl 1999 | 1999.09.12 | 7 |
Hollywood Hogan | Nitro | 1999.07.12 | 6 |
Randy Savage | Bash at the Beach 1999 | 1999.07.11 | 4 |
Kevin Nash | Slamboree 1999 | 1999.05.09 | 2 |
Diamond Dallas page | Nitro | 1999.04.26 | 2 |
Sting | Nitro | 1999.04.26 | 6 |
Diamond Dallas page | Spring Stampede 1999 | 1999.04.11 | 1 |
Ric Flair | Uncensored 1999 | 1999.03.14 | 14 |
Hollywood Hogan | Nitro | 1999.01.04 | 5 |
Kevin Nash | Starrcade 1998 | 1998.12.27 | 1 |
Goldberg | Nitro | 1998.07.06 | 1 |
Hollywood Hogan | Nitro | 1998.04.20 | 4 |
Randy Savage | Spring Stampede 1998 | 1998.04.19 | 3 |
Sting | Superbrawl VIII | 1998.02.22 | 5 |
Sting | Starrcade 1997 | 1997.12.28 | 4 |
Hollywood Hogan | Road Wild 1997 | 1997.08.09 | 3 |
Lex Luger | Nitro | 1997.08.04 | 2 |
Hollywood Hogan | Hog Wild | 1996.08.10 | 2 |
Giant | Nitro | 1996.04.22 | 2 |
Ric Flair | Superbrawl VI | 1996.02.12 | 13 |
Randy Savage | Nitro | 1996.01.22 | 2 |
Ric Flair | Starrcade 1995 | 1995.12.27 | 12 |
Randy Savage | World War III 1995 | 1995.11.26 | 1 |
Giant | Halloween Havoc 1995 | 1995.10.29 | 1 |
Hulk Hogan | Nitro | 1994.07.17 | 1 |
Ric Flair | In Atlanta | 1994.04.24 | 11 |
Ric Flair | Starrcade 1993 | 1993.12.27 | 10 |
Big Van Vader | In Dublin, Irland | 1993.03.17 | 3 |
Sting | In London, England | 1993.03.11 | 3 |
Big Van Vader | In Baltimore | 1992.12.30 | 3 |
Ron Simmons | In Baltimore | 1992.08.02 | 1 |
Big Van Vader | Great American Bash | 1992.07.12 | 1 |
Sting | Superbrawl II | 1992.02.29 | 2 |
Lex Luger | Great American Bash | 1991.07.14 | 1 |
Ric Flair | In Rutherford | 1991.01.11 | 9 |
Sting | In Baltimore | 1990.07.07 | 1 |
Ric Flair | In Nashville | 1989.05.07 | 8 |
Ricky Steamboat | In Chicago | 1989.02.20 | 1 |
Ric Flair | In Chicago | 1987.11.26 | 7 |
Ron Garvin | In Detroit | 1987.09.25 | 1 |
Ric Flair | In St. Louis | 1986.08.07 | 6 |
Dusty Rhodes | In Queensboro | 1986.07.25 | 2 |
Ric Flair | In Japan | 1984.05.24 | 5 |
Kerry von Erich | In Irving | 1984.05.06 | 1 |
Ric Flair | In Singapur | 1984.03.23 | 4 |
Harley Race | In Neuseeland | 1984.03.21 | 4 |
Ric Flair | In Greensboro | 1983.11.24 | 3 |
Harley Race | In St. Louis | 1983.06.10 | 3 |
Ric Flair | ?? | 1982.09.02 | 2 |
Ric Flair | In Kansas City | 1981.09.17 | 1 |
Dusty Rhodes | In Atlanta | 1981.06.21 | 1 |
Harley Race | In Gainesville | 1981.05.01 | 2 |
Tommy Rich | In Augusta | 1981.04.27 | 1 |
Harley Race | In Japan | 1980.09.09 | 1 |
Giant Baba | In Japan | 1980.09.04 | 1 |
1. 最老的冠軍是Kane,時年43歲。
2. 最年輕的冠軍是Randy Orton,時年24歲。

4. 最短的時間記錄是BigShow,剛剛戰勝Mark Henry就被Daniel Bryan兌換自己才得到45秒的世界重量級冠軍。5. Bill Goldberg贏得了WCW title和WWE's World Heavyweight Championship,這是當時RAW最大的兩個冠軍。當然,後來這兩個腰帶合而為一了。所以Goldberg等於贏得了同一個頭銜兩次。WWE實際上修改了NWA/WCW冠軍腰帶而製成RAW World Championship腰帶, 改變包括在頂部添加WWE標誌,並且將腰帶形狀更加弄得更加圓滑,實際上WWE標誌是在腰帶使用了幾個月之後才被加上去的。
6. 2005年6月之前, the World Heavyweight Championship是RAW的冠軍頭銜,但是由於Batista轉會,他變成了SD!的腰帶。
7.Ric Flair 是贏得次數最多的冠軍。他一共贏得了15次冠軍。
8.Kane距上次獲得世界冠軍時間段達最高記錄——12年,先前的記錄保持者是Bob Backlund,在1983年失去了WWE冠軍腰帶,1994年重新把它贏了回來。